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Everything posted by AverageBloke

  1. Does any one no whether cbd or the higher thc would be more beneficial for pain ? I'm trying to avoid prescription medications because they often have unwanted side effects and I'm just exploring alternatives. Also, can it be purchased in an oil based form because I'd rather not smoke nowadays....cheers
  2. I've always subscribed to the theory that real men don't need to bragg as to what they can do.
  3. On the contrary, I would say that most racists are conditioned to be that way. And in my mind that is still no excuse for their poor judgement, as adults we must take responsibility for our actions.
  4. Im not sure why you would have the creeps but each to their own. I was in Thailand 2 months ago so I have a fair idea what's happening over there but I'm certainly no expert and im always happy to learn more from others, that's part of the reason I'm on this site. Good luck with everything in the future and I hope everything goes well for you.
  5. Inflation in Australia is supposedly running about 7.3% but my shopping bill has increased by double that rate. All the necessities, food, accommodation and energy have really been slugged and there doesn't look like much relief in sight. I'm fortunate because I have my own home but people in my area are paying $250 or more, just for a room. There's a lot of people doing it tough here at the moment and I don't think we've seen the worst of it yet. I'm still hopeful of making the move to Thailand next year but as usual my timings probably not to good.
  6. I just want to say thank you to those who offered their advice. I'm starting to realise that maybe keeping my property here in Australia might be the way to go at this point in time. I will also engage a financial planner to help me find ways to invest my savings so I can maximise my income. I'm probably guilty of overthinking things at this point in time because the economy seems so volatile and I don't want to make any silly mistakes. I wish everyone the best of luck going forward and thanks once again...cheers I
  7. I'm currently living in Australia (in my own home) and I find I can manage an adequate lifestyle, but if I had to pay a mortgage or I had to pay rent I feel it would be quite a struggle, especially with the increasing costs of food, fuel, and energy. My Thai girlfriend and I have known each other for about 5years and we travel back and forth to each other"s countries but I want us to settle together in one place in the not-too-distant future. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this question. If I sell my primary residence in Australia and I buy an apartment in Thailand will the Australian government recognise this as my primary residence or are all my assets counted against me if I make the move? I'm asking because this would put me over the Centrelink threshold and it would mean I would be in the somewhat risky position of needing to find investments to not eat away at my capital.
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