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Everything posted by Shetraveler

  1. Aw, you have no idea how many vegans there are in the world. People don't like that others don't eat the way they do. Vegans get sabotaged by omnivores all.the.time.
  2. Asians? More like every nationality and alcohol.
  3. What spirit? I just want to be a good person. Religion is evil.
  4. It would be nice if their embassies would have standard requirements. My insurance is ample and valid, yet they change my requirements 2-3 times during the process every year.
  5. Funny, I hear the same thing about x christians, y christians, z christians.
  6. Oh right, you're whining about another "group" when your "group" does the same thing. Never see any western idiots revving their engines to show what big men they are? Then you're wearing blinders. Psst, your racism is showing.
  7. You want all jobs in Thailand to go to farang? I like that they at least offer this protection; it is their country, not yours.
  8. I agree. If you want this to stop, suspend the tour company licenses for 6 months, first offense.
  9. Oooh, said a farang. Same same with your country.
  10. I suggest you find some activity that interests you, and do it. I've lived in 5 countries (I'm that old) and always meet great people doing what I most enjoy doing. There are running clubs, local coffee shops, motorcycle/bicycle travel groups, etc. You have to put yourself out there.
  11. I've studied Thai massage for many years, and now just enjoy massages for 2 hours 3 days per week. Massage done with metta (loving kindness) is perfection. Build a relationship with your masseuse and they will learn your body, this enhances both the massage and relationship. I've been enjoying the same masseuse for several years.
  12. I transferred money through an ACH on Friday and baht were in my account on Sunday.
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