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Posts posted by cockneyrebel

  1. Living in Prakhonchai, I am not very familiar with the Surin restaurants.

    Certainly Patronus makes a valid point regarding Coffee Corner. As an infrequent visitor, I am always made very welcome by the staff - there is a pleasant atmosphere, prices are reasonable, and such food as I have eaten there has always been top quality.

    Other estaurant owners should take a look!

    shame on you Nick not supporting your mate not often :D
  2. Hi got this from a mate a month ago who where he was working had an immigration solicitor there

    Your circumstances may not be the same as I am not married

    Hi mate have got all the details to get your daughter a British passport.

    You need your birth certificate your passport.

    Her birth certificate = partner.

    Your daughters translated in English 500BHT fee for this in Bangkok.

    Blue book for the house 2 passport photos signed and certified

    You need to get a Thai passport first 2000bht because you’re not married,

    Takes 3 days just turn up in Bangkok to do with the above documents.

    The same once you get that

    Go to the British embassy 8.00am they will check and send for the British passport for you

    4250BHT delivered to your home address

    4250BHT for passport and 1200BHT delivery by courier <DHL from Hong Kong.

    The good thing about this way is you go they scan check everything before they charge you

    If it’s wrong they don’t charge you they just tell you what you need to do or bring

    It’s basically a check and send service in Thailand from the British embassy.

  3. i went to FC today for lunch. i had an egg sandwich and a tuna mayo sandwich with chips. was very nice. my gf had a thai meal, not sure what, and she liked it. i normally have a breakfast there but will have sandwiches from now on.

    i think they sell a large heineken too cheaply. i was charged 70b. i can buy in big c for about 68b. i would be happy to pay 100b.

    also, is it possible to have real bacon on the menu ( for breakfast or sandwich ). if you buy a breakfast or a sandwich with bacon, it is thick ham - not bacon. i would love to see proper bacon on the menu

    Hi Kunash,

    I have mentioned your comments to the girls and this is their response...

    Heineken beer is 90 B, not sure why you got discount, I paid more for my large Leo today blink.gif and the bacon comes from Pattaya or from Prasat, and I think it might be Canadian Bacon. (their description - farang bacon), I didn't ask S. as she was busy. N. said it was expensive when S. buys the bacon.

    Oh yes last thing... they say thank you and happy you enjoyed your meal. and I say thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts here today too.

    I was there for a short time today (one Leo's worth), there were some new and not so new faces there today... looked to me like a good time was had by all...

    Sunni usually buys the bacon at staffords in prasat run by Gary i buy it all the time expensive not really but you get what you pay for great selection of English food over there and if you do not wish to travel to prasat a selection of English goods is always available at the 108 shop come beer bar and apartments past the elephant stadium on your left till the end off the road hang a right sharp left follow the road also at staffords best sunday lunch going for miles :D

    Thanks for the update...

    forgot to say it is not Canadian bacon its proper bacon
  4. i went to FC today for lunch. i had an egg sandwich and a tuna mayo sandwich with chips. was very nice. my gf had a thai meal, not sure what, and she liked it. i normally have a breakfast there but will have sandwiches from now on.

    i think they sell a large heineken too cheaply. i was charged 70b. i can buy in big c for about 68b. i would be happy to pay 100b.

    also, is it possible to have real bacon on the menu ( for breakfast or sandwich ). if you buy a breakfast or a sandwich with bacon, it is thick ham - not bacon. i would love to see proper bacon on the menu

    Hi Kunash,

    I have mentioned your comments to the girls and this is their response...

    Heineken beer is 90 B, not sure why you got discount, I paid more for my large Leo today blink.gif and the bacon comes from Pattaya or from Prasat, and I think it might be Canadian Bacon. (their description - farang bacon), I didn't ask S. as she was busy. N. said it was expensive when S. buys the bacon.

    Oh yes last thing... they say thank you and happy you enjoyed your meal. and I say thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts here today too.

    I was there for a short time today (one Leo's worth), there were some new and not so new faces there today... looked to me like a good time was had by all...

    Sunni usually buys the bacon at staffords in prasat run by Gary i buy it all the time expensive not really but you get what you pay for great selection of English food over there and if you do not wish to travel to prasat a selection of English goods is always available at the 108 shop come beer bar and apartments past the elephant stadium on your left till the end off the road hang a right sharp left follow the road also at staffords best sunday lunch going for miles :D
  5. Read some where before about a name change and colour scheme so here is my suggestion in memory of Martin why do we not paint it blue and white and call the place the Chelsea bar, that should keep a lot off the riff raff out like north Londoner's , scouser's and mancs not forgetting the Geordie's LOL

    Not to sure about the putrid blue colour you suggest Tone, after all we don't want the essence of failure souring our beer when we're in there. Perhaps a more rustic black & white colour scheme may be the better approach. :lol:

    Do not know John dreary colour's would make you fall asleep quickly well it does me when i watch them on the TV

    if we stick to the blue and white will all be drinking champagne next year, on the other hand are pastel colours still in

  6. On Google translate I just type in English and it comes out Thai, even says it for you if you want

    Go to Google and in the upper left is a translate link.

    Some times my wife and I argue passing the compuuter back and forth

    the only problem is that in a sentence it as it is not always what you write, i always copy it and reverse it from Thai to English and then read it.
  7. Read some where before about a name change and colour scheme so here is my suggestion in memory of Martin why do we not paint it blue and white and call the place the Chelsea bar, that should keep a lot off the riff raff out like north Londoner's , scouser's and mancs not forgetting the Geordie's LOL

    Yes....that's what Surin needs. A little cliquey-like club members only atmosphere.

    can i have that chip on your shoulder ,lighten up i was having a Steffi Graf
  8. Cockney you might well be right in what you said, however, statistically is unlikely, i can understand some odd ones turning up with some issues, but when you start having 2, 3, 10, 20,....people, more or less pointing out at a certain familiar vibe going on there, it must to be some truth on it, what do you think?

    we might both be right but you have to show me some proof of what you have read , on the other hand may just be some people not being happy with the place for some reason or another , easiest place to start spreading rumor's of how great a place is or how bad a place is, is a forum, only way you can find out is pay a visit
  9. Read some where before about a name change and colour scheme so here is my suggestion in memory of Martin why do we not paint it blue and white and call the place the Chelsea bar, that should keep a lot off the riff raff out like north Londoner's , scouser's and mancs not forgetting the Geordie's LOL


  10. I have been reading many reports about this place, but especially about the "Lady Dragon" and her thai boyfriend attitudes, IMHO, a place which do not have respect for their customers do not deserve any efforts from others to be "saved", as already suggested, the best thing is for the place to change ownership, save your good intention for whom deserve them, honestly!

    I myself have never had a problem with the owner, have you ever been in there ? if so and you have read reports i suppose it all depends what attitude you go in there with
  11. i have heard that alot of expats go to ryan's resort now in prasat , were the beer in cheap 99B jug of leo, and the food is ist class, but you will always get the penny pinchers anywere you go in thailand.

    i dont think i'm allowed to post the link on here just google it ryansresortprasat if your interested.

    i go there once a week,so you hardly call me a regular, but when i do i enjoy it.

    dont believe everything you hear
  12. A good old traditional "chips shop" would be in order, as well.

    If we can't bring the foreign devil to them....what good are we.

    White Man's Burden.

    why not open one then show us how its done :jap:
  13. There never was a part income part money.

    The Rule.

    (5) In the case of a parent, one of parents must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit of not less than 400,000 baht for expenses within a year.


    Lite Beer , or any one sorry to be a pest but would this work ,assuming i have an income of say 50k per month that gets paid into my bank in the UK , i would need to draw 40 k out of an ATM then pay it in to my Thai bank account . Over the month i draw out 10k a week or less , and i do this for the next 12 months ,when i go to extend the visa again i show them my T/bank book they can see 40k per month paid in , is this sufficient evidence or would i need more proof of where the the 40k per month came from

    cheers C.R.

  14. Just to clear up a misunderstanding on Bank Balance combined with Pension approval..

    Bangkok have in fact allowed this method for a number of years and that is how my Visa extension has been approved for at least 4 years or more.

    This time the lady said the Boss had stopped it and she couldn't dare to approve it as she would have problems herself..

    May be a case of new brush sweeps clean!

    Thanks for the reply ,but last year at my local office which is now closed i put in for the visa apparently it was then sent off to Korat and then Bangkok for approval which i assume Bangkok is the head office and they approved ,it is now a smaller office which is denying me this or asking for this ,does anyone have the Bangkok immigration phone number to hand Thanks C.R.

  15. Hi can any one tell me the answer thanks

    Last year i obtained my visa on my child i have with my Thai g/f it was just after they brought the new rule in for 400,000 baht

    so i used part money and part pension , went to renew this year in Korat/ chok chai ever thing OK so i thought a week ago but have had a phone call today from Korat saying that there boss wants me to show 400k in my bank account , i asked why but they did not give me a satisfactory answer have the rules changed ? Korat gave me the number off her boss and i thought i was talking to some one in Bangkok ,but apparently it was another office near to chok chai ,so maybe the person there does not know what they are doing or just being awkward any answers would be helpful thanks as i do not want to put 400k into the bank if i do not require it cheers C.R.

  16. Quote bilinlos

    Does anyone know of any reputable building contractors in Isaan? I plan to build a somewhat simple home about 30 kilometers south of Mukdahan. I have contacted Alan the Builder, but so far all I get back from him is what he won't do. I'd prefer to work with someone that has a bit more of a positive attitude. I have some simple Thai house plans that I wish to modifiy a bit to suite my needs. While I have a Thai partner that can communicate, I would like a contractor I can discuss issues in English. Am I asking too much?

    Hi Alan the builder doe's most the work around my area and indeed my house , unless he is too busy to do it but I don't go

    getting all histrionic about it if he cannot manage to do it ,i accept that he is busy and i go reluctantly and look else where ,I say

    reluctantly because the standard of his work is very high and i would rather have him do it , but at the moment i believe he has at least 18 months work on his books including a couple of very expensive house's , we are good friend's and have a beer together

    and sometimes i will help him out and check his Building emails for him if he cannot get to his computer to let him know if there is any urgent message's ,and i believe he replied to your email about 9 months ago and then did not hear anything till recently now is that a positive attitude ?

  17. From C.R. surinfarang

    So nice to read so many nice tributes for Martin on here unlike the condescending back to fronts on the Teak door web site , who I have No doubt have heard the sad news off Martins passing away ,but are so stuck so far up there on arse’s with there self righteous ways they cannot do a thing wrong . And cannot be bothered to post a

    Message of condolence, what a bunch off tossers, sorry that cannot be recognized by spell check maybe I should have been with a capital T, Regards C.R.

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