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Posts posted by cockneyrebel

  1. My IPStar (CSloxinfo) is down for about 2 weeks now. Sporadically it works, but most of the time I get routing errors and/or the connection is super slow.

    Who got similar experiences recently? I heard they have routing probs in BKK, but how can this continue for such a long period?


    hi yes i to had ip.star from c.s.loxinfo nothing but problems ,but still wanted for you to pay for service , cancelled it. Now get i.p.star from T.O.T. much better , problem now and again also cheaper 512 for2354 per month another plus when it goes wrong i can get a engineer to call not wasting money on phone calls everyday to try and sort the problem out do not know to much about computers but loxinfo is like a grade 2 system and tot is a grade 4

  2. Hiya gdhm,

    Hope you don,t mind, but can you let me know what the charges are, how you pay and which U.K. Embassy did you use.

    Thanks in advance

    marshbags :o:D:D

    Hi marshbags,

    Yes I am very happy to do so, and to actually "Give" something back to this Forum for which I have received so much helpful advice.

    First I need to say:

    I have a 90 day Non immigrant "o" Visa and am currently in Thailand. Therefore I am applying for my Retirement Visa IN THAILAND by the extension and change to a Retirement Visa option. The requirements are a little different and EASIER form within Thailand. If you are applying to a Thai Consulate outside Thailand or from within your country of residence and you do not hold a Visa of any sort already then there are further and different requirements (see a previous thread originated by me about a month to 2 months ago and various others for details).

    OK the details you have requested marshbags

    I asked several question by email to the UK Embassy, Bangkok. I have ALWAYS found this particular Embassy to be very helpful, always willing to be reasonable (where possible) to problems AND they always seem to answer my emails (occasionally I have chased a week later when they are no doubt busy and a reply to my chaser has been made within a day). Most times a chaser has not been necessary and I have even had the Vice Consul email answers to me.

    From a personal point of view I have GREAT respect and appreciation to THIS Embassy and its helpful Staff.


    British Embassy

    14 Wireless Road

    Bangkok 10330

    Tel ++66 (0)2305 8333 ext 2318

    Fax ++66 (0)2255 6051

    FTN 8419 2318


    Public opening hours:

    Mon-Thurs mornings 0800-1100, afternoons 1300-1530 hrs

    Fridays 0800-1200 only

    My questions by email to the Embassy:

    Q: Can I send my Company Pension details letter to you (UK Embassy Bangkok) by post and get you letter returned to me by post.

    A: You can either request the letter in person or by post as long as you have registered with the Embassy. Our on-line registration is available on our website www.britishembassy.gov.uk/thailand . Please fill out a form and print screen a hard-copy for enclosing with your request to confirm your registration. A representative from you is also acceptable.

    Please NOTE marshbags that when I tried on-line registration it was not working at the time. I advised this to my Embassy contact by email and was advised:

    A: Many apologies for the error of the on-line registration. Please simply provide me the following details, therefore we can register you.

    Surname :

    Forenames :

    Date & Place of Birth :

    Gender :

    Add & telephone in Thailand :

    Nationality & Passport details :

    Work address & tel :

    Next of Kin & contact details (parents are next of kin for children but it's a good idea that parents state other family members / relatives).

    Q: What are the costs?

    A:Consular fee for a standard letter is currently Bt 1,763 (plus Bt40 EMS postage if applicable).

    Q: How do I pay. Can I pay in cash?

    A:It is advisable for you to purchase a postal order, available at post offices, or a bankers' draft from a local bank and make it payable to the British Embassy.

    Please NOTE marshbags that as I sent my documents by TNT (very secure) so I decided to be "lazy" and sent cash NO PROBLEM

    Q How long will the process take

    A:The letter will be ready for collection on the next working day after the receipt.

    marshbags. I sent the letter by TNT and the documents were returned by post to me within 6 days (a weekend was in the middle). Excellent turnaround I think.

    I pointed out in my first email to the Embassy that they held copies and had sighted my original passport in April when they saw my "Freedom to Marry" document. I asked if they needed to see my passport

    A: A plain copy of your British passport (photo page only) and local address

    Note marshbags: I decided to also sign and date the photocopy as a courtesy. I cannot tell you if a photocopy would have been acceptable IF they had not previously sighted my original passport. You may need to ask them on this one OR send your original passport to them

    It would not be fair of me to give out the individual contact's email address marshbags but one general one I have used is: [email protected] and you will find up to date ones on their website (see earlier in this message)

    I hope I have answered all the questions you wish information on, but IF NOT please just ask and I will respond as soon as I see your query.

    Kindest regards


    Hiya Dave

    Many thanks for a very informative and detailed reply to my questions and for spending a lot of time and effort

    to make things easy to follow.

    I hope your post will also be of use to other T.Visa members who are able to qualify for retirement visas.

    It should save a lot of time and worry about what to do and gives detailed information based on your personal experience and is a very positive post.

    Most of my visits have been o.k. when dealing with the embassy i might add and i have no complaints personally, especially with the U.K. officers.

    The visa forum in particular is so helpful to everyone and the mods really are dedicated to assisting us even the most difficult situatiions.

    This does not under value all the other sections but we all have visa issues and without resolving them we couldn,t stay here.

    kind regards and thanks are reciprocated

    marshbags ( a big thumbs up to you )

    Why send to England I sent my original pension certificate to Bangkok and got the formal letter back which you can use over and over again just make sure you get the formal one back when you apply for your visa.

  3. i am a 49 year old who can get his pension at the age of 50 who works in England and was planning to move to Thailand next August what do i do now?

    the lump sum i take from my pension will be used to build a home so i will not be able to stick 800,000 in the bank.HELP

    Straight forward? ... Not a chance (and there hasn't been for quite a few years - nothing changed) ... You only have two options for a longstay retirement in Thailand: 1) Show proof of 800,000 baht on your Thai bank account, originated from abroad, at every yearly extension. 2) Get a letter from your embassy stating you get a monthly pension from abroad (don't remember how much, but that monthly income must sort of level with the 800,000 a year)

    Retirement visa 800,000 in bank required but monthly pension if large can work against that amount as can be reduced. I.e. will not need 800'000 in bank I believe.

    You could get married then only 400,000 required, also why not rent' then you would probably have the amount required. hope this helps one other question if any onecan answer may be a dumd question ,but what if on your arrival you get your 30 days ,then you go out of the country, say after 3 weeks for a day then you return you gat another 30 days can you keep doing this as not been in country for 90 days?

  4. Stop yer whining there is too much bloody football on anyway. I can think of a lot better ways of spending my time than watching a load of nancy boys ponce around a pitch.

    Well said... Try a civilized sport like F1.



  5. I don't think much of corned beef, corned beef hash is delish!

    Is corned beef hash just an American thing? :o

    No Corned Beef Hash is English.

    Ingrediants: A tin of Tomatoes, tin of Mushrooms, tin of Corned Beef, tin of Baked Beans, onions, cubed Potatoes, salt & pepper, Worcester sauce, Demi-brown sauce mix.

    Mix the Demi-brown to make a not too thick sauce. Crush the tomatoes and add(you can use fresh diced tomatoes, but I don't find them as tasty)put in salt and pepper, worcester sauce to taste. add the tin of Corned Beef, cut into small sqares,add the onions( and garlic), add baked beans, mushrooms. Simmer for 20 mins. Do not stir. Add potatoes, cook for further 5 mins. Voila. Corned Beef hash. My customers love it. I did serve it to an American Lady once, and she said " That's not Corned Beef Hash" Obviously different over there. The Northern Germans do their own version as well, called Labskaus.

    the proper way to make it is par boil some potatoes when cool dice them up and fry them till just brown,remove from the pan then chop an onion up and fry till soft, dice the corn beef add it to the onion along with the potatoes some + salt and pepper fry till hot pile up on a plate and top with a fried egg or two.

  6. My husband regularly dries meat on our roof - fish, beef, pork. He puts whatever it is on a tray, covers it, and chucks it on the tin roof over our garage.

    So, I got to thinking after an order of sundried tomato and feta cheese bruschetta bread at an Italian restaurant.... these sundried tomatoes are yummy little devils. Surely I could put some tomatoes on the roof and voila! sundried tomatoes. Right??? :o

    There's obviously more to it than that. Any of you cooking enthusiasts out there know how to dry them properly outside in the sun? Are there other ingredients besides tomatoes? Any tried and true methods out there? Helpful hints?

    Thanks guys. :D



    do a yahoo search you will come up with about 1500 ways from memory

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