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Posts posted by mr_hippo

  1. Sit & situate although appear to be from the same root are not.

    Where were you when the crash happened? Is it a) I was sat on the bus or :o I was sitting on the bus? If you answered :D that would have been correct if the question was Where were you doing when the crash happened? If you asked me the same question, you may have got as an answer 'I was sat sitting on the bus'. Is that correct? Of course not but we have used it in my family for generations!

    Doza - if you feel that it does not sound right then don't use it. English is a living language and sometimes bad construction becomes acceptable through common usage. I see you have used 'do it' in place of 'does it', why?

  2. I do believe that they offer the average person who desires more earnings the real opportunity to become wealthy. Many people who can not sell will call this type of selling a scam but lets not belittle hard work because it is only those few who truley work hard that succeeed.

    Have you been vaccinated with Amway serum? There will always be people who earn money in all types of sales. 85% of sales commissions is earned by 5% of the sales force that means that 95% are running round for the remaining 15%. "Two years ago, I was living in a trailer park in Podunk, Iowa - just look at me now! I now own a 45 room mansion, a Lexus, a Porsche and I have just ordered a private jet - so if I, Billy Joe Bob from Podunk, Iowa, can do it then so can you." So you give Amway your joining fee (searched the 'net but cannot find how much it is), spend hours perfecting your spiel, getting friends and family to buy and waiting for that 'big' commission cheque - meanwhile in Podunk, Iowa, what is Billy Joe Bob doing? Do you think he is driving around Podunk in his Lexus with his sales kit in the boot?

    There are a few who will make money from Amway and similar schemes and that is with a combination of work and luck. Not having much success with Amway and want to leave? "You're going through a bad patch, Billy Joe Bob is in your town, next week. I'll get him to come round and talk to you."

  3. Pick up A red pen in the group of blue is not correct because it is not one of many. THE red pen is specific.

    Why is it wrong? If you ask anyone to pick up a red pen in a group of blue ones, which pen will they pick up? Either may be used. It may be the only red pen in the group but it is only one.

    A lot of confusion happens when 'a' becomes 'the'. 'I bought a car yesterday' - how many cars did I buy? One, unspecified. Any further mention to what I bought yesterday will become 'the' which will be referring to the specific car. If we don't change the 'a' into 'the' then the statement is meaningless - 'I bought a car yesterday, a car was the Bugatti Veyron.' In the first part we are referring to any car but the second part refers to a specific car so we will have to use 'the' - 'I bought a car yesterday, the car was the Bugatti Veyron.'

    Try 'A student was late today, a student was limping'. Am I talking about one student or two? That sounds as if one student was late and a different student was limping but 'A student was late today, the student was limping'.

  4. you will generally be invited by your friend to get involved - you get a brochure of products to push on your friends etc, but the main nuts and bolts will be your friend helping you to find and recruit 6 or so more members, once you have them, your focus will be to give them a catalogue to sell products but also for each of your 6 newbies to go find themselves 6 people.

    You recruit 6 and then they, in turn, recruit 6 and so on. Do the maths - !st generation 6 (your friends), 2nd generation 36 (your friends' friends 6x6), 3rd generation - 36 in your chain x 6 = 216, 4th - 1296, 5th - 7776, 6th - 46656, 7th - 279936, 8th - 1679616, 9th - 10077696, 10th - 60466176 [refresh my memory - what's the population of Thailand?] Just a few more generations to go and you have got the whole population of the world in your chain.

    As rio666uk says, it is not pyramid selling, it is now called multi-level marketing - same horse, different colour!

  5. I, personally, was shocked that anyone from England could tell which food was crap/rubbish and which was not!!! :o

    When was your last visit to England?

    Two years ago.

    You do not have to eat English food if you do not like it and you certainly do not need to make childish remarks based on your preferences. There are foods that I do not like but I do not made broad generalisations based on my taste. I couldn't eat the thickened cow's blood/milk mixture of the Masai but I would not call that crap. Is hummus 'crap' just because I don't like it?

  6. Perhaps your wife calls what you eat crap.

    Yes, all the things you grew up on, made yourself capable of supporting her (and more), a girl from a jungle or dirt may state you were fed crap.

    Had she known what the food is all about she could be right. But she does not know, she has never seen a civilized breakfast other than rice soup (+ if old enough, lao khao).

    Those who had bargirls in their hotels and took them for breakfast know what I mean.

    Now, they have any right to call my food "crap"?

    What is a 'civilised breakfast'?

  7. Then, try to make Garmisch Partenkirchen out of that place. Not even Swiss police would know what to do, let alone that poor sod under the boot of the military government.

    And there wass me thinking Garmisch Partenkirchen was in Bavaria, has there been a boundary change?

    Even if I were wrong, how does that change the point?


    Not a case of 'If I were wrong..', you are wrong so other 'facts' may be wrong also.

  8. kerryk - do you have a triple sink and 6 cutting boards in your house? If not, why not? You say that "99% of our problems were employees not following correct food handling procedure not our suppliers" That is poor management/supervision. Would they be better employees had they been HSCCP certified? I think not.

    The reason that the US has required HACCP training for every food service employee is because most food service employees are uneducated minimum wage employees who have some illiterate idea that food sanitation is not really necessary to preserve health.

    When you are dealing with ignorant low class people that make up the majority of food service employees I think that HACCP training is a great assistance in making them better and safer employees.

    It is the experience of most health departments that the program is working.

    Instead of blaming 'ignorant low class people', try blaming yourself and your management team and not using a lame excuse!

    Once again, do you have a triple sink in your house? If not, why not?

  9. Then, try to make Garmisch Partenkirchen out of that place. Not even Swiss police would know what to do, let alone that poor sod under the boot of the military government.

    And there wass me thinking Garmisch Partenkirchen was in Bavaria, has there been a boundary change?

  10. Perhaps I am incorrect but I believe the correct word here is "hanged".

    You are correct. Hang has two past tense and past participle forms; hanged and hung. You should use hung in general situations, as in 'They hung out the washing', whilst hanged should only be used when talking about executing someone by hanging, as in 'The prisoner was hanged' or any death by hanging.

  11. Would you try to reach some type of settlement with the gentleman?

    Help out the victim, maybe pay for his medical bills and repair his bike.

    That is an excellent suggestion, and given the opportunity to do so I will.

    When you left the airport in your home country, there was a receptacle for sharp objects, were there also receptacles for brains and common sense? What do you hope to gain from paying the medical bills, repairs and, possibly, posting bail?

  12. kerryk - do you have a triple sink and 6 cutting boards in your house? If not, why not? You say that "99% of our problems were employees not following correct food handling procedure not our suppliers" That is poor management/supervision. Would they be better employees had they been HSCCP certified? I think not.

  13. There's a better Thai custom - if you know a Brit on this forum who lives in Bangkok, has the member number 30,887 and with the name of an African animal in his nickname, you have to send him 25000Baht/month. Should I e-mail you my bank details?

  14. Quick questions to those complaining about not having the requisite number of sinks and cutting boards -

    How many of you have a triple sink and 6 cutting boards in your house?

    How many of your family members' houses meet the standards?

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