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mickey rat

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Posts posted by mickey rat

  1. 2 hours ago, brommers said:

    The PCD asked people  to stop burning! For f××ks sake slap a huge fine on anyone caught burning and start rewarding whistle blowers in cash. That will focus some minds.

    Not going to happen. The Chinese holiday is over now back to burning the sugar cane. Asking the public not to burn in open spaces? ???? What a load of <deleted>, the Chinese multinationals that own this place are actually pushing to increase sugar production. ???? 

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, Fred white said:

    Saying sugar kills is like saying guns kill guns don't kill people kill sugar don't kill over consumption kills over consumption of anything can cause health problems

    No, that's a moronic analogy at best. Like apples and oranges, really. I remember when I first came to Thailand pre 711, you'd be hard pressed to find a fat Thai. I remember I counted one in all of Udon Thani! Fortunately most Thais don't have unlimited access to a guns like they do sugar and junk food. ????

    • Sad 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

    How is it possible that some greedy farmers are allowed to pollute and intoxicate nearly all of Thailands population ... and the government does nothing against it except " propositions on how to tackle the problem " . The burning goes on for years already , people get sick and fed up because of that .

    May be instead of paying billions for useless submarines and other military gadgets , they should finance some sugarcane harvesters for every province that are used by all sugar cane plantations , one after the other ...?

    A government that does not protect the people from the easily avoidable smog that is caused by the burning , is not worth to be named " government " , because it does not do what it should do .

    They are so concerned about ' losing their face ' ... do they ever reckon how much of their precious ' face ' is lost due to their incompetence ...?


    No it's not incompetence, it's greed. ????????????


    46 minutes ago, 30la said:

    Here the air has improved, still unbreathable but according to my app about 60 points below yesterday's level, at the moment "only" 97 microns 2.5!

    Only 97? Wow, that's fantastic! ????

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  4. 1 hour ago, Jimbo2014 said:

    Just the ones reported.  But hey dont worry, these people will be happy to know those big multinationals are making a fortune of cheap land clearance by crop burn.  Thats what matters to this government!

    Yes, and the powers that be are making huge investments in expanding the current system based on burning and greed. The solution: Close the schools that'll fix it! ????

    • Sad 1
  5. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    We cannot simply put the blame on people and penalise all the polluters because the outcome of penalty measures will create other serious problems for society," Prayuth told reporters on Monday

    Nero fiddles while Thailand burns! In other words, get used to it! Schools were also closed last year at exactly this time. Next year will be worse. They killed the golden goose with their greed. Thailand as a tourist destination is finished.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Bundooman said:

    "kicking out all the old farangs will not improve our score".

    What a totally, stupid, stupid, arrogant and worthless remark.


    Let me tell you something sunshine, I'm an old guy and I drive a car and ride a motorbike here in Thailand and have done so for 15 years.. I also work and don't sit on my fat butt every day swilling beer and drooling over a beer gut, wearing wife beater T-shirt and trying to pretend I'm 40 years younger - while wishing I could get a hard-on for a change and be a stud every day for every tight-pussie-in boots BG that passes and stinking of BO and fag ash - loud mouthing my exploits in Special Forces or the SAS and sexual conquests.

    I personally, am extremely fit and suggest to you, Oh wondrous Adonis of the world - I probably have more patience, knowledge of defensive driving skills, driving experience and less aggression in my personality on Thai roads, than you have lifting your finger to pick your nose.

    In short, I am no different to many of my TV colleagues on this forum  who view your immature and vindictive comment as utter trash...……………………...


    Go back to your beer , cheap flip flops and baggy pants and fantasise what it means to actually drive properly in this country - and look closely at your silly, silly, comment, "our score".

    Delusions of grandeur!


    There endeth the lesson!

    Write a book. ????

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