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Posts posted by jomtienisgood

  1. 12 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Walking dead. They were selfish and ignorant when they were young. They are no different now that they are old. Show them the videos from France, Spain and Italy of the people their age  gasping for breath, lying in their urine and  feces because there is no one available to clean them, let them see those begging for help, slowly dying. Maybe they will get it.

    If not, just isolate them all together in a cheap flat  and they can get to know each other some more.

     With a name like yours why are you not helping the poor helpless people urinating themselves in Europe?

  2. On 11/28/2019 at 8:36 AM, IAMHERE said:

    Getting harder to come by here in Pattaya area since early summer. Usually convenience store (all 8 in walking distance) is out of stock for a couple weeks at a time, when they do get it some people buy 6 bottles at a time so they are soon out of stock again. The price at 7/11 is 243 up from 240; liquor store is up from 280 to 320 a bottle (pint), they do have some ordinarily. 

    I hardly drink it but the GF does; I think mostly so she gets face from not  drinking Som Sang. But she enjoys Som Sang a couple days after the Regency is gone. 

    Sang Som ;

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