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Posts posted by dsfbrit

  1. This safe is 18 years old and it DOES NOT open with the key only.


    This old style safe has the key for ADDITIONAL security.


    I can close the door and then open it using the digital keypad ONLY.




    I can close the door and then lock it with the KEY AS WELL.


    This means it would take TWO people to open it.


    One person with the key AND one person with the number of the keypad.


    The guy in the Leeco shop in Naklua said the newer Leeco safes - the later model similar to mine, now DOES open with the master key ONLY.


    Mind you, I would rather have the digital keypad working anyway even if I did have a master key facility and for the 90 minutes and 180 baht it took me to remove the digital keypad and take it to the TV repair guy in Pattaya and get it fixed - I think it was worth the effort.


    The Leeco dealer in Naklua said the digital keypad could not be repaired, a new one would cost as much as the safe - if he could even get one.


    He wanted to send his 'safe expert' to my house to open the safe and REMOVE the digital keypad and discard it and then make the safe open with the key ONLY.


    For this he would have charged me 2500 baht.


    I will let you decide if this would have been a better option than the 90 minutes I spent getting it repaired.

  2. I have some pictures below to show what needs to be done to fix this problem.


    Firstly remove the batteries and the screws. (picture 1)

    Then remove the silver plastic around the key lock and remove that screw (picture 2)


    The whole keypad can now be brought forward GENTLY and it shows the white connector that connects the wires to the inside of the safe. (picture 3) and the connector to the battery compartment. (no picture sorry)


    Now remove the connector to the battery compartment. I do not have a picture of that, but it is obvious and simple so a lack of a picture should not be a problem.


    Disconnect the white connector going into the safe.


    Be careful now as the circuit board is showing and you do not want to get any static electricity on the board. Touching something around you like a metal door should be enough.


    You now have the digital pad in your hand with the connector removed.


    You can now take this to your local TV engineer or anyone who fixes circuits boards to get them to try to get it to work.




    like me you can be a bit more adventurous and try to fix it.


    I removed the circuit board from the plastic digital keypad. It is just 4 screws (picture 4).


    I then looked for a dry joint and 'fiddled' for a while to see if I could get it to work.


    I knew if I had been successful each time by reconnecting the battery compartment VERY carefully and testing if I got a 'buzz tone' that I normally got when pressing the keypad.


    I had no success so took it to my local TV engineer as I suggested above.


    He found the problem, a dirty joint, hardly surprising after 18 years.


    He resoldered it and tested for the buzzing sound. It worked.


    This was a VERY easy problem to get repaired and certainly did not need the drastic action suggested by the poster 'In Full Agreement' above I am glad to say.







  3. CharlieH


    Thanks for that.

    I missed that video completely.

    That is the exact problem I am having, I press the key and there is no 'tone' played to show it has been pressed.

    Only 7 out of the 10 digits work.

    It is why I suspect if there were a Master Code, it probably would need one of the failed numbers anyway.

    I will contact that company on YouTube and see if they can help.


    I also went to see the Leeco dealer in Naklua today.


    He was very helpful, but he could not get in touch with the guy who can open safes with problems like this.


    He will keep trying and contact me if he can make contact.


    It seems this is no longer a problem nowadays because MOST modern safes have either a Master Key OR a Master Code that can solve the problem.


    My old safe has neither.


    There is no hurry to solve this problem, there is nothing of intrinsic valuable in the safe just the deeds to the house and other important documents like that and backup external drives for my PC's.


    Thanks to everone for replying.







  4. Liverpool Lou,


    Sadly the key for my safe does not workd like that.

    The safe is 19 years old and for whatever reason back then they decided the key I have is for EXTRA security.


    It works like this:-


    1. I close the safe.

    2. For additional security I then use the key to also LOCK the safe.

    3. To open the safe I input my PIN number using the digital Keypad.

    4. I then ALSO HAVE to use the key to unlock the safe.


    The key on its own does nothing if I cannot first input the PIN into the keypad.


    Daft, but true.

  5. PeterFranks

    Thanks for the reply.

    I changed the batteries and sprayed some switch cleaner as well.


    There is power to the keypad, the light comes on, it beeps when I enter numbers - except for the number '3'.


    No I didn't receive a Mastercode.


    I bought it 18 years ago and have all the documentation that came with it.


    As I mentioned before, there are in fact 3 numbers that do not work, so there is a high probability that sadly a Mastercode would be of little use either.


    I do have my code, it is just I cannot enter one of the digits.


    I tried spraying switch cleaner on the keypad as well, but it was not surprising it did not work.



  6. I have a Leeco safe with a digital keypad.

    I know the combination, but the '3' on the digital keypad is not working.

    My code has a '3' in it.

    I have tried many times to press the 3 and get the tone that says it is recognised.

    No luck.


    As I know the combination, if I take the safe to a local Leeco dealer, can they replace the digital keypad only to open the safe.


    After all I have the combination.


    The safe is a Leeco SD PL.


    I have contacted Leeco Thailand and they have given me the name of a Leeco dealer in Pattaya.


    They could not give me any other technical information though - their helpline is very basic - they were as helpful as they could be though.


    Before I go to the Pattaya dealer, I wanted to know if they can gain access if I take the Safe with me.


    It weighs a lot - is very heavy.


    There is nothing in the safe that I need in the next few weeks, so I thought I would ask for some help to understand the problem I have.


    So any help / comment would be appreciated.


    I may even go there without the safe to discuss my options.


    Maybe they could come here to my house.


    Thanks for your help




  7. VocalNeal


    Thanks for the reply and the advice.


    Yes you are right. I have to make a police report and take it to DLT.


    It is an easy process I have read elsewhere.


    I have copies of the licenses so that should help.


    My thinking was that as my license(s) expire on July 31st - in just 3 weeks - I would like to just do the 5 year extension whilst I am there - if that is possible.


    I have thought about this some more and I have decided to make it a 2-step process.


    1. I will replace these lost licenses today.

    2. I will then make a separate trip when the licenses have expired to renew them. That way I will get the new licenses for nearly 6 years as I have done before.


    Thanks again


  8. I have to renew my 5 year driving licenses (car and bike) by my birthday on 31st July 2022.


    In about 3 weeks time.


    I cannot find them anywhere. They are always in my wallet. I took them out last week to make sure they did expire this month and I must have put them down somewhere. I have looked everywhere.


    I have checked what I need to do to get replacements. It seems to be no real hassle.


    However, the timing of the trip to the Licensing centre seems quite important.


    I think if I go to the licensing centre before July 31st, then I will get a replacement for just just the 3 weeks until July 31st 2022.


    Is that right?


    If I wait until August 1st to replace the licenses and get the 'nearly' 6 years license that we get if we wait until the licenses expires - then that would be better.


    However, I have read that I cannot get a lost license replaced if it is expired and I may have to take my test again?


    Also, I am 68 this month and I believe I have to apply for a new license when I am 70 anyway.


    A bit of a mess and the timing is crucial it seems.


    Maybe I should get my lawyer involved, but I prefer to sort these things out myself if I can.


    If for no other reason than they aren't cheap.


    Any advice would be gratefully received.


    Dear mods, if this is in the wrong forum would you please move it for me. Thanks



  9. I have my second AZ injection on 19th November and am thinking of travelling to Udon Thani for a few days on the 25th.

    There are plenty of flights, but I am not certain if the 2 injections will be enough. I think they will be, but would I still need some other test?


    If I do need more tests, then I won't bother going.


    If the 2 AZ injections are OK to travel, how do I prove I have had them?


    I guess I get a document of some sort at the hospital.


    One other thing, I actually live in Pattaya and have flown from U-Tapao to Udon Thani in the past. Does anyone know if/when those flights may start again?


    Thanks for your help.



  10. Lopburi3, this is what happened yesterday.


    Rather than try to pick out bits and explain it that way, I will just write what occurred from the time I left my home.


    I left Pattaya at 5am.


    Arrived at the airport short term car park at about 6.20 am and was on the Airport Rail Link to Makkasin at 6.40.


    I changed there to the MRT Blue Line to Silom, arriving at the hospital at about 8 am.


    I registered by showing my passport and the appointment letter I had received last week before by email.


    My BP was taken and I waited for the doctor to see me.


    I was in his surgery at 9.15.


    I did not have a specific time, just 9-12, so I was pleased to be in there so early.


    I had with me my medication, my medical history, my BP monitor and a letter I had written with everything that I wanted to say.


    I sat down and read through my letter that detailed everything to do with the heart over the last 10 years - including my healthy lifestyle and my inabilty therefore to change my lifestyle to solve my heart problems.


    It took about 10 minutes that was all.


    He then questioned me about it in some detail.


    He got me to show him how I used my MP monitor machine.


    He said I was using it wrong and that the arrow on the device MUST be over the artery. The artery does not go straight up and I needed to rotate the cuff about 2 cm.


    I then took my BP.

    He said with these home BP machines I should ALWAYS take 3 readings after sitting down and relaxing for 10 minutes.

    This I did.

    The first reading he said should be ignored. That is always a bit high.


    I should wait only 15 seconds and then take a second reading.


    I should then wait another 15 seconds and take the third reading.


    I should then take the AVERAGE of readings 2 and 3.


    This is not how I have used the monitor in the past, I have always avoided taking 2 readings without a 15 MINUTE gap between readings.


    I will do it in future as he said.


    We had already talked for a lot of time - 30 minutes - talking about my BP history and the measurements I had stored in my new BP monitor and the one I replaced with readings from 2 years ago.


    He was not really focused at all/very much on the BP reading, only on my heart rate that was 45 BPM.


    He sent me for an EKG to see what was going on with the electrical signals in my heart.


    When he got the EKG back, we discussed the long gaps produced because of the 45 BPM heart rate.


    That BPM should be at least 60 BPM.


    He explained my beta blockers were not helping me. He suggested I stop taking both the BB's and the aspirin.


    He seemed quite pleased when I pulled all my tablets out of my bag and put them in his waste bin ????


    We discussed the 45 BPM issue and AFib Ablation and Pacemakers for some time.


    Namely, what it does and the advantages and disadvantages.


    Without going into it in depth, he was not a big fan of AFib ablation, as he agreed with my concerns that the Afib could come back.


    I play a lot of sport and asked him if I could carry on playing now and if I had a Pacemaker fitted.


    He said I could in both scenarios


    I have a follow-up appointment in January.


    Before then I have to monitor my BP daily using his averaging method and without any meds.


    If that HR BPM does not get higher than 45 ie to 60, then we could be considering a Pacemaker being fitted early next year.


    I was with the Dr for about an hour in total and we discussed a lot of issues.


    So I cannot fully explain for any reader of this how much the BP may reduce with a Pacemaker.


    I do know that the stored measurements on my old BP monitor when the BPM were nearer 80 than 45, that my BP was about 140/80. Not brilliant, but a return to these numbers would be welcome for sure.


    He gave me various subjects to read/learn about on Google so I will be fully/better informed of the issues when we meet again.


    The Total cost for this very long consultation (nearly an hour) and the EKG was 1200 baht. The EKG was 500 baht.


    I forgot to ask the cost of this procedure, but a quick Google search suggests in Thailand it is probably starting (?) at around 200-300K Baht.


    I will contact the hospital today and see if they will email me the operation costs and length of stay in the hospital.


    If anyone wants any more info, please let me know.


    Although, at this stage, this all I really know.


    • Thanks 1
  11. LopBuri3, I used to have the 'white coat' effect. Not any more though.


    Since I had to have my first hip operation 10 years ago and was in the ICU for 3 days being 'stabilized' for the operation, I have had no fear of needles nor anything at all really.


    It was the first time my AFIb was detected during the pre-op exam and they said they would continue with the operation, but would need to check my heart condition in great detail to make sure I would survive a full general anaesthetic.


    They stuck lots of tubes in me and drip fed me all manner of fluids to make sure I would survive the surgery.


    Knowing I had Afib explained why I had so often felt very faint at times. I thought I just needed breakfast or a pick me up.


    I used to drink power drinks and diet Coke to pep me up when I felt dizzy. The cardiologist was

    amazed I was still alive 'curing' Afib faintness wich caffeine!!!!!!!


    Anyway, my heart was very strong and I was very fit apart from the Afib.


    I was also no longer fearful of anything a hospital could do to me.


    I actually nearly fell asleep in the dentist chair yesterday as I was a bit too relaxed.


    My blood pressure has dropped back quite a bit since the weekend.


    Now it is 'only' around 150/82.


    Not brilliant, but I did some research and it seems that as I had a large abscess develop on my rear tooth that had to have the root canal work, that can have an effect on BP.


    That surprised me a lot, but it seems to be a possible reason why over the weekend and before the dental work, the SYS figure was about 15 points above today's reading of 153 ?


    I have arranged to see the doctor in Bangkok for next Thursday.


    Now I have to avoid Covid.


    I have only had 1 jab (AZ) to date.


    I could drive to BKK airport, part the car and the get the MRT to SIlom OR go to Ekamai by bus from North Pattaya and then get the BTS.


    I suppose I could get a taxi.


    I have avoided Bangkok completely over the last 18 months and am not excited about going there

    now to be honest!!!!


    Anyway, stay well Lopburi 3.









  12. Thanks for the reply LopBuri3.


    Yes I agree, I say the same thing about hospitals and would try to find a good doctor there that the hospital will certainly have.


    The trouble I find with some International commercial hospitals, is they 'seem' to have a culture where they to find things that 'need' to be done and don't necessarily provide a service based on what I really need.


    I won't phrase it any differently than that, but I am sure you know what I mean.


    I had to go to BPH today to have some root-canal dentistry carried out. I find the dental

    department there excellent and the 2 dentists I usually ask for are excellent as well.


    They have a package price for their procedures and there is nothing but good advice and

    service in my experience. I have been going there for 17 years.


    If only my experience of another department there had been so positive 15 years ago, maybe I would not be so distrusting now.


    When they took my BP, it showed the same (slightly higher) reading as I got on my BP monitor at home. I was hoping it would be lower as you can imagine...



  13. Sheryl,


    I asked you this a few years ago, but I could not find the thread where you replied.

    Apologies in advance for asking for the similar information twice.


    My situation is I am a 67 year Englishman.

    I have Afib.


    What has concerned me is my BP recently has beein in the range of 162/85.


    This is not good.


    I have a new Omron BP machine, so I assume it is correct?


    I measure BP most days.


    What really concerns me is that I DO NOT:


    - smoke

    - drink alcohol

    - drink caffeine

    - have a stressful life - my life is pretty stress free in fact.

    - eat processed western food.


    I DO


    - play football 4 times a week for a total of 6 hours - I have played sport all my life

    - I am 6 feet tall and weigh 75 KG so I am not overweight

    - eat a diet that is mainly steamed rice, fish (mackeral in sauce), chicken.


    I tell you this so that you can see there are no obvious vices that I can give up to improve my BP!!!


    It means that I will almost certainly need an operation to sort this out.


    Sadly I don't trust BPH as I had a bad experience with them some years ago.


    (although I am going to use their dental facilities today that I find to be excellent).


    Anyway, what would you recommend I do.


    I think you recommended a training hospital in Bangkok.


    That was just for the Afib though and where I could get the Afib Ablation surgery carried out professionally.


    Now I would probably need a hospital that would do other surgeries as well.


    Certainly the first step is for me to be examined by someone who can advise (honestly) what tests I need and what I need to do next.


    If you have any advice you can offer me, as always I would much appreciate it as your advice has always been excellent


    Thanks and regards







  14. Lucky Bones, I had to be at Central Plaza at 11.00 27th for my AZ vaccine.


    I was sent an SMS on the 26th.


    Fortunately I left my house near Naklua at 9.15. I like to be early and we were going to have breakfast beforehand.


    We took the SUkhumvit Rd and got 200 yards from the Nth Pattaya lights at about 9.30. We then sat there watching the 'riverlike' flooding build up until 10.40.


    We eventually got through this flood and went via the Beach Road that was also flooded. Fortunately I have a pick-up and drove through it arriving on the 6th floor at 11am.


    BPH did a very well organised and professional job with the set up they had there.


    I then took 2 hours getting home on what is usually a 20 minute journey.


    Well worth the effort though


    edit: I too would like to thank TV and the posters for posting the sites that I could register with. I have no real idea where my appointment came from as I regisered with so many sites (10?) with my registrations, but it was a message from BPH directly.

  15. Thanks very much for the replies. We went to the place that just taxed my motorbike and asked them as the local DLT is closed. They were very helpful. They said she will have to take the written test again. 


    They were not sure the exact period after it elapsed the test must be retaken, but it is definitely less than 2 years.


    Thanks again

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