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Posts posted by dsfbrit

  1. Sorry Howard, I did not realise you are the guy on the TV that runs the News channel. I used to like your news broadcasts, much better than other news channel in my opinion.

    I understand now that setting up of the new News channel is taking up much of your time. I am impressed you find enough hours in the day to keep the web site up to date at all.

    Good luck to you and I have just tried your web page again and it loaded a lot faster.

  2. I could do with some advice please from anyone who has used the airport at Nakhon Phanom.

    I have to get from the airport to Mukdahan and would like to go by bus. I would like to get to the bus station avoiding all the taxi touts I expect to find there. Is there a bus that goes direct from the Airport to Mukdahan or do I have to go to the bus station.

    Is the bus station far from the airport.

    Sorry there are so many questions!!!

    Thanks for the help...

  3. Armed with your helpful advice I start these trips next week.

    I have booked PBAir from the new airport to Nakhon Phanom, due to flight times mainly, they go early in the morning Friday and return quite late Sunday - so perfect for me. The return cost is 6300 Baht.

    I will then probably stay at the Ploy for about 1000 Baht a night. My wife is looking into this now.

    I have one more question please.

    When I arrive in Nakhon Phanom, how do I catch the bus to Mukdahan, without being 'grabbed' by the inevitable local taxi 'services' and various touts??? :o

    Thanks again for all the feedback, its been really helpful.

  4. Sorry Howard, but like the others I think this is a poor website.

    This morning on my slow old 56Kbit link (runs at about 36Kbit), I have read the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, The times and the Guardian without any problems at all.

    I then tried you website and it flashed around for a while then displayed slowly and then I got 'Problem loading page'

    In my 'previous' life I was a software developer and 'piloting' a release was very important.

    I don't mean to be rude, just helpful criticism I hope, but why dontyou set up a 'pilot' PC that runs on a slow link like many of us Expats still endure, so you can see what it looks like for us.

    Mabe also set up a PC that runs Mozilla etc as well to see if it works.

    Also, and I expect you will kick me in the nether regions for this next comment, but we used to believe in KISS when we developed user interfaces (Keep It Simple Stupid).

    Hey Look how simple and succesful Google is. Even look at the UK News sites I mention above.

    Good Luck mate - hope the new venture goes well :o

  5. I have a House in Pattaya, lived here for 5 years.

    If I had my time again I would rent a house here for at least a year to see how I felt about it after a year. It would also give me a chance to fully understand all the implications of ownership and the subtleties of Thai law.

    I am happy here, but I don't know how much better it is than renting as I did not try that first.

    Until you are absolutely certain, you should NOT buy anything in Thailand at ALL.

    Good Luck - I love it here in Thailand - hope you do to. :o

  6. Ok, seems Eva goes via Taipei.

    Hmm, I see on Seatguru that the 777 aircraft configuration used on EVA between Taipei and LAX has the new-style "flat" business class seats.

    China Air uses 747-400's between Taipei and LAX.

    I can earn Thai miles on China Air though, as it's on the Star Alliance network.

    Hmm, that's a dilly of a pickle.

    If the seats are the same as the 777s that were flying between BKK and LHR until last December (now replaced with Jumbos), the seats go 'flat', but they are not horizontal, so you will slide out of them as you sleep!

  7. Well to their credit someone must be using their services or there wouldnt be so many. :o

    I think that may be due to the influence of the so called 'amber nectar'. Before I gave up booze a few years back, I was warned by a long term Expat, that sooner or later when you visit a bar, after a few beers you will end up waking up next to a gorgeous 'girl' with an appendage :D

    Come on, I know some of them look like navvies, but not all, especially out of daylight and after a few drinks.

    Not the reason I gave up the booze, but a benefit I really appreciate.

  8. To admit I live in Pattaya and love it is the easy part. How many people then admit where and when they met their wife in Pattaya :D

    My 87 year old mum does not understood the geography of Thailand so never asked :D

    Not many would admi :D t that surely. My 95 year old grannie recently said that people in Thailand lived in mud huts.

    I met my wife in Pattaya :D , In a bar also. :o

    I know its off topic, but maybe we should start a thread of our own (maybe not!). I told all my friends in the UK, but none of my relatives - none of their business. My nephew was quite interested, as he came to Pattaya once before he was married. We had a short talk about it and I think he knew the bar where my wife worked! That conversation was getting a bit awkward so we changed the subject :D By the way he has no problem saying he came to Pattaya and he would love to come back again, but this time with his wife and family.

  9. BA only let you use the lounge if you have silver or gold status in their Executive Club. WT+ is much better than WT but far inferior to Club World. Id say EVA Elite was generally better than WT+.

    Eva Air are similar, you need at least a Silver status, which is getting harder to come by with their new rules. I sometimes upgrade from the Elite seat the OP has posted about, to the Premium seat (ie: Business Class). Despite the fact I like Eva Air

    I am disappointed they are NOT flat bed seats. They seem to go flat(ish), but at an angle of about 30 degree??? so you slide out of it if you sleep :D . I have resorted to strapping myself in with the seatbelt very tightly. Last time I flew back from the UK, this resulted in me cutting off blood to some pretty important parts of my body whilst I slept :o Lesson learnt!

  10. I really enjoy this walk in the early evening about 6pm or early morning at 8am, but I am a real 'star' and do the whole length of the beach. I usually park the pick-up next to the Garden Lodge hotel in Naklua (near the dolphin), then walk to the beginning of Walking Street. When its open, I tend to use Mike's Shopping Mall for a 'convenience break' - the toilets come in really handy. Depending on my mood I then walk back or take take the Baht Bus back.

    Sometimes my wife comes along as well, but usually after a short distance - just past the Markland hotel, she phones a friend and goes off to see them and then meets me later.

    Never had any problems, except when it rains and then the path gets pretty flooded or maybe some branches or fruit drop down. Then I have to cross the road and get bothered by those idiot tailors who like to shake your hand and greet you with a 'cockney' accent. I usually cross back over the road, preferring to get soaking wet feet rather than avoid those guys.

    I have never been bothered by Kartoys nor the freelancers, they may see I am not interested??

    I have walked along a lot of promenades over the years and IMHO Pattaya is not that bad at all.

  11. I will just answer on the aspect of this messy situation I am certain of.

    I am British and I am married to a Thai. We were married in an Amphur in Thailand and so have a legally binding Marriage Certificate recognised in both Thailand and the UK.

    For the purposes of UK law, my wife has exactly the same legal rights that a wife would have had she been British and we married in London.

    Whether she would need to go to the UK courts to exercise these rights is unknown to me? I would suspect she would have great difficulty getting the required financial information if she tried to pursue this in Thailand.

    I have a pre-nup agreement that ensures only the Thai assets will be considred in any future divorce.

    This pre-nup becomes null and void if we have children.

    Those are the only facts I know - so I will just wish your friend good luck with this.

    As a bit of personal advice from one who has been through a divorce, I would suggest your friend contacts his wife to lower the 'anger' in the situtation. I would suggest arranges to meet her somewhere pleasant and offer her some of what she wants. A hard thing to do amongst all the emotion, but if he can keep it 'friendly' and reasonable then all will benefit in the long term.

    The moment Lawyers are involved it becomes a total battle gorund where the major winners are the lawyers :o

  12. Walen school contacted me today - the email is below.

    The point is I will be learning Thai at Walen when they arrive and would like to do some revision for their entry test.

    Why? - well when I was learning another langauge some years ago, I moved schools and was not prepared for their test and ended up in a lower class that was really of not much use for about 2 months.

    So I would appreciate some pointers on what I should brush up on.

    I have 8 hours left with my current language school, so can put that time to good use now.

    I currently read, write and speak Thai above beginner, but not fluently. In fact on a scale of 1 to 10 I am probably about 5 in speaking, 4 in listening and 7 in reading and writing.

    The trouble is, when I have a test I do not feel prepared for, I get so nervous that I just become a quivering wreck that will get a score of 1 in all areas!

    Thanks for your help

    > Hi Khun David,

    The construction of the Pattaya school is now about 70% completed so we hope to

    open in 1 month but realistically it will be in 2 months.

    We are putting about 2.5 mil baht into a building that we do not own, but the location is right outside Carrefour. The building was totally devastated, not used for 10 years, water damage and so on so we have had to replace literally everything including all windows doors etc, also build extra 4 toilets.

  13. Update:

    I've just come back from Pro Language School on a fact finding mission. They offer groups in private or group. Group is 2,800 baht for 20 hours. Private is 7,300 baht and the schedule is then flexible. I inquired about the 10 minute break and the school confirmed that for a 1 hour class there is no break. For 2 hours, there is a break either in the middle or end for 10 minutes. However, time is pro rated so you get whatever time was removed at the end. 6 days of 10 minute breaks = 1 hour more.

    They also pushed their student visa. 28,500 and you study as a group which also entitles you to the student visa and they do all the paperwork. You must have 30 days left on your visa, your passport, and 3 photos.

    Interesting, I expect Kriswillems has sorted that out with them as well. I don't know him personally, but he has always seemed quite a reasonable honest person in his posts so I expect this was not the practise by ALL the teachers a couple of months ago when he brought this up in the Language forum.

    Having seen that the Walen school is coming soon, I think I will give that a go. I can use the remaining 8 hourse at my current school to 'prepare' for the Walen test - sneaky huh!!!

    Will you try the Walen ? if so - see you there...

  14. Walen school contacted me today - here is the email.

    I think the comment about the toilets relates to the 'big job' it is to renovate them and not to anything else that we Brits may think:D

    > Hi Khun David,

    The construction of the Pattaya school is now about 70% completed so we hope to

    open in 1 month but realistically it will be in 2 months.

    We are putting about 2.5 mil baht into a building that we do not own, but the location is right outside Carrefour. The building was totally devastated, not used for 10 years, water damage and so on so we have had to replace literally everything including all windows doors etc, also build extra 4 toilets. Big job.

    Hope this is not too long. Do you also need visa assistance? If you do we can process your application at our Bangkok school and you can move when Pattaya school opens.

  15. I read this statement about the breaks taken at the end from this thread. Seems a bit off a shoddy way of going on to me:


    QUOTE (kriswillems @ 2008-02-15 12:56:10)

    Here's my feedback.

    Last week was my first day at Pro Language in Pattaya and it was not too bad. The teacher was energetic, actively corrected my pronunciation and she used a book from the school which was ok.

    The pro-language teacher is much better than the teacher of my last school in Pattaya. The teacher from my old school had relational problems, looked depressed, overworked (and even looked a bit suicidal).

    The only disappointment at pro-language was that after 1h40min the teacher said the course was finished, because every hour should have 10 minutes break. I was told nothing about the break at the moment I paid for my 20 hours. My 20 hours are now reduced to 16h40 minutes, making the school even more expensive than before.

    If I would live at the same distance from BKK as from Pattaya, I would go back to one of the union based schools in BKK because I think they have a more structured teaching method (and they are cheaper than private courses).

  16. My 2 cents on the "classes are full we can only do a private class for you"

    The teacher gets paid more money if she/he teaches more hours/classes. If she tells 3 students that there are no classes avail, then she makes 3 hours pay instead only 1 hour pay with all 3 students in one class.

    Usually, with English Language schools private classes are also more expensive so the company will make more per student if they sign up for private classes too.

    My advice would be if they tell you there are no classes available perhaps they can contact you when there is one available. You might see a change in attitude!!

    Oh of course, I obviously dont think deviously enough. Yes an obvious scam now you point it out. I also read on another thread somewhere (I will see if I can find it), that a guy who went to Prolanguage for private lessons was taking two lessons back to back.

    This should have been two 1 hour lessons. He discovered that they had to take a 10 minute break after 50 minutes. So the lesson was only 50 minutes long.

    He was not really complaining about the 10 minute break as such, a break in between lessons can be a good idea. His complaint was that the two breaks were tacked on at the END of the stuudy period, so in fact he studied for 100 minutes then took a 20 minute break at the end!!! Now that in my opinion IS a scam! The whole point of the 10 minute break is to refresh your mind, not for the teacher to go and have lunch early!!

  17. I am also curious as to WHERE in Pattaya Walen will open? Anyone have any idea? What's the big mystery? You would think they would be advertising it already on their website.

    Any people trying AUA on North Pattaya Road? They start their beginners That course at 830 in the morning. No other option. I really wonder what they are thinking with such an eary start. Looking at the Walen schedules for Bangkok, MUCH more civilized!

    I have just sent another email to Walen in Bangkok to ask when and where they will come to Pattaya. As for AUA on North Pattaya Road, I simply could not study there. I am not a fussy person, but the rooms I saw were so very small and had no windows. They may have other rooms, but I thought I could end in one these. At least where I am at the moment, I can see the outside World, there is a balcony I can sit on when we have a break and its not at all claustrophobic.

  18. Thats interesting. Over the last few days I have learnt a lot about this region. I Googled the airport and found quite a few articles. The following is typical:

    Thailand's Foreign Minister today confirms his government commitment to work with Japan to help Laos modernize Savannakhet airport to transform it into an important international economic and transportation link in the Mekong sub-region by 2008.

    The top Thai diplomat was addressing a conference in Mukdahan on the development of a special economic zone between Thailand's Mukdahan province and Laos' Savannakhet.

    Is it any nearer completion?

  19. I believe EVA has changed their mileage benefits for frequent flyers lately, as well as lowered their free check-in baggage allotments (reducing the maximum weight of each bag, not the number of checked bags).

    But, regarding lounges, once you join their frequent flyer program (Evergreen Club), which anyone can do pretty much regardless of how often you fly, you become eligible for lounge and other benefits. Anyone flying internationally with EVA would quickly generate enough miles to qualify for using their lounges... which I've found to be very nice.

    The Taipei and BKK ones, in particular, include unlimited free food and drink (including fresh cooked food) and free Internet access. The Taipei one includes available showers. Sadly, the Los Angeles one is the barest of the group, since EVA there shares some kind of communal lounge with a bunch of other airlines. In Taipei and BKK, EVA has their own individual lounge.

    I'm a Gold Card member with them... the next to highest among their four levels -- and benefits include priority reservation service, priority ticket selection on wait listed flights, a free/extra third suitcase allowed for check-in luggage, and the ability to check in at any of their airport counters (business, first class, etc.) even when flying with an economy ticket.

    The seats are significantly inferior to business class. They are both narrower and with less leg room, but are superior enough to economy for me to pay the difference.

    I was going to make them my standard for LHR-BKK, but they messed me around over frequent flyer points and have a crap web site, so when I found a cheap business class ticket on Thai, I tried it and will use them if I can ever get a similar deal.

    The main drawback for me with Elite class is that you still get the same treatment on the ground - no fast track and no lounge

    Stop IT - STOP STOP STOP stop telling people how good EVA Air are.

    Mods - stop this thread now. This is a secret I do not want shared :o

    EVA Air are still really good.

    Even with the Silver Membership, which I dropped to this year from Gold, I can still use the Lounge which enables me to have a nice shower, lots of good food and use the computers and the WIFI for free. Also at Heathrow I still get the priority fasttrack through passport control.

    You are right though, the benefits have changed quite a lot recently and its got very hard to do certain seat upgrades unless you are at least a Gold member.

  20. Their little trick [/b]is to say all groups are full but if you are interested, plenty of space for private. All to say, very good teaching there.

    What's the point of your post? If you've been a student of Pro Language School and happy there why would you need a recommendation for another school?

    A disguised plug for Pro Language School perhaps?

    MacWalen are busy setting up a school in Pattaya if you're interested.

    By that logic should I be happy at one restaurant, I shouldn't bother seeking recommendations on other good restaurants that BMs favor? A forum is for exchanging tips. You should know this by now.

    I must say I do not really see the point of this 'trick', why do they do this??? To keep students away???However my current language school is PROgressive Language School near the Bus Station in North Pattaya. Its not far from your current school, I do the trip from your current school (well Carrefour next door) quite often and by car it take less than 5 minutes. The cost is 15000 baht for 60 hours private tuition. Its good there, but it is not structured into leading to an examination, which I personally would like to take.

    About Walen, Tropo I have sent them a few emails asking when (and where) they are coming to Pattaya, but no replies. Is there a location you know of in Patters, have you seen a building or is it just their advert on their website you are reporting?? My latest 60 hours of lessons are coming to an end and I am thinking of trying Walen out.

  21. I voted for Wattana. Mind you I dont really 'trust' any of them.

    I have to take my Lexmark printer/fax/scanner in there tomorrow as it is broken.

    No power.

    I have changed the new toners I recently bought for a couple of old toner cartridges I keep around.

    I have heard of all kinds of stories about this kind of item being switched in some instances - not specifically at Wattana - but why take the chance!

    The printer only cost about 4000 baht and the 2 cartridges (black and coloured) cost about 2600 baht in total!!!

    So as you can see - I personally dont really feel confident with any of the dealers over here!

  22. A haircut is a haircut.

    When I'm half bald I'll probably feel the same way but when you've got a full head of hair there are good haircuts and bad haircuts.

    Agreed. I didn't even know I HAD full head of hair until recently. The last time I went to a hairdresser was about a year ago. She was a middle aged lady, who scalped me. She also had the shakes. I didn't mind the bad hair cut too much, but when she got the out the razor to shave my neck - that was my lot.

    I found out later she had even managed to cut my neck with the scissors. :D

    So out of sheer cowardice, I have let my hair grow and it has turned out to be full head of thick hair.

    Now I have a further problem of getting longer hair cut nicely.

    I don't want a 'Sunni Plaza' look either :o

    I am back in the UK in November, but if I wait until then I will look like a hippy beach b*m.

    The Carrefour option seemed perfect - has it really got that bad recently or was the experience of edwardsandtubs just a one off???

  23. Just arrived in Mukdahan today - took a flight to Ubon from Don Muang, then the Ploy Palace Hotel van (350 baht per person - brand new van) - the flight was only 50 minutes but the van ride was 2 hours. Roughly 150 km away, mostly smooth ride.

    I think the trouble with the two closer provinces is infrequent or inconvenient flight schedules - whereas there are 3 flights a day into Ubon.

    But if you're planning to drive, I guess it doesn't make too much difference.

    The flight to Ubon was just over 4000 baht, but no changes or refunds.

    Now to figure out how to get across the border to Savannakhet as I have a meeting there... fortunately no need to do a visa run...

    I think you are right, there is not really a lot of difference in the 3 locations, even though some are further. I dont know about you, but as long as I can avoid 12 hours in a bus - air conditioned or not - I will be pretty happy!

    You mention you are going into Lao - I actually wondered initially if it would be easier to fly in Lao and then just cross back into Thailand - I decided it probably wasn't worth the hassle.

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