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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 14 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    You too, buddy. Don't let the white guilt ruin your day. 

    You do not seem to understand that this has nothing to do with white, black, yellow or any other color. It has to do with respectful behaviour. I just used that expression because I belong to to the same caucasian race, and felt embarrassed to see him making a fool out of himself.

    • Confused 2
  2. 24 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    Go and tell some poor locals here about the hardships of being ashamed of being white.


    Nothing endears 'farangs' to locals better than being a self-loathing 'farang' who flagellates himself over and over again. 



    Why would I do that? Seems to me you have extensive knowledge about the reaction when engaging in such behaviour, which makes me think you have personal experience.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  3. 2 hours ago, AAArdvark said:

    There is nothing there that is clear about giving notice at the end of the lease.  And thanks for the totally useless comments towards the end. 

    If there is written in your contract it will be very clear. If you want to move, then you shpuld have to give a 3 month notice about that, and the same should go for renewal of the lease. If you do not say anything, the contract should be formed to automatically renew. If you want to terminate and move at the end of the lease, you should have to give notice 3 month before so your landlord have time to rent out before you leave.

  4. 2 hours ago, AAArdvark said:

    I have a one year lease on a Condo in CM which ends 7 March 2020.  How much notice am I required to give that I will not be leaving at the end of the present lease.

    Any tips on things to watch out for when moving out?

    I guess that would be something that should have been standing in your contract if you bothered to read it, or if you even bothered about whats in it from start.

    • Like 1
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  5. 7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Hold on a minute. There are alot of valid reasons for loathing the white race. Many are very real and some of our historic atrocities are horrific. But this? He is just some guy feeling the music. I would not presume that the Thai people present found it disrespectful. Thais have a different concept of death than most of us. They probably found him amusing. Or thought he was a fool. Who knows?


    How deeply have you studied the Thai culture and it's traditions? What kind of expertise comes along with these rather harsh presumptions?

    Hey, nice to have a person that start to ask questions and behave in a civilized way. Thanks!

    My first reaction is, if they found him to be a fool at a funeral, does that serves any purpose more than the assumption that he was behaving in a non-respectable way?

    The other thing in your post is much more interesting, though. How much have I studied Thai culture? Oh, let us say for the last 20 years. I would bet that I have been collecting some expertise knowledge after that kind of rather extensive research, wouldn´t you say Mr. spider?

    And by the way, my wife is Thai and she agrees with me.

    Now it´s my turn. What do you base your hold on as long as a minute on? Do you know how much fun I could have been having during that time?

  6. 5 hours ago, Jane Dough said:

    Very few Thais would see this as being disrespectful, a little ting tong perhaps, nothing more. The posters I have seen on the various sites just see it as funny. 


    Maybe when you have been in Thailand a while you will lighten up. If you have been in Thailand a while my advice is...lighten up. 



    23 years and counting, as they asked very content in Thailand.

    I now the cultural code, and this man was breaking it. The End! Then you might be Rooster or who ever you like to present yourself as.

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