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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 2 hours ago, ICELANDMAN said:

    Your answer is unbelievable ridiculous and devoid of any common sense and offending you think you take the part of here with reason, that shows your limited intellectual capacity to interact in this forum





    Excuse me?? What did you just try to say? Better consider if you are the right person to start talking about common sense and making sense. At least you showed me a perfect guide how to post incredible non-sense. ????????????????????????

    For example: What in the world does "and offending you think you take the part of here with reason"? Try to make sense out of that one. I guess it will take a while.

  2. 49 minutes ago, oby said:


      On 12/3/2019 at 10:31 AM, Matzzon said:

    There are no countries without immigration on exit. Some you see, some you feel and some are almost invisible, but they are always there and they exists.

    Langsuan Man

    Completely false statement, one of the first rules of posting at TV is don't make a blanket statement


    The United States for one, and the only thing invisible is them checking my baggage for weapons or explosives 


    per: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-11-22/airport-secrets-from-dead-bodies-to-tsa-contraband-to-vip-lounges?srnd=businessweek-v2 (paywall, *clik stop page load after text appears to read*)

    " They screen you 20 times before customs

     Computers do most of the work far before you arrive—starting from the minute you book your ticket. By the time you walk through the arrivals hall, your profile has been crosschecked 20 different ways, first via a risk-assessment algorithm and then against watchlists maintained by numerous government organizations. 


    pic is BKK departure level, unknown if folks in immigration pickup cage were busted on arrival/departure or in transit.  as per bloomburg news article, if immigration crosschecks you before departure i think you will be checked out at least as much before entry. IMO



    But please!!! have you lost all your marbles??? What you are describing here is the immigration system in the US. What agency do you think checks the result from screening 20 times like you overdo it? It´s the job of the immigration. So, then they exist, but you not need to see them.

    Sometimes this forum is exactly like talking to children.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

    More than a bit of hypocrisy going on here. Thais tend to treat laws as if they were meant to be broken. Reporting one of their own could lead to ugly reprisals. But some poor old falang overstayer. . . 


    Just imagine if we expats ratted to Plod about every scooter rider we saw not wearing a crash helmet or yacking on a mobile. We'd never have time for 'owt else.



    How Thai´s treat their laws has nothing to do with how a foreigner should treat them, is you do not believe that is the right way of course.

    We have not been asked to do that, have we? Just imagine if we had, then all Thai haters on this forum would be standing in every corner writing numbers and reporting. 

    • Confused 2
  4. 39 minutes ago, Chazar said:

    Im  going to report the about  20million daily  who dont wear a helmet

    Sure, It´s your life. I would go for the on that drives on the pavements, due to that you at least gets payed. However, then you are doing something that a Thai could have been doing and are earning money at the same time without a work permit that is impossible to get for that. You will be deported! ????????????????????

  5. 16 minutes ago, silver sea said:


    Out of interest, Matzzon, if you became aware that a farang of your acquaintance was on overstay what would you do? And assuming that they have not committed any other offences or crimes.


    (a) report them to the authorities?

    (b) do nothing, because it’s not your business?

    (c) try to persuade them, maybe over a period of time, to hand themselves in before they are caught out?


    I would add that I am not trying to ‘bait’ you. I am just interested to know what your next step might be.



    No problem, it´s a fair question that I´ve already been asked before and also replied to. ???? 

    I answer same as before. I do not have any friends or people I know that overstays that I am aware of. If it would happen, though. I would chose (c).


    That at the same time as I would try to help them. For example with a ticket home or other economic help. If that is not accepted and they do not clear their problem. Yeah, then I will assume that they refuse to get help if they have no money, or chose to just don´t give a thought to obeying the rules.

    That is not any kind of friends I would like to have, and will then have to reconsider and understand that I made a wrong choice of friend. Therefore I would report him if he is that crazed and ignorant or do not see the benefit in the offer of help.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, dcnx said:

    You give the person behind the desk too much credit. They are not looking in your bag or thinking anything other than what they will eat next or why you’re taking so long because they have Facebook open on their phone and it’s on the desk waiting for them. 


    No one is going to know anyone else is overstaying unless they A) spy on them, or B) you brag to the locals that you’re on overstay.

    So, it´s really sad that you do believe things like that. They might look at Facebook, but they are also doing their job.

    36 minutes ago, dcnx said:

    That’s the most Thai response you could have given. 

    I’ll use your logic next time my wife catches me with another woman. “No dear, we were not having sex. She simply asked me to insert my penis into her vagina and thrust vigorously.”



    Good Luck! 

    40 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:

    If you see somebody beeing killed and you can identify the person who committed the crime. isn´t the right thing to come forward and report that?



    You don't seem to comprehend easy English. Overstaying and killing somebody are two different shoes.

    Yes, I also stated that in my post if you bothered to read all before you post. Seems like you are the one left with the coprehension problems.

    40 minutes ago, Isaanbiker said:


      You've stated in another post that you've often bought and drank beer on days when it wasn't allowed.


    What would you think if I'd call the cops when I see you drinking on such a Buddha day, or similar and they arrest you?


      Is that still "only reported", or would that be considered as spied on you? 


    You still don´t get it! It´s fantastic! It´s not illegal to drink the beer you bought when sale was allowed. It´s illegal to sell beer during the time you are talking about. Get it now! Must be one of those days, right? To not drink on Buddha days is only a suggestion and will never have the possibility to be included in any of the existing laws.

    48 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    Yet you did the comparison, didn't you ????

    Yes, because both are a criminal act that breaks the law. Just showing you can not chose what should be enforced or not. That is exectly what all that complains at me today, normally complain about when they talk about an IO´s power of discretion. So, let´s just say that they go as the wind blows, while I am standing strong in one place.

    53 minutes ago, fforest1 said:

    Sir look up the meaning of the word Stool-pigeon.....

    Irrelevant! Has nothing to do with this. If you think it has, than you have serious comprehension problems. Have a good day, and don´t bother me more with your bladder.

    • Sad 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Your point while valid belongs in a world of black and white which we don't live in. Thai's legal and moral spectrum by far exceeds the simplicity of your 'black and white' world of absolutes.


    Someone who overstays lives in a 'grey area' where they are doing no one any harm and possibly supporting someone - from a moral perspective its difficult to consider this a crime. 


    Much like someone who brings in an extra bottle of booze, or forgets to use their indicator at a junction - yes there is a law / regulation which is broken but when using our discretion we can easily consider it so minor not to be worth our attention. 


    With the benefit of our intelligence and discretion we can easily consider an overstayer harmless and none of our business (unless they have crossed us in someway or doing something morally reprehensible), while more serious crimes should of course should be reported. 


    This is where we have the dichotomy of Thai Policing: 

    - Report and overstayer and there is a 5 man response team to arrest him. 

    - Report someone beating up their girlfriend and the Police are not interested. 


    I know which issue I'm morally bound to report and which one I have no issues ignoring. 

    Sure, I agree that the police is doing wrong by not reacting to a call about someone beating up his girlfriend. However, that makes no difference. Just because one thing is not working, you can not agree to allow more things to slip. It´s not your thing ot decide what is more important. I would say both, to comply with the right line of policing.

    What you just did with your post was to approve more discretion of the law both for citizens and the police.

    • Sad 2
  8. 1 minute ago, mikebell said:

    It hasn't caught up with her.  A women rented my S-i-L's car, sold it in Cambodia; she was never prosecuted; Jomtien police wanted 10K to proceed.  S-i-L was a nurse and had to pay four years of bank loan for a car she did not have.

    Do you see how bad this sounds? Jomtien police wanted 10K to proceed? She did not report that or made a dispute on a higher level? If not, you did not help her with it either?

    Totally crazy and unrealistic.

    • Confused 2
    • Thanks 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

    coming from the king of negativity and useless posts, I will take that as a compliment. And as usual, your post makes zero sense... since when are plastic egg trays 'recyclable'? And it all depends on how big the single container is... you didn't think that through did you ???? 

    If you are doing a campaign about reducing waste, don't put the prize in a disposable plastic container... not rocket science

    I guess they where just not thinking about that there is always going to be some people that need to be negative over an actually good thing.

    What did I not think about? Since when is not plastic recycable? Sometimes it´s metled and used for new plastic, in other ways it´s used for making energy.

  10. 1 hour ago, beechbum said:

    If your going to try and make a smart comment at the very least you should first be smart....

    That's the max/min for Nai Harn taken from several years of data.

    Even without that most realise it gets nowhere near 16° even at night 100 meters off shore.


    Do you have any clue about calculations with temperatures combined with the wind as well as humidity in air?

    The fact is that only a 15 mph wind out on the water can in reality make temperature between 30-35% depending on the air pressure and humidity level.

    • Haha 1
  11. 2 hours ago, webfact said:

    The Royal Forest Department and the Agricultural Land Reform Office (ALRO) are still at the loggerheads over which of them will take legal action against Palang Pracharat MP for Ratchaburi province, Ms. Pareena Kraikupt, over her illegal occupation of 109 hectares of Sor Por Kor land in Chom Boeng district of Ratchaburi province.

    Yes, but then the only solution must be that she will remain only accused but innocent.

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