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Posts posted by Brer

  1. I use my daughters account from Australia which costs her about $11 a month and always numerous sub accounts for same price. 

    Great for mini series, movies a little old and the Netflix made movies are sort of half decent. 

    I created a sub account for the missus so I can watch in English and she can read the sub titles, she’s thinks it’s good great or improving her English.

    Fauda is the best series I have watched not sure if it’s available here, Outlander pretty good too.

    • Like 2
  2. 19 hours ago, sharktooth said:

    He is not in Oz. The title of the forum and or maybe website may give that away.

    That’s very observant of you, thanks for pointing that out my comprehension of the English language is somewhat lacking being from the colonies mate.

  3. 33 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Ran out of Beston Cheddar from Rimping this morning (toasted cheese for breakfast).

    Decided to give Gekko a try ........... now my bread & cheese board is truly overloaded.

    1Kg Aussie mature cheddar 275Bht, and 1Kg of Danish Blue 210Bht.

    The Danish Blue smells really nice.


    Seeing we can attempt do digest chit no name Aussie cheddar in Oz for about 150baht a kilo which is probably what you are eating your being ripped at 275baht a kg.

    I much prefer a cheese that crumbles a little with a long flavor.

    That putrid looking thing on your cheeseboard looks more like a cream slice gone wrong.


  4. With a currency which is well overvalued namely the Bhat and due for a fall possibly what will our good friends running the supermarkets do?

    I really have not noticed any price downs say in the price of Imported cheese, wines, toiletries etc with a rising baht, so the supermarkets are obviously increasing their margins on these products and enjoying greater profitability.

    So with a falling baht will the supermarkets accept a lesser margin or will they try to maintain current margins on these imported product. 

    Cheese, wine, olive oil, decent cuts of meat etc are way above prices in the western world could they soon become an even greater luxury for us. 

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, smudger1951 said:

    Arriving in Suvannabhumi recently the long queues indicated buoyant tourism numbers yet Pattaya was devoid of farangs.

    Don’t think I have ever been in a short queue, long queues are because they don’t have enough IO’s working.

    Maybe that’s the plan cunningly cut a few IO’s and make it look busy. 

    Tourism is booming, nothing wrong with the baht boss as I transfer a few more million into my Swiss bank account.

  6. 2 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

    Not exactly, Brer.  BoT takes orders from the regime.  If in fact, the plan is to get millions MORE Chinese tourists into Thailand—then this currency bashing starts from the top.  BoT simply takes orders...

    Let me add—I’m hope I’m wrong about this.  And Baht apologists like you help me and others see a balanced point of view.  Don’t shoot the messenger.

    No denying the BoT is controlled by the regime when the appointment comes from the Finance minister who is a General P appointment. The new Finance minister though recently stated that there would be no interference into the banks monetary policy which in Thailand means do as I say, read that any way you want.

    The capital inflows are probably getting to a stage where they have to take some action, what they come up with might give us some relieve.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Isaan sailor said:

    Let me weigh in on this, at the risk of another lambasting from the T.V. Baht apologists.  And let me further state this is purely conjecture with some supporting facts.

    If you look at the chart patterns of today’s currencies vs Baht—you will notice similar chart patterns with all western currencies nosediving,  And curiously, the Chinese Yuan does a complete reverse—same chart pattern, but skyrocketing up.

    Why? I believe TAT wants a million MORE Chinese tourists (or more).  To do this, they have to bring the Chinese Yuan up vs. the Baht.  For BoT to raise the Yuan—they have to lower the USD.  And when USD sinks, related western currencies follow it down.

    I once traded currencies (now mainly stocks).  When you see chart pattern like these—it’s a red flag.

    BoT has controls on hot money inflows.  They can step on the brakes—or hit the gas...

    OK T.V. Baht apologists—have at me...


    Do you really believe TAT and BoT conspire to bring the Yuan up and $US dollar down. 

    OK chart patterns do signify buy/sell so yes alarms or red flags seeing your a sailor.

    I saw three black crows the other day the BoT must have been closed.

    I used to trade currency’s too.

    • Like 2
  8. The world is full of idiot drivers the thing is Thailand has 99% of them. 

    My wife says if you have an accident it’s because you are not a good person also that’s why you don’t win the lottery too.

    Good people make lucky and Buddha look after them, she has never had an accident but it’s fricking frightening sitting next to her when she drives down a one way street dodging everything and then she says “see nothing happen Buddha take care”

  9. So I take it what I have now is just some ordinary window glass that has been tinted as the hole which is the the size of a one baht coin with a few cracks running of it shows no evidence of being layered and appears to be about 3mm thick.

    Being Thailand I am still waiting for the turkey to show up who was going to be here first thing this morning, it’s now 1.10pm.

  10. My wife’s sister knows of someone in Phon Phisai apparently he is coming tomorrow to measure up, I prefer he does it, then any sizing problems it’s his problem. 

    I am getting told it’s only a few thousand baht which makes me worried knowing the price in Australia.

    The door is already in, just need the glass replaced as the missus tried to fire of a stone in a catapult at a soi dog that wandered in and it rebounded off the fence and put a hole in the glass and a couple of cracks.

    So your doors work out 10k each that’s a lot of difference.

    i just don’t trust many Thai tradesmen, so many are substandard and lie through their teeth, for a few thou I really don’t know what I am getting will wait and see I will insist same glass as what I have now, fingers crossed.

    I got a stainless terrace fence put up and the guy said it was number one stainless after 18 months it’s absolute chit not even stainless.

  11. Whilst attempting to use Elliot Wave Theory to plot the course of our dollar against the Thai baht and looking for input from other sources I came against the attached prediction. Scary stuff.

    Personally I don’t see it coming back for a long time with a good chance a bottom might be in at 19.5baht if that is the case we might see it in a trading range of 19.5 to 20.5 for a long period of time.

    Would be happy to receive thoughts on this.


  12. Yes they badly need to improve their infrastructure it’s pathetic.

    Lots of money there but they won’t spend and now he wants to analyse poverty in Thailand, spend it create some jobs build some railways and fast. Build some better highways get serious on water management. 

    A relocation package for foreign companies will no longer be discussed, I am not surprised as it would be so embarrassing when they can’t attract anyone.

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