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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. A bunch of Generals oust a democratically elected government using guns and tanks and then want the peoples choice PM extradited from Britan to face charges under their dictatorial government.

    You lot have got to be joking.

    Perhaps when democracy is restored in Thailand, but certainly not while an illegitimate military dictatorship is in control. GB doesnt play political games with minor countries on these kinds of matteres.

    Certainly doesn't - not even when the minor country has a democratically elected government. Think Spain and Pinochet.

  2. Just looked up the ingredients on the official Marmite site (marmite.co.uk) and yes! you too can join the fan club!

    * Yeast Extract

    * Salt

    * Vegetable Extract

    * Niacin

    * Thiamin

    * Spice Extracts

    * Riboflavin

    * Folic Acid

    * Celery Extract

    * Vitamin B12

    Sounds like a good clean product. However I've seen several post that rumor it's banned by the FDA in the US because it contains folate?

    Pepe, did you look up Vegemite (an Oz product), or Marmite (pommy).

    While you are researching, can you also see if you can find out what is in an Oz meat pie - there are many of us have been trying to find out for years :o

  3. Thanks whimsy. Downloaded my Application for Postal Vote, and about to send it off.

    For those from Oz with the inclination to vote, but without the inclination to read the links;

    - if you are already registered in Oz, you can vote at the Embassy in Bangkok, or apply for a postal vote (by email if you wish)

    - you can also get the postal voting slip emailed to you, fill it out, scan, and lodge by email.

    I normally wouldn't have bothered, but happy this time to exercise my democratic right to get rid of that lying little c*nt.

  4. Aren't they charging his kids with tax evasion? Shouldn't his wife take the hit for that land deal if it was done in her name? Where is Toxin's lovely wife? Why not extradite her if she did the crime and they cannot get him anyway?

    Quite simple really - some posters seem to believe that because many others have been corrupt, it is OK for Thaksin and his family to also be corrupt.

    And given that it is yet very early days in the (hopefully successful) extradition process, it would be well into the term of the new government before he was bought back to face the music. The British government would then be in a better position to make the judgment on whether or not he was likely to receive a fair trial.

    Mind you, that government does have recent form on making political decisions on what should be a legal issue eg the dropping of the investigation into the massive BAE bribes of the Saudi royal family to secure large defence contracts.

  5. Not really. The dot you see in the word in your link (and for that matter in my link) is the way all dictionaries separate the syllables of words- it is most emphatically not a hyphen. Misspelled has no hyphen. To quote a reference on English grammer:

    " Do not hyphenate words prefixed by non, un, in, dis, co, anti, hyper, pre, re, post, out, bi, counter, de, semi, mis, mega, micro, inter, over, and under (among others).Examples: nonaffiliated, nonemergency, uninfected, inpatient, disorder, disbar, coworker, copayment, antismoking, antimanagement, hyperactive, hyperrealism, preoperative, prejudge, reoccur, readjust, resubmit, postoperative, posttraumatic, outpatient, outmoded, bimonthly, biannual, counterrevolutionary, counterculture, decompress, semifinal, semiannual, misinformed, misprint, megabyte, microcircuit, interconnected, interoffice, overemphasize, override, underrepresent, underestimated."

    Thank you Mac - I accept what you say.

    There endeth the lesson.

    ps how do you spell grammer :o

  6. You should be aware Dude that the juntophiles will always look for a procedural device usually as in this instance with studied politeness but underlying sarcasm, when their junta or puppet government heroes come under criticism.I'm reminded of Orwell's comments that his Stalinist opponents who hated his books never tackled the subject matter head on but always found some side issue to criticise (eg poor writing style, notwithstanding that Orwell was one of the clearest writers of his age).It's true that on this forum it's useful to keep on topic but interesting digressions are always welcome, particularly of the "compare and contrast" variety.I think the mods have this well in hand.

    From a neutralphile.

    If it is important enough to attract your attention, surely it is worthy of its own thread - so as not to confuse matters with Thaksin's transgressions.

    This will allow the corruptophiles to mount their own attacks on the juntophiles - supported of course by strong and reasoned argument. If their attention span last that long of course.

    Anyone who detests the power to shape society being seized by a small group of very well armed men is a supporter of corruption? And you call yourself a 'neutrophile'?

    Nothing happens in this or any other country in a vaccuum. It is impossible to talk about Thaksin's alleged corruption without looking at the context in which his misdeeds occurred- if they occurred in a context so rife with corruption that even those angels sent from the heavens to purge him are dirty- then maybe we should be asking just why it is that Thaksin is being accused by the AEC which is the title of this thread. And to do so we have to understand why any one in politics is accused of anything in this country.

    No - I called myself a neutralphile.

    My post was not about the rights or wrongs of the coup, or Thaksin's corruption (alleged is an abuse of the language), its context, the AEC, etc etc.

    It was about opening a new post to make allegations about Surayud. Quite simple really.

  7. You should be aware Dude that the juntophiles will always look for a procedural device usually as in this instance with studied politeness but underlying sarcasm, when their junta or puppet government heroes come under criticism.I'm reminded of Orwell's comments that his Stalinist opponents who hated his books never tackled the subject matter head on but always found some side issue to criticise (eg poor writing style, notwithstanding that Orwell was one of the clearest writers of his age).It's true that on this forum it's useful to keep on topic but interesting digressions are always welcome, particularly of the "compare and contrast" variety.I think the mods have this well in hand.

    From a neutralphile.

    If it is important enough to attract your attention, surely it is worthy of its own thread - so as not to confuse matters with Thaksin's transgressions.

    This will allow the corruptophiles to mount their own attacks on the juntophiles - supported of course by strong and reasoned argument. If their attention span last that long of course.

  8. Just a thought but I never read about a girl jumping, it's always the older farang.

    First thing I'd do would be to look at the beneficiaries and also investigate the relationship in order to assess motive for possible killing (as opposed to suicide)

    No need to do that - it has already been determined (based on very solid evidence of course) by a number of the "hang-em-high" brigade that she is guilty.

    People who know SFA about what has happened really should pull their heads in, instead of jumping into wild speculation and judgment - IMHO of course.

  9. Of course she is right. If that happens, if the police are doing their jobs (and that is probably the biggest problem here) they will of course ask you questions. This is a fact of life and death all over the world, deal with it.

    BTW, we don't exactly have proof he was reading emails before he died, just as we don't know if he actually jumped.

    Fortunately we do know 2 things:

    1. He left the balcony and hit the ground.

    2. She is the "prime suspect". Oh, wait a minute, how do we know this?

    Because somebody who must have more knowledge than everyone else said so.

    This forum, at times, certainly provides an outlet for fertile minds and barren intellects. :o

  10. I hope that if you really feel the way you express yourself, you will have the self respect, of boycotting, and not using any American technology, products or entertainment materials. I hope your point of view will be strong enough to keep you from being a hypocrite, and you can truly show your revulsion at my fellow countrymen difficulty ( which you misspelled) in reading and understanding basic text.

    Americans(which you forgot to capitalize) unfortunately(which you also misspelled) will have great difficulties (which you also misspelled) in understanding such strong and determined intellect as you seem to have. Don't ( you also misspelled) take offense if this great display of your character and intellect goes unnoticed, in fact(that's 2 words not one) continue with such a boycott until Americans empathize and apologize (another word you messed up a little on) to you for not meeting your educational and intellectual standards. Personally if you would be so kind as to hold your breath while you are waiting for this, Americans will probably deeply appreciate it.

    And for the purposes of the record, mis-spelled is hyphenated :o

    Not according to this.... :D

    I prefer this http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/misspelled

    It supports my argument :D

  11. I hope that if you really feel the way you express yourself, you will have the self respect, of boycotting, and not using any American technology, products or entertainment materials. I hope your point of view will be strong enough to keep you from being a hypocrite, and you can truly show your revulsion at my fellow countrymen difficulty ( which you misspelled) in reading and understanding basic text.

    Americans(which you forgot to capitalize) unfortunately(which you also misspelled) will have great difficulties (which you also misspelled) in understanding such strong and determined intellect as you seem to have. Don't ( you also misspelled) take offense if this great display of your character and intellect goes unnoticed, in fact(that's 2 words not one) continue with such a boycott until Americans empathize and apologize (another word you messed up a little on) to you for not meeting your educational and intellectual standards. Personally if you would be so kind as to hold your breath while you are waiting for this, Americans will probably deeply appreciate it.

    And for the purposes of the record, mis-spelled is hyphenated :o

  12. All guard fences should be a mininmum of 2 meters high with steel mesh and a kick rail. This would prevent people leaning over and thus being on the point of balance and "heave ho away I go" (or you) as the case may be.

    Happened in Australia to a footballer on the 22/F of a Gold coast hotel a few days ago.

    According to reports, around the time it happened there was a Thai woman working in a Thai restaurant not 3 blocks away.

    To follow the brain-dead line of thinking on this thread, she must automatically be considered the "prime suspect".

    Dear oh dear oh dear!

  13. I would be interested to know where in the world you can move from an international flight on 1 airline to a domestic flight on a different airline, and have your baggage checked through.

    As I am sure would the majority of the world's drug smugglers.

    If you fly from Bangkok to Edinburgh via London on 1 ticket (code), you can do it. Not everyone who wants to do this is a drug smuggler. It's just a question of convenience.

    But is still begs the question - where do you, and more particularly, your baggage, pass through customs?

  14. Womble perhaps a more accurate heading for the thread may have been:

    "Toyota Koh Samui Customer Service, non existent"

    BTW - your email looks fine to me (except I would add your first name, rather than Mr Womble :o ), and address it to the Manager.

  15. ....In which folks can't tell the difference between a whine, a complaint and an account of sorts.

    Uhm, I was in no way complaining but if you choose to misinterpret, you may take it as such. I will just giggle.


    You're perfectly correct fennielyn - it was an account of sorts.

    A whining, complaining sort of account.

    Right. Pardon me for foolishly misreading the title of the thread. I thought that it was asking for what one's own experience flying on Tiger Airways was like (assuming that the question "what are they like?" to mean that of course, but hey, I could be wrong, then I stand corrected). I wasn't aware (I promise) that only positive experiences or raves were welcomed and sharing a non-glowing report, no matter how true, is akin to whining/complaining/whinging/ranting/grumbling and every other synonym one can think of.

    So yea, I apologize for misunderstanding the purpose and intent here. ~_*

    p/s and should anyone still think that I'm full of criticism coz it's a *nationality issue*, let it be known(I didn't want to say it before coz really, what has *it* got to do with anything? Honestly, I don't see how my nationality comes into play here) that I'm Singaporean and would like nothing better than to see all homegrown airlines succeed and be loved by one and all around the world. I mean, come on already! It's one more thing for us to brag about and ya'll know how we love that being so used to scoring World Class Standards awards and being #1 in Everything. (go get 'em tiger) So I hope that clears up all previous assumptions sufficiently. If not, I give up. Actually, I think I've said all there is to be said on *my* Tiger experience. Let others take the stage.(Tread carefully now guys! Look on the bright side and remember to stay positive no matter what!) I'm outta here coz it's getting all too tiresome. Really.

    fennielyn the problem I had with your post had nothing to do with nationality - that is something you have gratuitously raised.

    Pretty much each paragraph of your post is a mixture of reporting your experience ie what happened, and no-one is likely to doubt or challenge you on that. After all, that is what the thread is about.

    The balance of each paragraph is then taken up by your take or feelings about what had happened - the whining, complaining part. This is what others have commented on, because I suspect people are at a loss to see your point.

    Arrive at check-in 1 hour before departure - no wonder they were pissed.

    Overweight baggage - pay up, everyone else does.

    Want/need to be personally shown to your seat - are you 85 years old?

    Need to place oversize hand luggage in overhead locker - standard procedure.

    Leave your mobile phone on - silly, silly you.

    etc etc etc

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