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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Given that computers have a zero rate of customs duty, I think it unlikely that you would be charged 100% tax (which may also include VAT).

    My experience in May when I imported a 2nd hand PC, together with flat screen monitor and printer ( plus assorted other personal effects, all together totaling 3 tea-chest size boxes), was about TBH1000 in what I suspect was tea money.

    Each of the boxes had been opened and resealed by Thai Customs.

    I was on a non O-A visa.

  2. I anyone aware of a specialist in Issan - for diagnosing potential melanomas, not cosmetic surgery.

    While the above cities are the closest to where I am living, I can obviously travel elsewhere if required. Bangkok is the last resort.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Jack,

    I once went to Khon Kaen Ram hospital and got some keratoses removed from my face using lasers - the doctor was a lady - can't remember her name. Previously I have been treated for similar stuff at Bangkok Hospital using acid, heat, and scapels, but that's too far from home. I have red hair so with living in a tropical climate I am at high risk for this sort of stuff. I now use some Nivea SPF20 moisturizing cream (for men) on my face every morning after shaving.

    Good luck.


    Thanks JB.

    I have just returned from an unexpected trip to Oz, where I had the suspicious mark looked at by a quack, and she gave it the all clear.

    Will keep Khon Kaen Ram in mind for future reference.



  3. Investigations revealed that half of slain people on War on Drugs campaign had not relation with narcotics

    The Office of Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) recently formed a committee to investigate extra-judicial killings and issues revolving around the former government’s war on drugs. The committee convened for a meeting that allowed academics and other officials to attend and revealed that some 1,400 of the 2,500 deaths during the crackdown had little or nothing to do with narcotics.

    A representative of the ONCB disclosed that because policies during the war were ambiguous as to the definitions of drug related crimes many people may have been mistaken or wrongly labeled.

    Prosecutor’s stated that many of the police who participated in the war on drugs aided in the later investigation which has been carried out by the current government.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 28 November 2007

    I am waiting for their take on this, from the apologists and hang 'em high brigade, who earlier seemed content with the whole idea that a few innocent bystanders getting killed was a price that was OK to pay.

    How about 1,400?

    You know who you are!

  4. Well the return (inward) journey was as uneventful as the outward leg.

    Put simply, one of the easiest airports (this time at least) I have encountered on my various travels.

    8 out of 10.

    For those arriving early morning and transferring to DM for a domestic - flight touched down at the Swamp at 05.55, and my taxi arrived at DM at 07.15.

  5. Well here I am, sitting on level 3 in my first visit to Swampy, waiting for my flight to Bleak City, which departs in about 3 hours.

    I have the laptop plugged in, courtesy of AOT, and I am also logged into their wi fi, also free.

    I have enjoyed a cheap and nutritious meal at the staff canteen on level 1, washed down by 3 cans of bitterly cold and cheap beer Leo.

    I have also done a bit of a Cooks Tour the check the place out. The highlight (besides seeing that John Howard has been given the ars* in the Oz election) has been a tour of the evil black hole known to be inhabited by "rogue customs officers", near the arrivals gate. Gee, looked perfectly normal to me. Saw 3 guys (I think english, but not sure) wander out, looking quite sheepish. Business must be good for the Excise boys, because there is an ATM conveniently located right next their office. I will know who to look for now when I get back, but as I don't smoke, hopefully I won't be accosted and bullied.

    Other than that, the airport seems perfectly normal and functional. Taxi touts - of course. However, they disappeared after a single "no" from me.

    I just hope it is this simple when I get to Melbourne tomorrow. What reception awaits me from the Australian "boys in blue", better know as Her Majesty's Customs. And I am dreading the $60 (TBH1800) taxi ride that will get me virtually nowhere.

    Oh well, check-in time. I promise a friendly and equally unbiased report on the return journey in a couple of weeks.

  6. Tuesday, 20 November 2007 20:00

    The body of an Irish woman has been found washed up on a beach in Thailand.

    The woman has been named as 28-year-old Linda Crossan from Carrickmacross in Co Monaghan.

    Ms Crossan was a nurse at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin.

    In a statement, her family said Ms Crossan drowned on a beach on the island of Ko Samui and while friends tried to save her they could not rescue her.

    Ms Crossan's family thanked all who had helped them since the tragedy occurred, including local gardaí, and family and friends.


  7. Irish Independent (Ireland)

    Pensioner drugged and robbed by women in Thailand

    A retired Irish businessman living in Thailand has had his savings stolen by two women who drugged and robbed him. Jerry McCarthy (66), from Co Louth, woke up with a headache after befriending two women in a bar. He signed a statement with Thai police saying he had taken them back to his home in Pattaya, which is 100 miles east of Bangkok.

    Irish Independent (Ireland)

    A big vote of no-confidence in our Pattaya board members for not informing the rest of us that Pattaya had been quietly moved to Sa Kaeo.

    How did they manage to move Beach Rd :o

  8. I, personally, don't think that talking on the phone is paritcuarly dangerous - people who hold phones instinctively slow down and drive in a safer way, not overtaking, no changing lanes etc. They are more of an annoyance to others as they often hold the traffic.

    Sure they are more exposed to accidents, but given the number of hours people spend on the phone each day by millions of people, the increase is statistically insignificant.

    Personally, I disagree with you.

    Fortunately, so do road safety experts and legislators in numerous countries around the world.

    I don't particularly care what legislators think but I'd appreciate if you can provide some study data to show how much impact phone use has on accident rate. Something like before-after study. I bet across the world the effect in statisitcally insignificant, and no one has undertaken any study in Thailand as far as I know.

    I know it's distracting, but so is fiddling with your radio, maybe radio is even more dangerous as you have to take your eyes off the road.

    My main point is that people on the phone realise that they are incapacitated (unlike drunk drivers) and so they change their driving to a slower, safer mode.

    Plus, you are the one who is challenging what is now accepted conventional wisdom on the dangers of driving while talking on a mobile phone.

    A bit like questioning whether it is OK to drink and drive.

    If you want the current thinking, try googling something like "driving mobile phone dangers". You won't find much support for your wacky theories.

  9. I, personally, don't think that talking on the phone is paritcuarly dangerous - people who hold phones instinctively slow down and drive in a safer way, not overtaking, no changing lanes etc. They are more of an annoyance to others as they often hold the traffic.

    Sure they are more exposed to accidents, but given the number of hours people spend on the phone each day by millions of people, the increase is statistically insignificant.

    Personally, I disagree with you.

    Fortunately, so do road safety experts and legislators in numerous countries around the world.

  10. We are talking Taxis here not politics or suppression.

    I really cant fault Singers Taxis,,what more do you want?Oral sex? :D

    If you need a big cab they are available at the airport,,a limo or minibus will take you anywhere on the island for a standard fee of about $38 or Bhat 800 approx.

    I cant understand what the fuss is about.

    98% speak fluent English

    Sorry - I thought Tony had changed the subject slightly to "everything in Singapore".

    Can you get oral sex in a Singapore cab, even though it is illegal? :o

    Is there a surcharge? :D And if so, does it show on the meter docket so you can claim it back on expenses?

  11. Thanks.. So u have to go to the other terminal for Tiger domestic? I would have thought they would try to stay in one place to cut costs.

    Australian Customs, and Immigration, has some pretty strict rules on the mingling of domestic and international passengers.

    Also, Tiger is no different to Qantas, which uses both the domestic and international terminals.

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