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Saint Nick

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Posts posted by Saint Nick

  1. 5 hours ago, steven100 said:

    These protests will spread COVID-19 like wild fire.  The same protests took place in Australia & the UK over the weekend.

    If they all catch the virus and get sick then it's their own fault.  They are putting everyone's lives at risk.

    Irresponsible stupidity ......


    Restore law & order. Send in the troops. 



    ...and let the military take over the government?

    Something you seem to be in favor for, in GENERAL!?

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  2. 3 hours ago, Youlike said:

    And i bet these kids can't be bothered to know that the killed black guy was a robber who broke into the house of a pregnant lady, put a gun on her belly and ordered money....the superlooser.


    About discrimination, i feel very discriminated in thailand, in a mall they check me nonstop for a mouthmask while the thai men just walk around without one.

    a) doesn't matter and is trrelevant

    b) poor you! Meeeee, meeee, meeee...look at meeeee....I have a problem!

  3. 18 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

    She is the most inspirational and honest black comentator today, smearing her with the uncle Tom label just because she outs the democratic hypocricy relating to black issues will not work, and it's Candace, not Candice.

    Remeber her Hitler- remarks, a while ago?

    If by inspirational you mean "dumb as a brick" and by "honest" you mean "dishonest"....I am all with you!

    And I really don't care what her name is!

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  4. 10 minutes ago, buick said:

    floyd was being arrested.  i'd suggest that makes the criminal record quite recent.  he was in the drivers seat of the car so he was likely going to be charged with DUI.  he didn't want to get arrested, so he made it difficult for the first two officers on scene to get him into the vehicle.  those two officers were reportedly rookies, in their first days working for the police force.  they called in back up and that is when the 'kneeler' took charge.  supposedly, the 'kneeler' is a training officer and has had a long career.  so he was in charge once he arrived.  according to the lawyers for the first two on scene, they both made comments to the kneeler about what was happening.  one guy said they should turn him over (so he could breath) and the other guy said what was happening was wrong.  now this comes from their attorney(s).  so who knows about statements.  things get twisted by the attorneys.



    The "kneeler" -as you so cutely call him- had a long record of investigations for several failings during his "carreer"...a fact that most defenders of "the kneeler" tend to foget!

    So when we are talking about the "carreer criminal" Floyd, how about we talk about the criminal carreer of " the kneeler"...which was quiet a bit more recent then 6 years!


    • Haha 1

    20 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

    A top lawyer will get  three of them off easily and maybe even Chauvin

    Which will be the exact time, you will be dancing in the streets, I assume!

    A cop, killing a man on camera in clear daylight!

    An unarmed (yet giganticly huge) black man (full of drugs), handcuffed behind his back (having a criminal record, that does not matter in this case!)...amd you will feel triumphant about that!


    Well done!

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  6. 14 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

    He had a white packet of drugs that he was trying to hide, one of the cops took it off him

    He wouldn't stay in the cop car, said he was claustrophobic & therefore resisted

    They opened the other door and proceeded to get him on the floor as he was resisting arrest

    He was 6 foot 6 and a big unit on drugs. 

    One of the cops even talks about him being on drugs


    "He had a white packet of drugs that he was trying to hide, one of the cops took it off him'

    Source? And even if: what does that matter? He was not arrested for drug posession or abuse!


    "He wouldn't stay in the cop car, said he was claustrophobic & therefore resisted"

    Evidence? And you know, that he was not clasutrophobic...how? And still: how does that justify 10 minutes of increased pressure to his windpipe, effectively killing him?


    "They opened the other door and proceeded to get him on the floor as he was resisting arrest"

    ,,,and then they got him to the floor and restrained him...by tieing his feet or holding him down and evverybody went home safe, right!?

    Oh no...wait...they had no choice, but to choke him to death!


    "He was 6 foot 6 and a big unit on drugs."

    Aaaaah...the famed Eric Garner- defense! "He was a big guy!" They were FOUR COPS and it took only one to kill him!


    "One of the cops even talks about him being on drugs"



    He should have talked to his colleague, to tell him to get of the man's neck!


    • Haha 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, darrendsd said:

    Stirred up by the Mainstream Media who...


    Forget to tell everyone that Floyd was a serious career criminal


    He resisted arrest


    2 of the officers involved are non white


    Everyone is being played by the media and most can't see it



    8 year old British girl virtually decapitated and killed in the middle of the street not long ago by a female asylum seeker - have you heard about it? Of course you haven't - the mainstream media are not interested 


    The mainstream media have a agenda and most people are stupid enough to play their game without even knowing it







    - no one forgot, that Floyd had a criminal record! I knew, literally hours, after his death, because the right wing was zeroing in on it from the get go! Why?

    Of course to discredit him!

    A carrer- criminal, he was not!


    - that and if he resisted arrest, is AT THE VERY LEAST debatable, at this point!

    A bunch of video- footage does kinda not really prove that!


    - what does the skin- color of the 2 officers have to do with this?

    The guy who killed Floyd was white as snow, was kneeling on Floyds neck for another 2 minutes, after he was unresponsive and look straight int the camera!



    • Haha 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    The point being made is holding up this career criminal as some kind of saint, surely you can grasp that? As far as what he did wrong, he was trying to pass fake currency off at a store while high on fentanyl and meth.

    The carrer- criminal at the point of his killing by the people who are sworn to "protect and serve", was an unarmed citizen!

    AFAIK the "fake currency" turned out not to be fake and even if, there is zero evidence, that he knew it to be fake (well...mainly because it wasn't!) and if he was high on anything a) does not matter and b) is not even proven!

    So take your hipocracy elsewhere, please!

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  9. 10 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

    Of course it matters if he was on drugs

    It would impair him mentally and physically and would cause a police officer to react differently


    He was handcuffed and did not resist his arrest!

    At what point between getting out of the shop and loosing his life, is there any indication of him, being on drugs and causing any trouble to 4 (FOUR) grown police- officers?

    At what point does "being high" justify 10 minutes+ of increased pressure on your neck, so much so, it kills you?

    By your logic, there should be mass executions all over the land, every bight, for people's DUI!

  10. 10 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

    A lot of people get high socially (at night), this was the middle of the day

    It's unusual activity if you ask me

    Did you see the two unsavoury characters who were in the car with him?

    They looked wasted 

    Which -again- has frog all to do, with what happened next: an unarmed black man, got handcuffed and killed by a police- officer ...also: in the middle of the day!

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  11. 4 hours ago, smutcakes said:

    Agree, the action of the officers was reprehensible, and they need to be punished in accordance with the law.


    However the ridiculous levels of fake mourning makes it out as if GF was some type of paragon of virtue. I think most people are just scared to voice different opinion for fear of being called racist. I heard Kareem Abdul Jabbar on CNN this morning saying he 'wept' when he saw the video... I mean really....


    There are 10's if not 100's of people murdered on the streets of the US daily, often Black on Black gang related crime. Where are the mass protests about that? where is Al Shap criticizing other black people for the daily slaughter in neighborhoods all over the US?

    Good old whataboutism!

    Never fails to amuse!

    It does not matter a iota, that Floyd had a criminal record or may have been on drugs or whatever: in that moment on that day, he had done NOTHING wrong and got killed!

    End of story!

    And who the hell are you, to tell anyone, how to react to the video of Floyd's killing?

    I was shocked and appauled!

    My girlfriend actually started crying!


    By the way: this is the first thing that comes up, when you enter "al sharpton criticizing black on black violence" into google


    You are welcome!


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