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Posts posted by Lannig

  1. Not a real UK layout then, kind of a mix between US and UK??? weird blink.png

    I suppose that you have already checked in the settings of your nextbook (what is a nextbook BTW?) if the English/US language+keyboard is selected?

    Have you tried typing every key on the keyboard shifted to check if any key produces an @ ?

  2. its not about electronics, you should worry, but more the food you eat here....

    A funny story, once i forgot some yogurts and they expired for 2 weeks already. I opened the yogurt pot, and it was completely fine. Not rotten as i would expected.

    I was curious so ... i ate them. I didnt fall sick.

    In a second though, i wonder what the thai company put in the yogurt to stay fresh for one month...blink.png

    Nothing. If you keep them in the fridge there's absolutely no risk eating a yogurt 2 weeks past its expiration date. I have a vet in my family, presumably knowledgeable about these things and she always tells me that her 3 children have been fed with expired yogurts (here in Europe) because she was working too hard to go buy food so they were having what was left in the fridge.

    OTOH expiration date on anything that contains eggs or egg products (pudding etc.) should be taken very seriously, she says.

  3. If only one SIM can do 3G, either statically (e.g. SIM #1 is 3G, SIM #2 is 2G per design) or depending on the phone configuration (you can switch one SIM as 3G and the other one as 2G) then yes, your dual-SIM phone will essentially become a single-SIM phone.

    Some phones can do 3G on both SIMs, but that's not the most common case.

    You probably need to refer to your phone's documentation.

  4. Long, long ago I sponsored a child through an org. I became suspicious when I received the same exact picture from the kid two years in a row.

    I sent a letter asking why this child didn't seem to grow or change at all, never had a reply.

    Many, many years later while working in Thailand I accidentally was in an hotel right opposite Don Muang airport for a job meeting.

    There was a UNICEF meeting in another (much larger) room and I managed to take a peek before leaving in the evening. They had a dinner buffet there. You would not believe the kind of very costly food and beverage I saw. It was outraged... so that's where the money goes, right?

    Never donated to an org since then. I still donate a lot, but directly.

  5. Struth Scotwight. first a stroke and now robbed. Thailand has been cruel to you.

    Did you write the robber a stern email explaining that robbing people is bad and that you demand respect as you have taken the time to learn to speak, read and write the local lingo ?

    I flagged down a passing motorcycle rider and explained the situation and he gave me a ride out of danger.

    What's your theory here:

    In Pattaya:

    My Filipino wife and her Filipino friend, both in their 20s, used to go out shopping together - often - this is not a one off event.

    My wife's friend was studying Thai at a language school. When they were out her friend also tried to speak Thai. She was nearly always met with hostility from the Thai women in various establishment (shops, markets, stalls etc), but my wife who only spoke English was always treated well. My wife told her to stop practicing her Thai.

    They couldn't understand her Thai well, but they certainly didn't appreciate the effort.

    Isn't it like this in France too?

    What do you mean exactly? that French people get hostile when foreigners try to communicate in French?

    If that's what you mean, it's utter BS.

    As everyone knows French people usually suck at speaking any foreign languages, so they're incredibly relieved when a foreigner can speak some French, even quite broken.

    I certainly do agree that at least trying to get some control of the Thai language is an effort that always pays off. It's certainly not required if you live in a tourist high place like Pattaya, but even there (from my own experience, not that I've spent a lot of time there) it changes the way the Thais look at you. In the good sense.

    Granted, in some situations, it's very useful to let people imagine that you can't understand Thai. I play this on occasion, and I've learned a lot smile.png

  6. If it works full-speed when using a VPN, the connection to the ISP, be it fiber or otherwise definitely isn't the bottleneck.

    It mostly lies within the ISP's proxy as mentioned by Muratremix and it could have something to do with weird things that seem to be happening at all Thai ISPs these days. There are signs that we're moving to something that resembles a single gateway. At least all banned web sites seem to be redirected to a default error page coming from a web proxy appliance hosted on TOT network (whatever your ISP is).

    The famous "single gateway", if it's becoming a reality, will undoubtedly become a "single bottleneck".

    You might be seeing the early effects here. Possibly.

  7. I haven't had any serious accident while driving for over 25 years in Thailand (although not year-long all the time).

    Only been read-ended rather violently on a rainy day by a Thai driver who did not expect me to brake hard at a yellow light. That's not quite a local custom indeed laugh.png

    I certainly "adapt" to the Thai way of driving when in the LOS, and I have to confess not only in the best sense of that word... whistling.gif

    Doing things that would cost me fines and driving licence points here in Europe. Nothing as serious as passing a red light, but driving without a seat belt or significantly over 90 km/h on highways...

  8. Hmm.... seems to be either a really global thing or a "mandatory" filtering appliance that has been dispatched to all ISPs, each one their own box (or set of boxes).

    The latter sounds more likely to me.

    I'd bet on something that is "remotely administered" if you see what I mean. In the past Thai ISPs have been notoriously unreliable when it came to enforcing the blacklisting of sites as required.

    Seems that they're getting serious on this.

  9. Wrong time, wrong place I guess. Guns are being pulled out daily in many places in Thailand. Be happy you haven't been a collateral damage this time wacko.png

    Technical schools are places to absolutely avoid. I used to live close to one, it was already bad and that was many years ago, I've heard that it's much worse now.

  10. (...) Many of us pay for sex regardless. One way or another. There is something so honest about prostitution. Just tell me up front what it is going to take. In the west, it is often about an undetermined number of dinners, gifts, and prizes, to get to the final outcome.

    Married good old friend inevitably keeps telling me when the discussion comes to Thailand "prostitution is, by far, the cheapest way to get laid. Even here in Europe".

    Cynical? maybe, but sounds true.

  11. '... resulted in the transfer of several local policemen to inactive posts ...' Plenty of those to be had in the boxes that occupy all of the major road junctions, not to say a few of the minor ones, too.

    That would be too much of a sanction. I'm convinced that they've been sat in a comfy air-conditioned office with a computer so that Facebook can keep them busy all day while "inactive".

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