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animatic last won the day on October 19 2012

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    somewhere safe

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  1. Well an old friend did just that in January. I hadn’t seen him in 20 years but we kept in touch. He’d just retired this fall. His wife had work, his daughters too, so he came alone. We had a fine two weeks, but not all time spent together. Still at 65 no issues even anfter climbing 2 mountains and got home safe. He did have travel insurance.
  2. If you don’t know Pattaya avoid Pattaya.
  3. Driver failure, quite obviously. Speedboat hits trees, very much not what should happen, ever.
  4. Accu-Chek Guide Me is working fine. find strips easily and doc is happy with accuracy
  5. A long night of suffering is begining. Wrays resignation is the first bell tolling for horrible extended death knoll. This gloating and backslapping is grossly misplaced and in poorest taste.
  6. So many rumors going on about this. First one large market Laemdin totally gone, then smaller market Dao totally gone, now it’s just a house fire. Hope it’s just the latter. And no other losses.
  7. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone tabbed his drink an hour or so earlier. Server lost face because his attitude was not local enough, and the drug wasn’t strong enough to just dtop him, but was strong enough to set him off and overheat. Cops come and he doesn’t react well.
  8. CEO sets policy. He is also on the parent companies board. Hard work by the amoral can lead to success… but who was harmed by their hard work. if you can’t find that evidence which is glaringly public about adverse medical insurance outcomes, don’t expect others to do it for you. PS “Woke” has absolutely zero to do with this. Clearly the most misused word of this decade so far. And absurd it’s used as a pejorative attack, yet most all who accept “Woke” as part of their viewpoint see it as a very positive aspect of their personal philosophy. So an obvious double fail for those using the word to slag the caring.
  9. 100% agree. Had success with both 10 year tourist visa and 2 grad school education visas using agent. Paid once for 10 year and got complimentary advice on first Ed visa
  10. Was the Peeping Tom, hoping to find two girls in a standard position, disappointed?
  11. Absolutely no indication of the laws being broken. In any and all posts there is nothing but police stating thaus arecoutraged and a search is ongoing. What. Did. They. Do? Just total BS
  12. We generally use Ghee and 1/3 extra virgin olive oil, or rice bran oil. Depends on taste of the moment.
  13. Bingo! Take the investments too.
  14. Different day same old jingoistic act. Some new guy in a chair of power trying to prove he can appear to be doing something. Farangs being the easiest target for action. Never mind these nominees help bring in international investment. Never mind the laws are in place, but one hand doesn’t know what the other hand is trying to do, so shoots both feet to ‘look active’
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