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Posts posted by Uroller

  1. Looked and sounded like he flew over Phuket in a helicopter, guess he didn’t want to get too close to all the poverty struck people, then flew over affluent Laguna, I’m sure he gained much knowledge about the crisis in Phuket????

    • Confused 1
  2. I was also sceptical about Apple in Thailand but I needed a new phone so I went to Studio 7 in Phuket and have to say they were fantastic, I got the phone which they insisted I open in front of them and they did some basic tests on it, all very professional and restored my faith in Apple’s main reseller in Thailand???? 

    • Like 1
  3. Looking for a trustworthy pc shop to get my laptop fixed, have a virus and cannot reset. Think I got the virus through VLC player which is what I use  for my IPTV. I am located in Phuket near Laguna/BangTao/Surin, so a shop around that area would be great. Thanks

  4. Gut feel is that the £ will get stronger once out of the EU. Perhaps a small dip due to the uncertainty but once UK starts negotiating trade deals with US and other countries plus take back their very lucrative fishing industry the £ will become the strong currency it once was. It won’t be propping up weak EU countries, in fact I see the Euro weakening. Great that UK never went to the Euro.

  5. It’s a crap shoot at the moment! I spent a night with 2 other guys recently at Phuket airport, we all had different situations, one (American) had been teaching in Phuket and left to go traveling, when he flew back from Cambodia to gather his belongings and sell his car they denied him entrance, he sat Locked up for 3 days as that was the next flight back to Cambodia, he had loads of funds but they didn’t care. The second was from Australia, he had tried an overland border entry from Laos but got rejected there and told he needed confirmation of his bank account, confirmation of hotel and flight out. He got all that but decided to fly into Phuket because of his bad experience at the land crossing. I was in Immigration at Phuket airport when he came in and he produced all those confirmations plus significant cash but he was rejected. After watching him although I was in the office first I fully expected the IO to start questioning me, but no questions just no entry. I had multiple entry on arrival stamps on my passport but never asked me if I had money or anything. Ages American 30-35 Aussie 50ish me 60. It seemed that they were looking for numbers to appease the higher ups. This was a month ago. Like I say, it’s a crap shoot! Made some new friends but don’t trust immigration!

  6. Be very careful with 30 day visitor visa on entry anywhere as there is a purge on right now. Especially bad if you have multiple entries and some 30 day extensions. I got stopped coming into Phuket along with 2 other guys one of which had a 3 month visa bank statement and return flight along with paid accommodation. Other guy had been teaching for a year left for a month after school finished then came back to get his belongings gongs before going traveling. The three of us spent a night under lock and key st Phuket airport then sent back to our origin. All of us had money etc but they were not interested. So beware of the “purge”

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