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Posts posted by Uroller

  1. 23 hours ago, connda said:

    I don't understand what these simpletons expect while making ludicrous rules.  Some people travel in families.  Others travel with friends.  Some travel alone with the intentions of meeting up with friends.  ???? (The way I read it this will get you arrested and paraded in front of Thai media. My friends from the US who used to come here annually traveled just like this - alone and meet up with buddies on arrival)

    So you meet up with your unrelated friends at the pool when you arrive and then are arrested, jailed, fined, and threatened with deportation.  Worse, you dare to buy a six-pack of Leo or Chang to enjoy by the pool with your unrelated friends?  Or you are with your family and are nicked anyway with you, your family, and the kids dragged to the police station to prove that you're related?  Oh, and with 2 full cans of Leo and 4 empties which you are made to point at for the cameras wielded by Thai media.
    I don't see how this manages to work given the propensity of authorities to make a media spectacle of "foreigners breaking rules." 

    Are they that stupid to actually "go there" with the Machiavellian enforcement?  As another post aptly noted, it will be interesting to see what transpires in the first 2 or 3 weeks of this dog-and-pony show.  It they start arresting the few tourist that come and place them on display in the typical Thai media circus fashion - when that gets "back home" to their countries of origin all bets for tourism after July will be off.

    My question - can the authoritarian rules-freaks contain themselves or will they immediately toss a spanner into the works as soon as a handful of tourists arrive and attempt to relax and simply "have fun."  Time will tell. 

    These guys are ruining the Thai tourism industry for years to come, Thailand will/has become a “ no go” country for holiday makers????No longer the land of Smiles more like the land of Snarls????

  2. 2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:



    In the case of the U.S. I would expect that Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman shoveled the path for follow-on discussions during her meeting with payut a few weeks ago?


    From the statement:


    The Deputy Secretary reiterated the U.S. commitment to the people of Thailand in our fight against COVID-19, which includes $30 million in COVID-related assistance to Thailand. The two sides agreed on the importance of continuing to work together to combat COVID-19.




    I hope somebody is tracking that US$30 million Covid related assistance, who knows where that will end up????

  3. I heard they are looking into it and are going to setup a committee to oversee a committee to study how best to arrange tv coverage???? Once the committee has gathered enough information they will make a  presentation to the other committee  on how best to solve the issue, they are expecting this presentation is expected to be completed by Euro2040………… don’t read the newspapers so you won’t know the scores????

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