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Everything posted by edogthong

  1. What a story! I'm glad I received an email highlighting this important and shocking event.
  2. First of all, there's no link between not wearing a mask and being overweight. And just because the Thais can't think for themselves, you following suit does not make you a better person.
  3. Just start coughing like crazy whenever someone does that. You've never seen someone move so fast in your life!
  4. People like you casually move on to another thing after you've been advocating to take people's freedoms away for over two years without admitting that you were wrong or giving any form of vindication to those who suffered due to your ignorance.
  5. Someone with a brain? On this forum!? I never thought I'd see the day. Good for you for standing up to the bullies. I stood my ground as well and I'm very happy I did. Some of the bullies in here still won't give up even though most people are sick of hearing about Covid. They're still shouting propaganda of mask wearing and even for children to get injected but there's no one listening anymore.
  6. This is a step in the right direction but why not make it permanent? Hopefully, they will decide to do just that as we get closer to the cut off date in March. Or better yet, just give everyone 90 days at the border and make the Tourist Visas 6 months. I wouldn't even mind if they charged double or triple for the TVs to make up for lost revenue. Just make it easier for tourists to come and spend money in Thailand. And remove that crazy rule of 4 Thai staff for 1 work permit. Make Thailand business and investment friendly and play the numbers game instead of trying to squeeze as much money out of as few foreigners as possible.
  7. That's a horrible idea. You've obviously never gained the trust of a pitbull. They can be the most loyal and trustworthy dogs in the world.
  8. So if you can't help every dog in Thailand, you shouldn't help any? Great logic there! So why help anyone at anytime with anything if you can't solve all the world's problems yourself? I guess we should just do away with every charitable organisation in the world. No point feeding the homeless or starting Africans since we can't help them all.
  9. So watching them starve to death in front of your eyes when you could easily prevent it is the righteous path, is it? I'm sick of expats telling me I shouldn't feed stray dogs. Support local animal charities, encourage neutering and spaying and help those who are already alive to survive. That's the way and the light.
  10. Well, it differs a whole lot from that of Thailand's government. I assess people's quality by how they conduct themselves rather than the size of their wallet.
  11. Exactly! That should be food for thought for all the expats on here who keep saying the same mantra: "When you're in a foreign country, you should follow the law!" Those foreign bar owners who follow the law to the letter are always the ones who get in trouble with corrupt police. Paying bribes is illegal in Thailand but if you want to stay in business, you better be a law breaker. Otherwise, you're guaranteed a nasty visit from the mafia...erm I mean the police.
  12. Wouldn't locking her up in a Thai prison for life be a worse punishment? Governments shouldn't be in the business of killing people, no matter the crime IMHO.
  13. Those of us who've been saying not to worry from the start and were told that we were crazy conspiracy theorists who should shut up and get vaccinated still haven't received our apologies. I'm talking to YOU, 95% of the members in here. It's time to own up to your mistakes.
  14. Thailand has likely seen billions of baht in tax revenue from that particular film. No other movie has done more to bring tourists here. The local authorities approved all the environmental construction work at the time. This just further cements Thailand's reputation as a greedy and investment unfriendly nation. It will likely cost them further billions of Baht in lost revenue streams as film studios take their business elsewhere. Well done Thailand!
  15. As many people have already mentioned and indeed even this study, there's a correlation between Vitamin D deficiency and severe Covid as well as a generally compromised immune system. What people have failed to mention is that many people actually do suffer from vitamin D deficiency. In fact, as a study on the subject concludes: "Vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition worldwide" Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3126987/#:~:text=Vitamin D deficiency is the,countries (19-21).
  16. That's true but what's also true is that most of those people weren't Dutch. That fact said more about the social problems in other countries than it did about the problems in the Netherlands. Also, that is no longer the case in Amsterdam. For a more recent and relevant example you should look to Portugal where they've decriminalised all drugs and it's a huge success. We now know that hard drugs is not a criminal issue. It's a medical and social one. Keeping addiction a criminal offense only increases drug use. Focusing on treatment is the way to go.
  17. You don't remember it because you didn't own a business in the tourism sector. Those of us who did certainly remember it.
  18. You're really showing your age, lack of wisdom as well as a basic understanding of logic with that argument. I can guarantee you that all of those hard drug criminals started with alcohol or cigarettes or coffee or tea or chocolates... I could go on but it's such a silly argument that I can't believe that there are people around who still buy into it. And what about the people who've managed to come off hard drugs because of cannabis?
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