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  1. Its a rather outdated law but thats the case for many laws in Thailand including the silly 2 - 5pm, the Election Day ban etc, surely in this day & era it should be dont drink alcohol on the day if thats how you feel, much like some Catholics dont eat meat on Fridays!!! The irony of these silly laws is that a large percentage of Thai's including the makers of these laws will have an alcoholic drink on the day so it makes little sense, maybe in the next century they will get up to speed with reality??
  2. no, it is effective on the 12th Feb, so midnight tonight, Tuesday, to midnight Wednesday.
  3. The US still has not released the truth behind the JFK assassination and many other occurrences. Will they ever release the truth behind the collapse of the New York Twin Towers???
  4. I pour boiling water over my rolled oats and the leave them to soak overnight, it is important that some cooking process takes place before eating hence using boiling water! The next morning prior to eating I add an unsweetened coconut milk.
  5. Quite obviously from the pictures he was a scuba diver!!!!
  6. Sister of Thaksin,, not the daughter so it was her brother that you are referring to.
  7. There is already too many misbehaving children & juveniles on this planet that go undisciplined yet these morons want to adopt those same principles of the west so their children can also behave like morons!!!! Sadly the male portion have mostly already achieved that status in LOS but there was hope for the females, looks like that to is about to disappear.
  8. It would be personally reassuring if we for 1 minute believed him but sadly for Thailand they are chair warmers and tea money collectors. He may well have good intentions but what about the other 249,999 officers ???
  9. Dont hold your breath, you can almost guarantee that Putin will take over when he sees his opportunity!
  10. Well what we do know is the Thailand supplies them with aviation fuel so they can bomb the "S" out of their own citizens. Remember the Junta are an illegal entity so everything they are doing to their people just to name a few from human rights abuses, torturing innocent people, numerous killings of civilians, openly torturing and killing the resistance, destroying dwelling, schools, hospitals and infrastructure, stealing, land grabbing, displacing probably many more than a million people etc etc is illegal and Thailand doesnt have the morals or ethics to come out and condemn their actions, it sounds like you condone them as well!!!
  11. The trigger happy Burmese up to their usual antics, no need to open fire on the Thai boats, either escort them back to their own waters if in fact they weren't already and if they we're illegally fishing in Burmese waters take the boats and negotiate a release. Thailand is up to their filthy ears in shananigans with the Burmese Junta so maybe there were some breakdowns in negotiations so the Burmese thought they would stir things up! I wonder which neighbouring country gave them the ammunition used, china, India, Thailand or maybe it was Russian!!!
  12. Very sadly for that fisherman who lost his life and those injured in the encounter, whether they were in Thai or Burmese waters is to be established but no need to open fire on fishing boats like they did. Thailand shamefully supports the Burmese Junta who are murdering their own people which the Thai authorities are very aware of so this type of behaviour is both very foolish and unnecessary by the Burmese Navy, an indication of their aggressiveness. When will Thailand gets some morals and ethics and condemn these murdering scumbags, I guess there are some financial benefits for the Thai's so that means morals & ethics get shelved!
  13. Whilst most Thai's have the attitude that they know better & brown envelopes are their way of life nothing will change!

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