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  1. Give him a night I the lock up for unacceptable public behaviour & for creating a disturbance, 2nd offence a fine and a night in the lock up! He needs to be taught social etiquette!
  2. What about Thailand's recent deportation of the Uyghers to china and the treatment they will likely receive once back in China!! "This groundbreaking initiative marks a major step forward in aligning Thai law enforcement practices with global human rights standards, reinforcing the RTP’s commitment to public safety, legal compliance, and ethical policing"
  3. When will the authorities educate these female imposters not to hassle tourists and cause trouble. I say give them a male haircut ( short back & sides ) as first offence punishment and that might just get their attention to behave themselves. Like this altercation the fragile ego's in this country are pathetically concerning!! "Because we didnt have our motorbikes it felt demeaning" thats the sort of response you would expect from a overly spoilt child!!
  4. Maybe he was going to reveal more information about his cohorts!!
  5. I think you are referring to a very small group of people, the laws make little or no sense and are outdated like many other laws in Thailand. 90 day reporting to name just 1
  6. Bring it on, lets hope the idea will be seen by Governors & Mayors from other provinces and they clean up their respective areas as these cables are such an eyesore!!!!
  7. It would be very simple to make all hotels & restaurants allowed to serve alcohol as per their licensed operating hours like most developed country's so no 2 - 5pm restrictions & no alcohol free holy days!! But maybe thats too simple for Thailand who loves complications and hanging on to draconian outdated laws that make no sense!!!
  8. Its a rather outdated law but thats the case for many laws in Thailand including the silly 2 - 5pm, the Election Day ban etc, surely in this day & era it should be dont drink alcohol on the day if thats how you feel, much like some Catholics dont eat meat on Fridays!!! The irony of these silly laws is that a large percentage of Thai's including the makers of these laws will have an alcoholic drink on the day so it makes little sense, maybe in the next century they will get up to speed with reality??
  9. no, it is effective on the 12th Feb, so midnight tonight, Tuesday, to midnight Wednesday.
  10. The US still has not released the truth behind the JFK assassination and many other occurrences. Will they ever release the truth behind the collapse of the New York Twin Towers???
  11. I pour boiling water over my rolled oats and the leave them to soak overnight, it is important that some cooking process takes place before eating hence using boiling water! The next morning prior to eating I add an unsweetened coconut milk.
  12. Quite obviously from the pictures he was a scuba diver!!!!
  13. Sister of Thaksin,, not the daughter so it was her brother that you are referring to.
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