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Posts posted by paul1804

  1. 11 hours ago, Video News said:



    There’s Always a Bigger Fish: A giant Mekong stingray named Boramy has set a new world record as the largest freshwater fish, surpassing the previous record held by the Thai giant catfish. Discovered in Cambodia's Mekong River, Boramy measures 3.98 meters in length, 2.2 meters in width, and weighs approximately 300 kilograms. This discovery underscores the need for conservation efforts to protect the Mekong River's rich biodiversity.

    Tell that to China!


  2. Depending on the accuracy of the reporting some positive changes but they haven't really thought this through to have a real impact. Nothing about the crazy 90 day reporting which has to be the most obsolete rule in Thai immigration, especially for those on work permits. Lots of other changes needed to make a real impact. Nothing wrong with offering free visa's but due to the rise in crimes committed by foreigners they really need to improve their screening process. Also surely over stayers flag in their computer system so why are there people who have overstayed by sometimes several years and discovered by a whistle blower rather than the authorities doing their job!! The mountains of paper work that is required for anything visa, work permit or even a licence is completely nuts, they have the information on file so why add to it with numerous sheets of paper, this is really Third world thinking!

  3. 5 hours ago, BadSpottedDog said:

    Good decision. We lived on Samui for 2 years. Almost got hit head on more than once by those crazy white tourist vans overtaking on a blind hill or curve. They are paid by the load, so they go as fast as they can, and are a huge problem. We moved to the mainland as a result of this.

    Start enforcing traffic laws with police that will actually pull over moving violators! Traffic stops for inspection to check license and registration do absolutely NOTHING to improve the safety of the roads! Maybe consider actually pulling people over who are being dangerous and breaking traffic laws? We've never seen this happen anywhere in Thailand.

    This is our 9th year here and haven't seen any improvement with all of the suggestions mentioned in the comments.

    "Tourism Association, Ratchaporn Poolsawadee, pointed out that the island’s infrastructure is struggling to keep pace with the rising number of tourists. He highlights how Koh Samui lacks a cruise ship pier despite over 40 cruise ships scheduled to visit this year"


    So the infrastructure is struggling to keep up with the current visitor numbers yet the president wants to build a cruise ship terminal which would likely attract more cruise ships putting and even greater strain on existing infrastructure. These guys just dont see how improved infrastructure will cope better with more tourists, the past revenue from tourism has been squandered by those in higher places and will continue to be the case until there is some accountability and thats not going to happen any time soon! So given the status quo Samui and the Islands needs to a attract a better quality of tourist and not quantity!!! Put a stop to all the frantic construction and fix the basic amenities, electricity, water, garbage and road safety probably being the most pressing! Oh and road safety includes sorting out the Taxi mafia and the lunatic drivers, Thai & Farang!! 



  4. 6 hours ago, animatic said:



    “Additionally, there are calls for the government to intensify efforts against illegal businesses, promote legitimate land ownership, and address nominee investment issues.”


    Not one single tourist cares about any of this. Only Thais not wanting to share any profits with investors are on about this stuff. It’s had zero effect on tourism.


    • Fix the trash incinerator by any means,

    • Build a large water purification plant.

    • Clamp down on taxi and transport gouging

    And fix the street pavements, install public toilets in tourist areas, get the RTP off their backsides to stop illegal parking causing traffic hazards and so on!

    • Agree 2
  5. How could you ever imagine that those darling Thai male youths would ever do stuff like this so lets call them Burmese!  Very convenient to blame the Burmese boys who would be very aware of the fact that they can be sent home to fighting & hardships so why would the jeopardise their stay in Thailand by carrying on like this? 

    • Confused 1
    • Agree 1
  6. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Only men are stupid enough to imagine that physically attractive women are a good catch. Women look beyond the illusion ( looks fade- a huge bank balance does not ) to see what is more important- will he be a good provider?

    There are plenty of attractive women out there that are toxic harpies- I should know as I got trapped by one, to my everlasting regret.

    Dont think it only happened to you, I got severely tricked by one but fortunately now divorced, much happier but somewhat poorer!  I looked after her and her family extremely well but that wasn't enough, she basically wanted everything!

  7. On 5/15/2024 at 2:14 PM, georgegeorgia said:

    How does one define the word "jaded "

    I describe it as becoming bitter but as I sit here on a sunbed in the rain I'm thinking of the poem a sunburnt country I think by Banjo Patterson ...but please let me get on with the story ! 


    A farang last night told me for weeks yes we weeks not months not years but weeks...he had been going to the same group of motorbike taxi drivers outside his Condo building and using their services , apparently the fare was around 60 b and he gave them 100 a effective distinction of 40 baht tip .


    Now come yesterday and please I'm not 100 per cent sure of the exact time so please don't quote me ...that he walked to the motorbike taxi stand and had a 1000 baht note or 40 baht , he apparently or should we be legal and say ... allegedly....asked the SAME group if they would take him for 40 baht as he would have to change the 1000 baht !


    To put it point blankly ( if there is such a word !) they refused 

    Leaving this belated bitter man to walk to a 711 to change it 


    Now please I don't know why he couldn't of changed it on the way ....but....but ....he no longer tips , he has become jaded they don't REMEMBER, you understand....they didn't remember his kindness ,his devotion and his love 💕 for them


    And PLEASE may I ...may I quote many who say they went to a particular bar and DID NOT once tip as this "jaded " situation that they never received the service they normally got? Would that be fair to say in front of a jury ?

    Unfortunately that is the nature of the beast, I think many Thai's see kindness as a weakness.

  8. Coral bleaching is the outcome of higher water temperatures and due to the current higher temperatures many coral reefs will not survive. 

    Tourist boats with no sewerage holding tanks releasing raw sewerage onto the reefs will effect the health of the reef, this is where the Thai authorities should be doing their job, no holding tanks - no licence! But this will never happen in Thailand because the authorities have no personal financial gain so why would they bother to do the job that they are paid to do!!!

    This mind set is why Thailand in many ways firmly remains a third world country. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    I don't understand this statute of limitations nonsense. If a crime has been committed then keep going until a verdict is reached. Why do cases have an expiry date? Suddenly the alleged crime doesn't count anymore? Time's up. Nothing to see here. Move on. Red Bull guy next, only one more charge against him to go before he can arrive back in Thailand with a huge grin on his face., free as a bird after allegedly killing a cop. No court necessary. On your way, son.

    So these crooked a-holes can walk free, you can bet your life if he were just a common worker he would be doing time for sure! 

    • Agree 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Muhendis said:


    What makes you think planning is involved?

    It's knee jerk stuff as always,

    Next will be import duty which is currently only collected on goods over 1,000 Baht

    I think import duty is currently applied on items over 1500 Baht, so now it will be duty & VAT and if I dont miss my guess Vat will be applied on the total amount meaning VAT also charged on duty!

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