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Dan O

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  1. You're the one continually crying and need a sedative. And all your stupidity was written by you and you own it. Have great day weasel boy
  2. You got caught in bs and are looking for a way out by deflection to divert your ignorance of the facts. But carry on like a weasel if you need to Im done with your childish bs
  3. You excuses are moronic and your backtracking by deflecting trying to save face from from bs posts. Im done with you since its like arguing with a 4 year old child.
  4. You're the fool for trying to defend yourself for being incorrect about the topic and then deflecting your stupidity using spell correct function as your out. Even if I did make a spelling error your ignorance of the topic is clear from the start. Your time is done on this.
  5. You're the one displaying ignorance with your double speak trying to deflect from facts. As for spell correction on here I dont control it and stopped trying to fix its constant changing of spelling of words long ago. If that helps you feel you're correct you go with that. You're just another keyboard warrior trying to prove you're right when you're not. Have a great day in your moms basement.
  6. spell correction on this site is not an area under my control
  7. it reads specifically: A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. is that clear enough for you ? spend some time reading it and see for yourself. This isnt a debate in the supreme court so dont try to play word doctor on meanings of words, phrasing or punction as you will not win and even the courts haven't gone against the meaning.
  8. I guess you never heard of the Second Amendment under the Bill of Rights which gives that right to keep and bare arms. You're blowing smoke from your rear end and dont know what your taking about. very few resturants require a jacket unless your at a high end exclusive resturarunt or private counrty club which less than 1 % are. Google might help you
  9. Maybe in your circles but not the normal citizen. Americans have the right to "bare" arms as a constituional right, but most do not.
  10. Why don't you stop speculation and read and get the facts first. Your not a very good Sherlock Holmes on this case adding and confusion information thats been published and adding in unverified info.
  11. Yeah it appears they may be in on the scam. How would any real police know what bus or van to stop or even have a reason to stop them except to be able to pull off a scam like this. They only target tourist as they know they arent gonna stick around to go to court or probably even press charges. They certainly have the vehicle tag numbers and video of the "cops". No cops pull over people using just a glow stick waving out the window. They took photos of id's and passports as a way to intimidate the tourist.
  12. Yeah it appears they may be in on the scam. How would any real police know what bus or van to stop or even have a reason to stop them except to be able to pull off a scam like this. They only target tourist as they know they arent gonna stick around to go to court or probably even press charges. They certainly have the vehicle tag numbers and video of the "cops". No cops pull over people using just a glow stick waving out the window. They took photos of id's and passports as a way to intimidate the tourist.
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