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  1. Thanks for the info. It is an older Thai style of construction. They build a square of bricks and lay concrete beams on top. Fill the floor in and leave the hole for the waste. The only way to access it would be to demolish the building. It is only used in high season. The problem was the roots had blocked off the hole in the picture. The picture is taken after I removed them 🤩
  2. I have an old fashioned underfloor septic with no rings or tanks. The toilet blocked and we removed the bowl and cistern to find it is blocked by roots. Somebody advised me to (carefully) use copper sulphate. The only entrance to the septic is through the toilet and I have read the copper sulphate could damage the toilet(don't see how if I just wash it straight through). I can close the toilet for a period after I pit in the copper sulphate as I heard it can be harmful. Thanks for any advice
  3. A mosquito awareness program would help as well. My neighbour always left water around and we had many mosquitoes till her daughter contracted dengue. Now no water- no mosquitoes. Pity Thais need to learn the hard way. If they did not leave rubbish everywhere there would be less places for rainwater to gather and less mosquitoes.
  4. Mosquitoes need stagnant water to grow. They are also lazy and stay near to where they are born all their lives. You must have a,water source somewhere for them to grow in
  5. Easy Corner bar has lots of sport. In Soi Bukhao where the road turns near the market. Pattaya Klang end.
  6. You should just go and buy some marijuana-available 24 hours. You can even get it delivered unlike alcohol.
  7. After covid, to fully finish off the small saunas, the fire department came around demanding expensive modifications. Pattaya Sauna closed along with others.
  8. Thai people don't seem that interested in,F1. They have a Thai team Red Bull, a Thai driver Albon and love driving cars fast but I don't think they even broadcast it on Thai TV.
  9. I had heard differently about it's history than what the articles say. I understood it was,a,passenger ferry which he sailed in there and then filled in behind it. He was not having financial difficulties but was old and his family were not interested in keeping the resort running. When I went there 4 years ago most of it seemed in ruins.
  10. They have. Aseannow Pattaya forum
  11. I'm not in Pattaya at the moment. She has lost her card. I said if she put money in my Australian bank account I would give her baht. She is not such a close friend that I would give her Wise rate,as I pay fees on it so I thought the street rate was a,good one to use.
  12. I'm not in Pattaya at the moment. She has lost her card. I said if she put money in my Australian bank account I would give her baht. She is not such a close friend that I would give her Wise rate,as I pay fees on it so I thought the street rate was a,good one to use.
  13. Hi. I'm helping a friend change some money and was hoping somebody could tell me the rate they are giving for Australian dollar to Thai baht at the moment. Thank you.
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