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Posts posted by guyshown

  1. Ok i have a report about the Blue Elephant went there last night like I said i would. Might be good to some folks but not for me. my meal and friends was a total of 131 us dollars plus tips and drinks. over priced even as nice as the place is not worth it think only thai in the place the chef-(kin to me) I know he is shy about the taste but i told him not to worry i know they have recipe they have to follow.

  2. I have owned several Thai restaurants and am kin to a Chef for Blue Elephant put it this way when he comes over for some beers I do the cooking! actualy come to think about it when any of my friends of family come over I do the cooking don't ask me to cook Thai only Isan. To be Honest A lot of people enjoy the Blue Elephant I have not eaten there in years so after reading this thread am going to go try it tonight. By the way the restaurant is opening new branches every year. Question for any one is the orginal owner Thai?

  3. Question what is a sign of Liver Flukes or symptoms of liver flukes. By the way I am the king of making laap diep or laap lute. but scared for my insides.. with a background in culinary arts it is not healthy unless it is truely fresh and put some whisky down with it to kill any bacteria

  4. Please help I need to know the Thai names for internal organs of the Human Body. For example liver is Daapp, Heart Hua Jai. Please help this is dealing with my daughter and bless my wife’s heart her English skills are good but have reached their limit

    Thank you in advance

  5. Yes , what about non-cig or alcohol items . Example, i have for my going to thailand 9 cellphones ( GSM) with me for repair . I guess it is impossible to say that they are mine and i'm bringin them inside the country so it could cause a problem or not ???? Also , how about taking sigaettes out Thailand ??? I think this is never a problem , it is only the going in which is , or am i wrong .

    I doubt you would have a problem with bringing "broken" mobile phones into Thailand, although you may have to prove that they are indeed 'not working' which may result in you being delayed at the airport for some time.

    I find this funny that i travel home at least 4 times a years and have never had any problems at customs. Actually i wonder if their is a connection between either new airport or Removal of the Prime Minister(Shiniwatra spelling?)?? I hope it is fixed right away or this will spread like a nasty cancer! and for all of the people that try to get away with brining in excess please stop so the poor saps like me that live by the rules there don't fall victim to extra checking and scrutiny

  6. I bet your right about not enough sun inside of the rubber plantation. Alot more sun gets in a Palm Plantation than a Rubber Plantation. I have heard of people inner mixing Peppercorn with Palm trees. Does any one know if it takes a lot of fertilizers?? how about water during the dry season in Issan how will it do?

  7. sbk-Thanks for the info - do you know at what stage of the growth do the get the green peppers bunches like you see in the Thai markets and cooking. Also how per a kilo is phrik thai sell for in the market. Is any one growing phrik thai in northeast or issan area?

    Once again thanks for the help

  8. Maizefarmer

    Thank you for the information. I thnk that i have said somewhere before but if not...... I am orginally from the wheat land of North Dakota, so do have farming background but it has been years since i have plowed any dirt. We ran a good heard of cows way back they were all black angus but started doing crossing with the charlois(sp?) of course they were pastured and brought in closer to home come calving and winter. Just for the record never cared to much for the cross. I have heard several folks here talk about mechanical cut in carry does that mean baling hay?? does any one plant and use alfalfa?? most of my tee is n rubber trees but am really thinking of adding a few cows I have about ten rai that could be seeded for hay but don't know the best for the area. have water source and so forth. thought about trying to do some form of grass between the rows of the rubber trees but allways thought that there is no way to ever get the moisture lever down low enough to do any type of bailing. any how i am getting long winded thank you again for the informaion you provided


  9. I have been away for the last month and see that trhere has been lots of great post. I also have recently joined the rubber plantation(planted this season). Since i grew up farming in the dry lands of Norh Dakota the first thing i did was drill new wells and put in drip irrigation system to each tree. I can tell you because i know from first hand you will not be tapping in three years it's more like seven. I have watched several places inthe the last 4 years trees grow most of them have been very well taken care of and none of them in the 5 year mark will be ready to tap. I gotta run will type more later when have time.

  10. To whom that have posted information in regards to a virus in Korat that is life threating particular in children. I want to thank you for posting the information. I know that every rainy season you have the standard worries, and like most things that come regular they become just that "oh yeh it comes around every year, and the my-bu lye attitude prevails again. "

    See I am working out of country right now and my family to include my 2 young children are at home. Allthough my wife is a spetacular mother/ wife sometimes the care free and jai yen yen side dominates! So since it is raining day in and day out and the little farts love to be out in the giant sprinkler they have came down with a touch of fever and the runny fountain that is located above their pie holes and just below their eyeballs is producing that great fluid so often refered to as "snott" . Now I talked to the misses a couple of days ago and little fart number one is "my sabai" got the above symptoms so comes the normal statement "luke gin lao....... yaa- hawn .....Maa hi YAA hawm lao"

    Day two :luke my sabai HAWN and of course "Maa hi YAA hawm lao" and since i have read this thread my instructions to the spetacular mother/wife put little fart number one the kwai, caribou. motorcycle tuk tuk what ever means of transport you choose i can care less but ...Transport little fart number one to the DOCTOR!

    Come to find out all was ok and little fart number one has slowed down the snott production and is not HAWN at this time. I have at times been known to ramble on and on inthe attempt to make a point which i think i have done again. So to get to that point even though nothing seriously was wrong with my little farts with out reading this thread i would have never known anything was going on back home. So thanks to this thread If there was something really wrong with the little farts i had taken the precaution to have them checked out by a Doctor which i more in likely would have not done so do to this is that time of year like every year before comes the effects of the little farts playing in the giant sprinkler!

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