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Posts posted by zorrow424

  1. 1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

    Recently there was Nauseus who claimed that because 40 percent of its agricultural exports went to the UK, that was critical for Ireland

    There was Bamboozle who seemed to believe that the Northern Ireland was better run than southern Ireland.

    Then there was Zorrow424 who claimed that Ireland's biggest export market was the UK. Bigger than the EU.


    All this in less than 24 hours.


    Did I really?,show me.  Ireland is finished,all the wiki facts and figures are relative to past, now (as UKs determination to use Aussie and NZ produce cancels out ireland (biggest market UK),and what cancels out ireland further, is the only way ireland can shift produce is via ferry ,massively expensive.

      That big thick daft <deleted>  irelands pm stated Britain now wants to remain in EU,really?  bye bye 24 days to go  bye bye

  2. 19 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    You're not the only Brexiter who suffers from an exaggerated notion of of the UK's importance to Ireland. Time to acquaint you with some facts:

    1. United States: US$46 billion (27.9% of total Irish exports)
    2. Belgium: $21.7 billion (13.2%)
    3. United Kingdom: $18.7 billion (11.4%)
    4. Germany: $12.2 billion (7.4%)
    5. Netherlands: $9 billion (5.4%)
    6. Switzerland: $7.7 billion (4.6%)
    7. France: $6.2 billion (3.8%)
    8. China: $5.4 billion (3.3%)
    9. Japan: $4.6 billion (2.8%)
    10. Italy: $4.3 billion (2.6%)
    11. Spain: $3 billion (1.8%)
    12. Mexico: $1.7 billion (1%)
    13. Canada: $1.6 billion (1%)
    14. Poland: $1.4 billion (0.8%)
    15. Sweden: $1.1 billion (0.7%)http://www.worldstopexports.com/irelands-top-import-partners/

    And for someone like you who is so obsessed with the balance of trade, there's this:

    "In 2018, UK exports to Ireland were worth £38.3 billion; imports from Ireland were £21.9 billion, resulting in a trade surplus of £16.4 billion with Ireland."


    Peanuts in the scheme of things,   93 billion deficit wiped out   8 billion   membership fee wiped out     ireland to pay Brussels 11 billion   peanuts dear boy  peanuts     good reference Wiki  live by the book  die by it   24 days to go

    • Sad 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Right, because it's the south that depends on subsidies. And it's not the north that gets 11 billion pounds in subsidies every year from the UK. Because NI is so well run.

    United Ireland would see living standards in Republic fall by 15%

    Irish reunification would come at a high price for the Republic, reducing income and living standards by as much as 15 per cent, a new study has found.

    The research, by economists John FitzGerald of Trinity College Dublin and Edgar Morgenroth of Dublin City University, suggests that in the event of a hard Brexit, the only way the North could stay in the EU is by leaving the UK, which opens up the possibility of a united Ireland.

    However, this would pose a number of economic challenges, not least how the Republic would accommodate the €11 billion  Northern Ireland receives annually from the UK, which equates to 25 per cent of its national income.



    eire is going to see its living standards fall a lot further than this when Brexit occurs in 24 days time

      Should not worry too much about UK paying anything to anybody either   ,took best part of 70 years for UK to settle its debts to USA after WW2.

      Do not think EU will be around for 70 days when UK pulls the plug on it

    • Sad 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, rhyddid said:

    BS BJ is trying all his darts to blame Eu for his madness incompetence, he is breaking the good friday agreement as well if a no deal, lets have a heavily armed borders by EU forces.

    Too true. Boris loathes the irish and its showing. break the GFA,good one,not up to the UK then,can put blame on anybody or anything,who the hell cares?   at least out of eu,..eu will be having kittens though that the responsibility now lies with them

  5. Just now, bristolboy said:

    As I've already told you, it's a universal economic phenomenon that the proximity of nations is the overwhelming determinant in how much they trade with each other. In economics, it's referred to as gravity.


    And that 39 billion figure is outdated. It included membership payments for 2018 and 2019 even though the UK was expected to be out of the EU by then.

    no worries,you think Boris concerned ,? do you really,lol     gravity?  that is where EU goes,downhill. Ludicrous statement ,nothing to hang onto here   off you go,  just like EU bye bye

    • Confused 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Sure it can. And be the only nation to violate the universally observed economic phenomenon that there is a directly proportional relations between proximity and the amount of trade between nations. And that's because BREXIT IS MAGIC!!!

    It is,it surely is   only a matter 20 odd days,and not just a matter of UK fortunes but EUs, EU will not last long,especially with world financial crisis unfolding   UK getting out at just about the right time

       UK gives EU crumbs   10 bob a year will do    EU grateful for anything it throws out,even its used underpants

    • Sad 1
  7. Distinct impression,most,if not all posters here are not from UK,but can see the end results for themselves ,in their own respective countries,and yes it looks grim for them,and undoubtedly will be,but from UKs view, not interested,just get on with it the best way you can,but the UKs absence will make a vast hole in EU s budget for sure ,while the UK can tote its 93 billion deficit around with it if so wishes,not putting into EUs pot


      you see,hope you do,anything but anything to thwart Boris intentions on leaving the EU on 31/10 have all been attended to,all wishful thinking "all hell breaking loose" at parliament being snubbed,well it is and boris knows how to do it.  all hot air from now in

  8. 18 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    That game has been and is being played by both sides.


    The EU and May, either through her incompetence or connivance, proposed a deal, that was unacceptable to just about everyone in the UK.


    Boris and his cronies have exploited that to get the no deal they want to cash in their investments and hedging, Boris possibly thinks that by crashing out he'll gain a lot of favor with a large section of the electorate which will propel him into a new term as PM with a majority in parliament of like minded Tories.


    Tusk, Juncker etc will be aware of all this. There original plan, May's deal has been thwarted. They might play the long game. If they do nothing, Boris will be legally forced to apply for an extension using the legally required letter. If he tries tricks, he'll be in contempt and all hell will break loose. That could well result in a GE, and then who knows. A remain government could be elected. It's in the EU's interests, at the moment, to grant an extension, and watch the UK government and politicians destroy themselves.

    What a load of bolloc.ks.  Boris majority come GE will be enormous   bye bye EU 31/10

  9. 3 minutes ago, samran said:

    If he's got a thumping majority coming his way - as the polls are telling us - the he probably can ultimately?


    The majority of NI'ers will be happy. The land of hope and glory crew get their brexit (the never cared about the Irish anyway), and the EU get to watch the ashen faced performances of the GB brexiters as they try and explain away how things aren't going so well on October 2nd and beyond before the force a third rate trade deal on them. Or am I missing something?

    Yes you are   93 billion trade deficit,8 million fee for belonging,EU discussing trapped countries being enforced to take in more and more refugees.

       1 million UK ites  living in EU  just how many on welfare there, whilst 3 and a half million in UK   probably all on minimum work hours whilst on max benefits,  all stops  31/10

    • Like 2
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  10. 30 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    Presumably you're in the know as to what happens after that? For example, all the unresolved commitments that the UK has to negotiate before it can say bye bye EU. Probably take another 3 years of talks, particularly if the scenario is a no-deal. To think otherwise is not thinking.


    That's why it's called a 'divorce' settlement. Countries just cannot leave without negotiating that with due legal process - unless it's a dictatorship.

    ...and presumably you know even more of what happens   for example,any unresolved commitments stay unresolved,finished,that is what clean cut divorce is all about,and yes I'm thinking.  EU gets awkward UK puts its foot on eires throat ,no vehicular movement north of the border until it gets what it wants. EU may block EU entry points  but eire will scream harder and louder ,useful idiots is what its all about 

      Easy-peasy as i would say ,done and dusted   bye bye EU  not long now

    • Sad 1
  11. 1 hour ago, JAG said:

    A very good question, particularly when asked in the context of Brexit! 


    As for the whole question of Scottish Independence, I am somewhat resigned to the expectation that notwithstanding the last referendum result, the question will be asked, again and again until those asking get the answer they want. There is a strong lobby within Scottish politics for that, and if it translates into a majority of Scots (I'm not sure that it does) then off you go!


    Personally I am of the opinion that leaving the United Kingdom, because England is the dominant economic and political entity in that union, and controls the unions fiscal affairs: and then asking to join another Union, in the process essentially handing control of your fiscal affairs to that union, in which another large nation is the effective dominant economic and political entity, seems rather pointless. So does either retaining the pound after independence (England will remain the dominant economic and political entity) or adopting another currency! As an Englishman I don't have a say in that matter, but I would certainly wish for my government, (England's) to maintain control of all aspects of the currency in the event of Scotland wishing to retain the Pound Sterling. Not to punish Scotland for their temerity in demanding independence, but to ensure that the currency is controlled for England's benefit and not Scotland's, since I expect that the two will diverge somewhat radically.

    Exactly,give them a referendum,give it to them on a plate,acted on immediately,just shut that damned door.  No more Barnett dictating terms

  12. just why the UK needs to belong to a supposed trading bloc that produced a year on year deficit to itself of over 93 billion and rising,none of the majority 22 countries have the means or capacity of helping the UK achieve a balance of payments that anywhere nears favouring the UK,and paying 8 billion for enjoying that membership.

       Nothing quite like it anywhere in the world 'cept  USA  and no, the south will never rise again..period,held down by the likes of Alabama,Mississippi,same-same Italy Greece,Spain holding down the true value of the euro whilst Germany flourishes under that cheap currency,the EU is doomed,long time coming but it will come,especially its main benefactor is pulling the rug up from under it

       Once eire starts making that 11 billion payment to Brussels it fleeced from   Google taxes ,see the resulting mess it will descend into,better Google setting up in the UK

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 10/4/2019 at 2:49 AM, topt said:

    I did this in 2016/17. Used a vet on Naklua road although it was not painless and had to bargain with them on their initial cost but at least they have experience.


    Vet office - travelling from Dolphin roundabout towards Naklua, on left hand side just after the big yellow hotel which is on the right (Ayala or similar name). They also did the microchipping and were good with other treatments for the dogs when needed. I may have a contact number somewhere and will have a look later and post if I can find.

    Agree  ,probably the one       soi 27 off naklua rd   turn right    about half a k on the left      knew price couple of years ago,about 600 euros inc flight   all in

  14. Recived item July 9,returned july 10  ,have receipts. Lazada have lied and lied throughout,cannot tell the truth if they tried. Thailands consumer affairs are being  brought into play,just so damned annoying,never use them again

  15. 3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Cycling also a great way to get your heart up, how much is up to you

    Every serious cyclist I have known from years ago all have artificial knees ,hips,but being a past swimmer I guess kept me away from intensive exercise,now not bothered,just aging now is the problem

  16. Forever been a swimmer,but looking at results of swimming hardly comes near to fitness,yes uses every limb etc, but that is about all,nothing special.

       Switched to gym workout,now into more serious workouts. Can lift HR up to close on max  136 in my case,could not do that swimming,bone density improved by weights,just feel so much better. Yes a bore gym,but once  desired HR reached (about 10 mins on cross trainer),can slow things down,rowing,forward bending with weight adjustment,eases back ache. For me swimming's a waste of time and effort

  17. At least 21 hangers on,probably more like 22 now as Sweden finds itself in financial trouble,all wanting free money.  Not withstanding the UK was 93 billion in deficit to the EU,paying it 8 billion for membership,and face it Boris has upwards of 39 billion the EU wants.  The EU will except any crumbs of comfort the UK throws out.

      Ireland is not the UKs concern,that must be obvious,let the savages battle it out,not needed ,not wanted,throw it under a bus

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