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Posts posted by LA8RAT

  1. 4 minutes ago, Yewbzee said:

    Sorry but I very much doubt that you haven't had flu. It's one of the most successful viruses ever to evolve and can be as mild as a cold and unless you have taken and analysed swabs with every illness you have ever had I can guarantee you have had it.

    Sure I get the odd cold,  my understanding of flu and as described by friends and family who have had it is.. Your feeling so bad on the sofa or In bed that if someone said there's £50 outside.. If you get up and go get it it's yours. And the flu victim would not go get it. 

      I've never been that sick from anything. Except maybe a really bad asthma attack 

  2. 3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Perhaps you can explain to us why drinking is safe at 9pm but not safe at 10.30. I can't think if any other country where such a ridiculous rule exists. Can you? Anywhere else, where places are allowed to open, which is almost everywhere, they are also allowed to operate normal hours, not close at some time picked out of the air.

    Here in the UK they tried the closing early deal.. Total disaster. All the pubs and bars emptied onto the street at exactly the same time causing huge crowds huddled together. 


    It didn't last long. 

  3. I've heard the fourth turning also described thus it makes some sence and is supposed to go in a full loop every 80 years or so


    Good time make weak men  (I think We are at the end of this 20 year quarter of the 4th turning) 


    Weak men make bad times


    Bad times make strong men. 


    Strong men make good times


    Might not be word for word but that's the basic concept 

    • Like 1
  4. On 1/11/2022 at 7:11 AM, Negita43 said:

    Everybody should have the right to make their own decision on vaccination. BUT then they have to accept the consequences and understand their actions affect other people. That's what all us lesser mortals (who can't afford expensive lawyers) have to do.

    Why does the action of being un jabbed affect other people? 

    The consequences you speak of are coercion nothing more nothing less. 

    That means it's not a free choice. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, sallecc said:


    Where did you get this now?


    He flew on Emirates transferring in Dubai, it was all over the news...


    Some news are asking now if Emirates will pay for his (1st class) flight out of AU since they let him board without sufficient docs, lol... Reminds me of all those guys refused entry at DonMuang... but they flew on AirAsia economy heh.

    I read it in eather the mail or the telegraph both UK press. 

  6. 16 hours ago, gearbox said:

    I find this hard to believe. The airlines would refuse to board people without a valid visa and a negative PCR test,  as anyone who came back to Thailand experienced it. I'm not aware of anyone being able to fly with "letter of support". I'm flying back to Sydney in a few weeks and don't think I can turn up at the airport without a negative PCR test and expect to board.

    He flew on a private jet. 

  7. 1 minute ago, ozimoron said:

    I dispute that there is a single scientist in the world who has produced credible research discounting climate change or mankind's effect ion producing it. Furthermore, most of those who do engage in such research are normally found to be on some fossil fuel company's payroll. I have already linked articles to Peabody's involvement in pseudo science. But please prove me wrong, I am very willing to be convinced. I have just never seen any research that naysays the tens of thousands of credible climate scientists, nations institutions and universities, etc.

    They tend to find what their funders want them to find. 


    Don't be so bloody nieve. 

    • Sad 1
  8. On 12/12/2021 at 12:20 PM, ozimoron said:

    The statistical probability that every climate scientists (and not other scientists) are just faking it for the money is impossibly small. Or maybe vaccine scientists are too, I dunno. The mind boggles. Even harder to understand is how rational people believe it's true, like most other conspiracy theories. How did McInerney get to spout obvious lies on a Hannity show?

    But it not every scientist is it.. The ones who speak out get instantly discredited. They are 

    Activly encouraged to follow the narrative. 






    Edited for typo




  9. 10 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:


    Yes it is very clear who created the videos, but I didn’t ask who created them, I asked where you ripped them from.


    We might then go directly to the source of where you are getting this content created by others.


    I suspect it’s arriving in your social media feed.


    Regardless, they’re not your opinions, they are the opinions of others presented in videos you’ve ripped.




    It's a shame I can't type in big colorful crayons for you Mr higgot. 

     Yesterday was the day of an important vote in the HOC. There was in the news much talk of tory back bencher revolt. I'm subscribed to talk radio on YouTube as I like their news style and debates, (I guess you can call that a social media feed). The house of commons one I searched for Desmond swayne as I felt he was more than likely to be saying something prior to the vote.  Happy? 

      You seem overly concerned about this.  What's the real problem here? Have you links to my social media feeds as proof of what I'm looking at? Arnt you a bit old for big bird?

      See how the questions stack up once you get rolling. 




    • Confused 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    LA8RAT we know you can cut and paste videos but how about providing a link to the source where you ripped them from?


    Then you might offer your opinion rather than the pre-canned opinions you are being fed and seem to think you must feed others.

    I haven't a clue what that's supposed to mean I'm sorry. 

    I clearly state that they are from YouTube. Ones got the talk radio logo on it and the other is from the telegraph showing a house of commons feed. 

      As for my opinions.. I'm not allowed them. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    There's a global bias towards the vaccine forvery good reasons. And plenty of professional articles to prove it. Most of them only get referenced in the MSM. Not produced by then .


    Social media is not allowed for very good reasons. Misinformation!


    Guess who's funding these sites? Right...Just bash MSM. Deny, deflect, attack.

    But I'm feeling attacked by you Jeff. 

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
  12. 19 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    Science doesn’t work that way.

    Like most fringe groups, the Covid anti-vaccine types don’t have data to support their position. 

    Actually here in the UK we have the office of national statistics ons. Plenty in there that goes against the government narrative. 

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