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  1. The 'bystander' quoted nails it. Will credit him/her as showing profound wisdom, though at the same time he or she merely states the bleedin' obvious. Was down in Pattaya a while ago on a very, very rare visit and god, I needed the break. Sitting in cafe....at 3pm.... just about where this incident appears to have occurred, with my back to the road outside. Heard very loud commotion behind me as two falang fellas seemed to get into heated bust-up. My Thai family seated with me got all excited and watched it all with fascination, but I just felt despair, not bothering to turn around, wondering exactly the same thing as the 'bystander'. (I assume tourists involved, as both parties had families, who respectively screamed like mad at the two to quit it....which they eventually did. But I thought, sadly, of how it may have ruined their holidays.)
  2. An old arabian saying : 'Beware the sanctimonoius, for beneath is boiling dirt'. It's a tattoo ffs. A body-art image of what history & culture calls 'the Buddha'. I humbly & kindly assure those that call this tattoo somehow a violation of......'something', that...the profound truths of what we call Buddhism are just fine thanks, in unmoved, calm repose....and do not feel they have been touched inappropriately or disturbed by the absurd folly going on here.
  3. Excellent thread for me to check out. Just what I need! Once again, thanks!
  4. I'll be using the money in bank method. 800k. By now well-seasoned. 👍 Good to know about wife being required to attend when change is made. (I'd probably take her anyway, as she likes the grub at The Mall in Korat town!) Thanks! 🙏
  5. Well, DrJack, I really have to thank you most heartily for that marvellously detailed & thorough breakdown of what these terms mean. Re the Non OA, it's a great deal more complex than I imagined! Yes, I can see why the Non OA might have once been 'a ripper' visa. Shame they changed the rules. But anyway they did and a Non -O extension switch from marriage to retirement is my intended course of action. I actually felt like a bit of an ignorant so & so enquiring what the difference was between non oa and non o, as I've been here long enough and I ought to know! Maybe until now I just had no real need to know. My brain's overloaded as it is! Once again.....thanks a LOT, DrJack! 🙏🙏
  6. Edward (or anyone), I should by now know this, but I don't...so could you just tell me exactly what the difference is between a NON - O-A, and a NON -O ?
  7. I very much appreciate your reply and help re this, DrJack54! Cheers! 👍
  8. Well, surprise, surprise.....I got that wrong! Wouldn't be the first time! 😉 I'm glad I DID get it wrong, as I feel more like I'll now get my money's worth spending the 2000 baht change fee. Great news! And thanks for the advice about not applying (too) early. 👍 Much appreciated, Upnotover, Thanks. 🙏
  9. Sorry for slow reply. Ah....that's interesting, regarding what you say about extension start date being from date of application (the day I change). And I'm assuming it will expire on the same date the 12 month marriage ext. was originally set to expire. It would make sense. (Though if I'm wrong about that, I would welcome any correction.) Thanks very much meanwhile, for the solid info'! 👍🙏
  10. The statements I had just got from bank for marriage ext. were actually 3 months, so if we had known about 2 month ret. ext option BEFORE already submitting the marriage docs & paying, we would have and he'd maybe be ok with that, as you say. But one of those things. A lesson learned! 😉
  11. Indeed a 'bummer', but to be fair, the IO only told her after submitting and paying for the marriage extension. So by then a bit late anyway! Not her fault. Oh, well. 😉
  12. Ah....I get it. Thanks, Upnotover! That answers that! Now I know. 👍🙏
  13. Fwiw....I've had marriage extensions for last 5 years, and now wish to change to retirement. Recently applied for marriage extension in Nakhon Ratchasima (Korat) and have to go back for PP stamp on April 1st. Here's the thing: had wanted to go for the retirement option and was under the impression that a 12 month bank statement was required. I couldn't get one from the bank on the day so just shrugged and went for the 3 month statement and the marriage extension. After my application was submitted, and the fee was paid, the IO happened to ask my wife why I had not gone for the reitirement option. She explained that it was because I couldn't get the 12 month bank statement. So then he said 'No, No!' and told her I only need a 2 month statement (in my case, I have 800k+ in bank 3 months+). On the way out she tells me this and I feel like tearing my hair out in frustration!! 2 months! If that's true I could have got it. So what's the point of this post? I guess it's to see if you, Dr Jack, or anyone else...disagrees with the info the IO gave my wife about a 2 month statement being required and not a 12 month statement. Is he right? (Yes, I know, I should have double checked there and then but didn't. I did, however, note that if I want to change the extension to retirement any time after getting the PP stamp for marriage, it will cost me 2000 baht. (I do want to change, probably only a month or so into the new marriage extension!!! I know it makes no sense and I should just save money and do it right this time next year, but.....there you go! 😉) But anyway.....just wondered what comments people may make about the 2 month/12 month bank thing. I apologise for kind of hijacking the original topic matter! 🙏🙏
  14. Good question. Worth discussing.
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