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Everything posted by Toolong

  1. Yes, that's what I've been increasingly thinking. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜‰
  2. No commercials is good. In fact, it couldn't be better. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜‰
  3. Thanks Old Croc! Good to know I can use it on different devices. πŸ‘πŸ» Yes, I might go for the yearly too. Cheers. πŸ™
  4. Very informative, NextG. πŸ‘πŸ» Thanks a lot! πŸ™
  5. Actually I meant with Premium, on different devices not ublock. I should have been clearer about that, sorry.
  6. Interesting option. Will look into that. πŸ‘πŸ»
  7. Yes, sounds good. I wish I'd looked into this much sooner. πŸ‘πŸ»
  8. May I ask....how many different devices can you use it on? I have 2 android phones (one is without sim card) and two tv's (one's in another location. πŸ€”
  9. So ublock's free? That's good to know. πŸ‘πŸ» Thanks.
  10. Well, I guess if you don't see 'em, I shouldn't either.....hopefully. πŸ˜‰πŸ™
  11. Thanks, Lite Beer. πŸ‘πŸ»
  12. Will check it out. Thank you. πŸ™
  13. Oh, by the way, is it a genuine NO-commercial thing? Or...will I still sometimes hear that 'shopee' horror, but just less often? I ask, because I would prefer NO commercials like that ever again! πŸ™‚
  14. Right. Low cost and my phone package is with AIS. I'll be down there tomorrow. Thank you. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
  15. Help needed. I seek information & advice regarding using 'You-tube Premium. If I have ro listen to 5 seconds of the 'Shopee!' commercial one more time, I may lose control over my actions, resulting in calamitous tragedy.....potentially. πŸ˜‰ So I beg those who know: How much is it? And is it worth it? And....importantly.......if it's reasonably priced (let's say, under 400 baht per month) and worth it, how do I sign up to it, without a credit card or any kind of online payment set-up?
  16. Glad to see some are paying attention. πŸ‘πŸ» I assume you're using the word 'odd' as a synonym for other, less euphemistic but more accurate expressions like 'totally corrupt....rigged.....unjust.....etc.. (If so, I don't blame you.) 😎
  17. 'Islamic terrorism' was the clue to where you're coming from, Nick. I don't mean that disparagingly, but it does allow me to respond. About Hamas.....are you aware, Nick, that Israel created Hamas? To offset the popularity of Arafat's PLO movement? And who was instrumental in that? Surprise, surprise....Netanyahu. Who btw was key to Rabin's assassination after the Oslo peace accords in early 90's. It's murky, Nick. You have to go deeper into this. Otherwise, the mainstream media in the west and the govt BS they get paid to support.......pulls a fast-one on ya.........and then you're hooked.
  18. 1949 cease-fire agreement? Can we go back a year, 1948? It is undisputably chronicled on record as being the year during which the displaced Palestinians have ever since called 'The Naqba'........the brutal expulsion of their people from countless towns and villages to allow the usurpation of that land by the incoming jewish settlers, themselves victims of their own tragic diaspora and persecution. Egypt's and Jordan's role historically? That's 'smokescreen' stuff. Please, stick to the firmly-rooted fundamental issue of how Israel not only stole the Palestinian land, but committed atrocities to do so....with the support of the west.
  19. Apart from being partially right, Jingthing .....which always helps to dubiously support one's point (imho), you're suggesting that I support genocide of the Israeli people from 'River to the sea'? Did I get that right? It's a bit ambiguous. If I'm wrong and I misconstrued that last point I do apologise.
  20. Well, it won't 'finish'. It may, I hope, go through an unpleasant (but wholly deserved) decade or two of 'adjustment'....forced upon it by outside world power & influence......whereby the cause for this long-time & present tragedy is ended......and sorted out according to 'Queensbury Rules'.
  21. Thanks for your reply. I feel in some regard that you may have a more 'informed' view than I do, particularly re my hasty & possibly unfair assertion that all embassy staff and the declarations they issue in public are.......to be considered as just plain disingenuous, zionist maniacs etc.. So I do accept your comments as not only interesting but probably nearer the mark than I may have been. I am forgetting that apparently the majority of Israelis do actually see Netanyahu as......well, what he is: a political hustler whose personal & political credibilty is NOT at all in accord with the reaΔΊ, long-term interests of the Israeli state. Your point about Netanyahu's resemblance to Trump, in many, easily discernible ways.....is spot on. πŸ‘
  22. 'Israel's Options'....? It's narrowed down to one now: Israel's 75 year immoral and horribly unjust occupation of the land on which the indigenous Palestinians rightfully call their homeland......is over. Not over now, of course. But it will be, even in my lifetime.....and I'm old! πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ό
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