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Everything posted by Toolong

  1. Thanks a lot for that info and advice, rwelim. ???? Re the Status page and what you say to look out for, etc, (which makes perfect sense btw), it always continued to say, and still does say, 'pending' even after being silly enough to press on the big red X! (Re the Cancel option btw, when I pressed on the X, a box appeared in which was a place to write a message, if one wished, and 2 options, Save and Close. I pressed close and no changes took place that I NOTICED (except me crossing my fingers that I hadn't stupidly cancelled my application!) so I'm figuring that pressing that big red X doesn't in itself cancel. If you press Save also, then I'm guessing it is cancelled, for sure. (Dunno though.) I will at this point say, rwelim, that I DID already drive there in person today (Thursday) to sort it out. I think I lost my nerve and couldn't wait it out any longer! I think my experiences with immigration, be it Bangkok in the past, or Korat office more recently, have left me kind of 'jittery' about needing to get it right....so that they have NO reason to fine me for being late or make my life difficult in anyway! The way I saw things 'deadline-wise', rwelim, I knew I couldn't count the weekend in, as I assume they wouldn't be sending me notifications as they're closed. And I was worried that if they counted my due date (Mon 12 Sep) in the 7 day grace period, then this coming Monday would technically be day 8 and I could get fined. (Or is day 1 of the grace period the day after the due date? Maybe. ????) So anyway, I cracked and lost my nerve and just went there. I appreciate you taking the trouble to calculate my options, on my behalf. That's good of you, thanks. ????????????
  2. Interesting. I will check out the application form to see if the email address is there. (It's gotta be somewhere!????) Thanks orchidfan. ????
  3. I'm sure it will continue to be efficient and so on - hope so - but (cliche alert!)...things can change. Such is life. ????
  4. And some offices may be either fast or slow ????.....depending on.........(well, anyone who's worked in an office will know! Efficiency levels can be great today...& turn to ratsh*t tomorrow,....then back to good, because of this or that....) But glad your local IO is on the ball......for now. ????????
  5. It's good of you to find this out for me, thanks! I tried to find an email address on the internet but no luck. ???? This is useful. Thank you. ????
  6. Thanks for yhat. Query: how do you email them? All the messages I've got state that the receiver should not attempt to reply. Do you just email the email address of Pathum Thani IO, assuming there is one people can use? (I hope my query doesn't sound silly, but I have never tried contacting the Korat IO, thinking that it wasn't an option. Contacting by phone has also proved fruitless.)
  7. Thanks for sending that screenshot & link, Mutt Daeng. It's the first time I've seen it officially stated as such. (Although it's kind of what most people have been saying about their experiences of waiting. My waiting period last time I did it was about 25 minutes! So maybe that's given me the misleading idea that 2 days is a bad sign?) Cheers. ????????
  8. Fine. No problem. 50km is not too far, but nearly 200kms in an old pickup that uses a lot of gas isn't so great.
  9. Sure. If I know I'll get it sooner or later, without getting a fine, no problem. But I'm worried about that wait going beyond the 7 day grace period. I think for that reason it's best to submit well before the due date.
  10. Thanks for clarifying. ????
  11. If one lives 180kms from the IO office, it's a cheaper hassle & worth every unspent penny ????
  12. Funny, the old system NEVER worked for me! (Sorry, I don't get 'BOI LTR' ????)
  13. Several days? That's worrying. ????
  14. Well, well well! That IS interesting. It would be a real bummer if the online report system - which, in my case anyway, has worked well up to now - is starting to get unreliable. I don't mind admitting that for me, a trip to the IO in person costs me a chunk of money for gas that I could do without spending, if possible.
  15. Will do. Watch this space. ????????
  16. You may be right about having unintentionally cancelled it, CMBob. But....if I actually had done, I would have expected to see a change shown on that info chart. There is nothing now saying 'cancelled', with X gone, etc. No email automatically sent acknowledging that it had been cancelled. I have looked at that status chart a few times since accidentally clicking on the X, and no change is shown. Nothing. But.....unless there's someone out there reading this who knows for sure that what you say is indeed the case, and can make it clear.......who knows? ???? But I get your point about going in person before it's too late (after Friday). And I appreciate that advice. ???????? If that notification slip doesn't appear by end of play tomorrow, I'll bite the bullet and go Thursday. Cheers.
  17. 'Sunday evening'? That's strange. But then........Jomtien can be a strange place! But I get your point. One never knows when it might come. ????
  18. Actually, ubonjoe, before reading your comment I DID click on the X to see if a message came up. A box came on screen with an option to write something, and 2 options to submit or close, so I just closed it. Then after reading your comment, I went back in and checked. The X is still there and there appears to be no change, so I am guessing I did NOT accidentally cancel. I hope.
  19. Ubonjoe, I did check my status online. As you'll know, on the chart of information that they show, there are 4 columns, 'Cancel', 'tm47', 'Notification of Receipt' and 'Date'. The tm47 pdf is there and the date too. The 'Notification of Receipt' column is empty. Now, in the 'Cancel' column , there is a big red 'X'. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does the X mean it is NOT cancelled, or does it mean it IS cancelled?
  20. Yes, I'm glad I have that. ????
  21. No, I haven't checked my status online. I will do that now. Thanks, ubonjoe.
  22. Hi, calling all 90 day report experts! My 90 day reporting was due the 12 September. (Or, by the 12 Sep.) Gotta an email reminder from immigration a few weeks back. I usually submit an online report about a week before the due date. For whatever reason, I did not do that this time and I submitted my report early (9am) on the morning of the 12 Sep, which was the due date. I did it online, using my android phone. I got a 'success' message and they sent me a tm47 document to me by email to acknowledge that my report was received. So what is my problem? Well, the last two times I did an online report, they sent the final notification - with the due date of my next report - to me very, very quickly....like 1 hour or 2 hours. (Yes, I know that is unusually quick, maybe!) It is now a whole day & a half later. So my main query is: because I did my report ON the day the 90 days ended, and not BEFORE that date, does that mean that I may actually have to go in person? For any reason...that I am not aware of? I know my report was already accepted & received. And they did not send me any message to say that have to report in person. So logically, no reason to worry, right? Just wait for them to send that final notice. Call me paranoid, but I have a strong, intuitive sense that the final notice/slip with my next due date, to my email inbox......is not coming, for some reason! ???? I live FAR from the Korat immigration, trying to phone them is a waste of time, and by my calculation I have until Friday to go there in person IF I HAVE TO, (during the 7 day grace period), after which I have to pay a 2000 baht fine. So if for some reason I have to go in person, I'd sooner pay 1000 baht gas money now (my old pickup drinks like a fish!), than 3000 baht later! Of course, I would rather pay nothing at all.
  23. Sure, I know it can get complicated. But then, seeking advice on Aseannow (I still wanna type Thaivisa!), is still worth it I reckon.....ie, if you say you had to go to 10 different opticians before finding what you wanted, then anyone reading that might adjust their expectations, which is useful to them, right?! ???? ????
  24. Well, I did not know that! ???? (I'm learning a lot from this thread! ????) Thanks!
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