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Everything posted by Toolong

  1. When you are waiting for the email confirming that it's been processed, which includes your next due date, best NOT to only rely on receiving that email. I did this last time and got worried as it was taking a long time. Then I happened to check my 'Application Status' on the website and discovered that it HAD been processed & confirmed. For whatever reason, the email was never sent. (No, not in junk mail.) Anyway, lesson learned. ????
  2. Agree. But....and I am no expert...., after my own health experiences and doing way too much research about this (I need to get out more!), even bread labelled 100% wholemeal is not 'wholemeal' at all. What I understand IS more likely truly 'wholemeal' or 'wholegrain' is the heavy, dense, darkish german type bread. (Unfortunately, I can't find it sold locally in my area.)
  3. 'Don't ask'. ???? I think I know why you say that. With the tendency for rules to be different for different offices, even different staff members in the same office, from year to year......sometimes you just can't depend on whatever they say anyway, so like you suggest, asking isn't always as helpful as you hope it might be! (But tbh, printed or handwritten.....'don't amount to a hill o' beans' to me, anyway!) But thanks for your help. ????????
  4. Blue seems to be what they prefer. (Fair enough, I suppose. Only reason I can think of of is that the blue stands out against the black and thus easier to read. Who knows.)
  5. I will ask them if a printed copy is ok, for the following year. ????
  6. Blue. Right! ???? Thanks, DrJack. Good advice! ???? (It's the Korat office, btw. They do seem to have quite strict rules! ????)
  7. Thanks, ubonjoe. I use the the Korat office and they do seem to have strict rules about little things like this!
  8. Hi fellow forum members, I need to do my (3rd) 1 year extension at immigration soon, so currently getting documents ready. In short, my memory is getting really poor with age (and years of substance abuse, perhaps!). I know there is a rule about filling in the TM7 form in a particular colour ink - either blue or black, but I just can't remember, with enough certainty, which one. Blue or black? Help would be appreciated. ???? (PS: sorry to clutter the forum with such apparently trivial stuff, but my particular immigration office seems to delight in finding minor faults in my applications each year. Don't want to give them that pleasure this year. ????)
  9. Gashead, I live in Pakchong too and need to renew both licenses soon. I don't have a yellow book or pink id but I planned to get them, in order to avoid going to immigration to get the Certificate of Residence. Then, about a week ago, I read on this forum that the DLT offices don't accept yellow books anymore. So I am now surprised and interested to read your post that if I have a yellow book in Pakchong I can get a CoR from the amphur office, without needing to drive all the way to Korat Imm.O. to get a CoR. Is that right? (Just wannna double-check with you ????) And if so, is it easy enough to get a yellow book in Pakchong? Would appreciate any tips. ????
  10. Good point. I will need both. Thanks. I reckon I could have easily overlooked that! ????
  11. Prayuth and the rest of the hustlers long ago set things up nicely for themselves to ensure their hold on power. Got a sad feeling the whole team of g**gst*rs will hang on to that power after the 'election'. If so, it'll break my heart...... But there's only so many hands in a deck o' cards. ????????????????
  12. Woof999, that is very good of you to explain all that and to show the redacted CoR. I really appreciate it, thank you. ???????? I will take note of the details you mention when they (IO) issue me with one. And I am reminded that I'll need a photo! Cheers! ????
  13. Three? It seemed from most replies that four (30 days) was the likely minimum. I believe you, phetphet, I do, but just really don't know whether to laugh or cry at the inconsistencies in the application of rules here. TiT. ????????????????
  14. That's interesting and of course, makes sense, and it does affect the plan I had in mind, so I will adjust my plans based on that. Very helpful to know. Thanks, woof999! ????
  15. Thank you for this, Dr Jack. Good of you to offer this info. Interesting. I'm certainly getting the impression that I won't know for sure until either contacting the local licence office and/or the immigration office on Monday. But for sure it seems it'll be valid for 30 days at least. Cheers. ????
  16. Yes, that would be ideal I know, zzzzz, but for sheer convenience, to do it early suits me best. (At my age, or condition anyway, dunno whether I'll be around in 5 years time anyway! ????) But I know what you mean. ????
  17. Thank you, eisfeld. 30 days sounds about what you would expect. But, as you say in your other reply, I should check with the DLT here in Pakchong, as things sometimes vary. Thanks. ????????
  18. Hi everyone. Think title of post is clear. I will get my 1 year marriage extension of stay in February, in Korat. My Thai driving licence expires in May '23 so planned to get a certificate of residence from Immigration while I am at Korat Imm O. in February and then renew my driving licence early, if I have to, depending on length of validity period of CoR. (For convenience & to save the gas money going back to Imm.O in May - I'm far from Imm.O.) But wish to know for how long the CoR from immigration is valid to use, to renew the licence, according to the DLT office rules. 1 week from issue? A month? Would appreciate any helpful info on that, thanks.
  19. Andy, coincidentally I have been having the same trouble, but until I saw your self-created little diagrams I didn't know what was going on. Now I get it. I can see what's happening, so thanks for that! Personally, as someone else also suggested, I think that silicone would do the job, if done correctly. And not necessarily be a 'hack' job. First, I'd dry it all out, then squeeze plenty around the bluepipe/metalpipe area just inside the hole. Trim off flush with wall rim, maybe let it dry a bit, then pack the inner rim of that metal collar thing and push it snugly against the wall. Let dry. I'm betting it'll do the job. AND...if silicone doesn't work, it can just be removed easily and go to plan B. No harm done. (But I reckon it WILL work!)
  20. Processed carbs are refined carbs after being having been processed and stripped of their nutrients, like white bread, pastries etc. Potatoes would have natural, unrefined carbs. Personally, I'm trying a keto kind of diet at present, which just in general restricts all high carbs foods. In my case severely restricts! ????
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