It is safe to say I have disappointed a SE Asian female or two. Whether I've "broken their hearts" would be impossible for me to say. Only they would know to what extent their hearts were in it to begin with.
Many expats in Thailand, who are seeking a long-term relationship, find a partner in the Philippines and bring her back to LOS. Some might say the best of both worlds.
The term "rent" and "renting" is used quite often in these forums. Are we talking about the girlfriend who receives a monthly allowance? If so, is it still considered renting when they get married and he is still providing her with financial support/salary?
A Filipina is not one of the options. Some expats believe that the secret to relationship success is to find a sweet Filipina and bring her to Thailand.
It’s a fact that my friends who don’t get too wrapped up in a lady’s feelings seem to be infinitely happier and carefree than those who get carried away with her emotional state and are keen on ensuring her feelings don’t get hurt.
I do 2 or 3 24-hour fasts per week. Just water and coffee. The first 3 or 4 times you do it, you feel hungry and you’ll maybe have a slight headache. After that, it’s smooth sailing.
For those who have direct experience with the Suzuki line, what are the pros and cons for each?
Also, is it just me or are these cars geared towards the female market? (I don’t think I know a male farang who owns either model.)
Quality health care is a factor for older dudes like us. Some expats who have experiences in both countries, feel that Thailand is a better bet in that regard.