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Posts posted by whitewolfchefny

  1. 2 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Demolish their case? The jury consisted of some who may be investigated for this insurrection. Ones who lied about the legality. And are doing this due to politics. Not the law. Heck. The top Republicans even blame Trump for it. The only shame was the Republicans trying to pretend they care about the constitution and their oath of office.


    They should all be fired.

    The Only Part I Agree with Is They Should All Be Fired. 

    • Haha 1
  2. On 1/18/2021 at 12:57 PM, timendres said:

    I have used Turbo Tax for years now. If your income is below $30k (if I remember correctly), it is free to use. It properly handles the US tax exemption for my Thai income, my dividends, my capital gains, as well as my rental property income in the US. It is super simple to use. I print my returns and mail them via EMS, and I have never had a problem. I would give it a try to see if it can handle all of your deductions.

    I Think It May Be Free For Us Taxable Income Under 36k This Year. I Just Used TT For My Own 2020 Tax Returns. Fast Easy Very Thorough Even With Multiple Tax Circumstances. I Also See This Year Questions On Realized Income On Crypto. 
    $32.50 For Fed 1040 Itemized, New York State Where They Tax You For Breathing.   

  3. 3 hours ago, brianthainess said:

    Yeh well, i bit the bullet and last night rang him, and asked about his house, as far as he knew it was not rented out, so after hesitation i told him and he thanked me. he is fully aware that i would go pick him up and bring him back to mine. My wife is a very caring person, and loves him like i do, she has many friends and i'm confident we could find a career for him, my friends are his friends too always asking me how he's doing. His biggest problem would his marriage extension coz if he left there is no way she would help with his next extension, his wife has also managed to deplete a lot of that money needed on promises of paying it back. BITCH.


    In My Eyes You Did The Right Thing. Now At Least He Has The Knowledge He Needs To Make Informed Decisions For HIS Future. Glad He Has Friends/Mates Like You Who Care. 



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  4. 18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Committee Agrees to Reduce Travel Quarantine




    BANGKOK, Oct 29 (TNA) – The National Communicable Disease Committee agreed to reduce travel quarantine to 10 days from 14 days in Thursday’s meeting, said Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Ministry Anutin  Charnvirakul.


    The Disease Control Department will issue strict regulations on the new measures to monitor the quarantinees for another four days after they complete the mandatory 10-day quarantine.


    Contact tracing system will be put in place and they must adhere to social distancing rules, avoid crowded places and wear face covering.


    Full Story: https://tna.mcot.net/english-news/line-today-english-news-573375



    -- © Copyright TNA 2020-10-29

    I wonder if this will reduce the time for those of us who are currently in ASQ. Day 5 for me. I don’t care about the money, I just want to get back to my family. 

    • Like 2
  5. Just Arrived Yesterday, No Request For The App At Airlines (They Do Check All Your Documentation As Per VISA Entry Requirements Before You Board). In ASQ Hotel They Take Copies Of All Of Your Documents Too. They Never Asked Me To Download Any App. I Use Line Anyway. In Chiang Rai Where I Live You Scanned In When You Went In, Scanned Again When You Left. It Was Pretty Much Going By The Wayside Before I Left In Sept. 

    • Like 1
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  6. On 10/8/2020 at 8:20 PM, smutcakes said:

    If he wants to retire in Thailand, could he hunker down and wait a few more months until Thailand becomes viable? There are many people, in many different situations, many probably more important cases than your friends retirement wanting to and needing to enter Thailand at the current time. First Thailand needs to get the business travelers back (easier to control than wholesale tourism), then they can concentrate on workable solutions for others wanting to enter.


    Your friend has worked for 30 years, surely he can wait another 6 months or so if Thailand is his 1st choice rather than setting down roots in a country which is albeit a close second for retirement. He maybe living retired for 20+ years, so better to hold out and go where he really wants.

    Doesn’t This Seem To Make The Most Sense? vs Constantly Bashing The Thai Government, Pointing Out Their Faults? Many People Here Consistently Showing Their Inner Resentment And Bitterness. 

    • Haha 2
  7. 14 minutes ago, missoura said:

    I have a couple of Thai Ridgeback pups that are turning out to be some great dogs. Since, I am rather ignorant of this breed, I joined a Facebook site that has been a tremendous help. On this site they have a couple of videos about this incident and it is not pretty. Apparently this gentleman is infamous in the Thai Ridgeback community both here in Thailand and America.


    dogs mistreated.png


    I'm looking for a nice Thai Ridgeback puppy for my family. Can you recommend a reputable breeder or kennel? We live in Chiang Rai. 



    • Sad 1
  8. 51 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Speaking as an American I feel blessed now to be here and not there. (100,000)


    Yes more organized centralized governments have the edge in fighting pandemics. 


    Yes there is the Asian cultural factor as well. People united for a collective national cause, much less individualism and polarization. 


    The government is mostly trusted that unpleasant measures are for the greater public good. 


    Much less crazy conspiracy theories about 5g and Bill Gates vaccine chips. 



    Extending the state of emergency makes perfect sense to me. 


    The people and government of Thailand deserve much more international attention and credit for being at the higher tier of fighting the virus. 


    Nobody is saying anything is perfect but credit where credit is due. 

    Also Speaking As An American, I Think I’m Way Better Off Here Then There. So Thankful. I Wanted Peace & Tranquility. I’ve Spent The Last Three Months Forced To Relax. I’m So Much Better For It. 

  9. 7 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

    Why didn't one of the marines or members of the embassy not come out and deal with him.  Also why are we saying a Marine was arrested.  He is not a marine but a veteran. 


    The Thai authorities should not be the only person assisting this guy.  The Military staff at the embassy should also be doing something for him.



    Your totally wrong when you say he wasn't a Marine. Once a Marine Always A Marine unless dishonorably discharged. So he's a Marine Veteran. Just Like Me. You are right in that someone from inside the embassy should have provided assistance. Who knows maybe they did ultimately provide some assistance. Hopefully, he gets the help he needs. 


  10. 2 hours ago, jackdd said:

    The German embassy definitely not, and afaik at other embassies it's free as well.

    US Embassy Provided A Letter Without Their Address. Chiang Rai IO Initially Requested A New Letter With The Address On It. Then After Talking To The Branch Chief IO, Wanted Paaper Copies Of The Email Thread From US Embassy & Myself. Received My 30 Day Extension After Paying My 1900bht. Hopefully The Proposed Plan Of Extension Till End Of June Is Approved. 


    • Confused 1
  11. Just Back From Chiang Rai IO was told I needed the letter from US Consulate requesting an extension of stay based on Covid 19 Situation. Talked To US Consulate Today. They are ready to issue this letter only to those that specifically request it. For my individual situation 30 Day SETV.

    IO requested the following a copy of my passport, copy of my TM6, a new passport photo, filled out TM 7. 

    Then go back and wait hours in the crowded Chiang Rai IO. 

    Hopefully this works. 


    • Like 1
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  12. On 3/20/2020 at 5:17 PM, ubonjoe said:

    You cannot enter Myanmar unless you have a valid visa for there. No border hop for a 30 day visa exempt entry is possible without it.

    If you want a 30 day extension of the 60 day entry from your visa you can do it at a immigration office.

    Hey Ubonjoe

    I told my wife (Thai National) the info about the border being closed to foreigners, however, she insisted we go to Mai Sai anyway. Sure enough DENIED. I'm super busy when I do go back to NY so (dummy) me only gets a 30 day VOA. Either I do a border hop or just go back to NY to work for a month or so then return. Anyway my VOA expires the 25th March. I'm told I need a letter from my consulate stating/requesting I be allowed a 30/60 day extension due to coronalV measures, border closings. So now I think I need the letter and a visit to CM Immigration for my extension. 

    What do you guys think? 

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