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  1. https://aseannow.com/topic/1249786-report-on-successful-transfer-to-us-300k/
  2. I can help you out with that. My sister and I went through their beneficiary process a couple of years ago when our mother died. I already had a Schwab account and have been dealing with them for the last 40 years, about 10 as an international account, and the last couple of years as a US based Trust account, so I kinda know how they do things. My sister did not have an account with them, so as you say, she was forced to open separate accounts (both brokerage and IRA) which she did not want to do. She was not happy with the way they do things, to say the least. She closed the new accounts as soon as she could, and moved the money and what investments she could to another institution.
  3. https://aseannow.com/topic/1249786-report-on-successful-transfer-to-us-300k/ My problem was I tried to use my local branch (of Bangkok Bank) who had no idea what to do but didn't want to lose face. Best to find the main branch of your province who (hopefully) knows what to do. If you are transferring smaller amounts (looks like it has been increased to 2 mil baht) it is best to use their mobile banking app, as you do not need to supply any documentation and do not need to deal with anyone at the bank. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Other-Services/Transfers/Transferring-Out-of-Thailand/IFT-mB
  4. I have an ongoing issue with them. I called them on their toll free number on September 20. They told me that they would be reviewing my file and would most likely be sending me a form by snail mail to fill out and return to them. So far I have gotten nothing, but things do move very slowly, especially if it is done by snail mail, so I am not too concerned yet. But since noise mentioned dealing with them by email, I was wonder what that may be. I've found nothing on their website on contacting them electronically.

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