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Posts posted by spiekerjozef

  1. 4 hours ago, Nadia6 said:

    I have not lived in the UK for nigh on 30 years therefore I have no home in the UK my home my family my house my car my life is in Thailand.

    Anyway that is not the subject of my post the fact remains I have lived in Thailand 15 year legally always with a visa and it is only because of this crazy covid situation that has caused issues.

    Thanks for the comment though 


    So why you left it so late? You had plenty of time to organize something since April

  2. 1 hour ago, Guderian said:

    My new English neighbour renting the house opposite is under the amnesty. I asked him if he'd got a new visa yet (his plan was to get a volunteer visa) but he said no, he was waiting to see what happens. He's expecting the government to extend the amnesty again, I guess. As I understand it, he's left it too late now to get a volunteer visa, he's in his forties and reasonably fit so I doubt he'd get a medical visa, and there are flights back to the UK every week so he can't get a letter from the embassy to say that he can't return. I wonder what his plan is now?

    Plan? time to leave.

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