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Posts posted by spiekerjozef

  1. 20 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

     I take care of my problems according to the letter of the law, and that´s what all people that need an ED-visa have to do to.

    But that's the problem. It's not written in no thai consulate in the region how much money you need in the bank nor that you can get only 1 ED visa. (or 1 in a year or 1 in one passport)

    Yes a trip back home and get it there seems the best option now. But if they would actually write down what they need or what you can't have/do. That would help a lot of people saving a trip to a neighbouring country that ends in tears.....

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  2. Yes heard that schools are advising NOT to go to Vientiane. Still don't know about savanakhet, haven't seen a report someone get denied a second ED lately.

    Hopefully somebody comes with good news from there.


    Thai consulate in Malaysia and Myanmar want to see a police clearance certificate.

    Thai consulate in Cambodia offer only Ed visas to cambodians.

  3. 4 minutes ago, cerox said:

    Good point, I really do not know.


    My last ED visa was from May 2018 until April 25, 2019. After that I left came back June 19, applied for the new ed visa. The last ED visa is almost 4 months back, but yes it was in 2019.

    It could be the reason but of couse we can't be sure.

    Did the school tell you to go to Saigon or did they mentioned another city, country?

    Less options every year....

    I have a couple more months on mine but trying to find out where is the best safest place to apply for one.

    Not Vietnam, Malaysia you need a police clearance certificate, same in Myanmar, Laos should still be possible......

    Anyway good luck to you and hopefully you find a way back into Thailand.

  4. What I read from other topics Vientiane and probably Savanakhet as well will issue only 1 ED visa a year.

    What I can't figure out yet do they mean 1 in 2018 and another one in 2019 or is it an exact date (it has to be a full calendar year before they give you a new one? And is it the day when you applied for it in another country or the day you arrived in Thailand with this ED visa??


    Is Penang still under the 'old' rules? Vietnam seems to be a no-go at the moment.

    Anyone tried Yangon in Myanmar??

    Though their requirements on their website says you need a Police clearance certificate?

    Is that for every foreigner or just for certain foreigners, their website is not clear about that.


  5. It seems like the reason why OP has been denied an ED visa, at the moment you can only have 1 a year.

    His new passport the ED visa was transferred into it and he did or could not show his old passport.

    Maybe the Thai consulate feels he had already been given an ED visa in this new passport this year???

    Anyway Vietnam doesn't seem like a good option anymore...


    What I read from other topics Vientiane and probably Savanakhet as well will issue only 1 ED visa a year.

    What I can't figure out yet do they mean 1 in 2018 and another one in 2019 or is it an exact date (it has to be a full calendar year before they give you a new one? And is it the day when you applied for it in another country or the day you arrived in Thailand with this ED visa??


    Is Penang still under the 'old' rules?


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