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Posts posted by spiekerjozef

  1. 1 hour ago, captnhoy said:

    Every now and then one of these denied entry reports mentions tea money openly, or subtly, being requested. I think that is what this is really about. A METV is a flag that it is important for you to be here therefore "pay my toll". If you are too dense to figure it out - off you go then back the way you came. That will be my assumption if denied entry in the future or re-entry on my current METV when it is time to see Vietnam and return.

    Totally agree.

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  2. 1 hour ago, LiamB80 said:

    Previously that’s how it was done, with the consulate outside of Thailand issuing the visa, but the woman at the school said that changed last week and the visa can now be issued by immigration inside Thailand. They had a lot of problems with people paying the school and being denied the visa at the consulate. I’m going around to a few other schools this afternoon to try and verify this.

    Thanks for your effort to verify this. It would be really good news...

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