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Posts posted by hullmonkey1

  1. the housing benefit probably only paid for a rented house that was his home and he wanted to keep it on in case things went tits up in Thailand. The pension should be payable anywere in the world. This guy isnt a criminal IMO....fitted a carpet <deleted> I know guys that have not had a real job and claimed over £150 a week for years and they were too busy with other work to come and fix my roof

  2. thanks for the info murg.

    Does anyone know if a similar rule is aplicable to a 1 year educutional visa. My 2 sons aged 12 and 14 are coming out in april and they have heaps of teanage <deleted> that they want to bring with them :o

    Do Hull Monkeys ever go to Hartlepool?


    They do but they always leave theie beret's at home and avoid eating garlic.

  3. thanks for the info murg.

    Does anyone know if a similar rule is aplicable to a 1 year educutional visa. My 2 sons aged 12 and 14 are coming out in april and they have heaps of teanage <deleted> that they want to bring with them :o

    No allowances at all.

    :D well I suppose most of the teenage <deleted> will have to stay in the UK then..or sold on ebay. Thanks for the info PP

  4. I have never been lucky/unlucky enough to be in thailand at this time of year due to work but I am hoping like hel_l to make it this year (another kid in a grown-ups body) I have however celebrated it in The UK by driving through leeds city centre with my 3 kids in the back of the car, shooting people with their super soaker's :D Just had to clamp down on the little toads when we were stuck at traffic lights :o

    edit because at first I wrote "a grown-up in a kids body..thought that might have led to PM'S from nonce's

  5. never said any one was a sexist pig mobi :o but it is so funny when as soon as someone claims that the poster is a women she must be bitter & then the old, "yes my ex was like that" posts start. Like you say, mancester is just a nasty person if the posts on here & the pm I have seen are anything to go by, the gender really should not be an issue but sadly it becomes apparent that the mention of them being a western women somehow makes it obvious to "some" that that is what is to be expected. That's what is tragic to me. :D


    I don’t want to go any further OT than is already happening but feel obliged to comment on your mention of ex’s as I am the only person on this thread to mention a bitter ex.

    It was a lighthearted comment about a woman that stopped me from seeing my kids after we split up. (Fairly regular bitter ex-wife fair) The only reason that it was light hearted was because the kids have grown up now and resent her for what she did. Nobody is having a go at women in general here..don’t be so touchy!

  6. If your wife is over 25 years old and holds a british passport (not sure about residency) she can sit an entrance exam in english and maths to get into a lot of uni's. She would also be eligable to have her course fees paid by your LEA (Local education authority)

  7. As another poster has pointed out, the geneva convention is for uniformed troops. As I understand, it was common practice in WW11 to treat any enemy troops captured not wearing uniform to be shot as spies.

    I cant believe that anyone could be suggesting that people who detonate bombs on public transport, behead innocent civilians, fly planes into buildings, (the list is endless) should be protected by the laws that apply the rest of us.


    Why waste the aviation fuel to take them up to 30,000ft . Just hack their heads off with a rusty spoon and send a dvd of the event to their mum. :D

    Sonnyj re the MPS

    Quote “They knew the risks involved and were paid for it monthly I presume”

    You must be one sick bunny mate. :o:D

  8. Tinglish - can be fun and intoxicating. Mind you a bit embarrassing once you get back to the west and you still use it. :D

    I live in Thailand and have worked in asia for a long time now so I try to keep it simple,speak slower and avoid using long words both in my private and professional life. I am not being patronising, a lot of the people I have worked with are very intelligent and highly educated.

    The problem is when I get back to the uk I find that my vocabulary is stunted. My kids even ask "why are you talking like that dad" :D

    some of the typicaly hard to drop sayings:

    Many many......A large amount

    same same....very similar

    Ali baba...thieving sod

    All of the above are instantly understood in all of the places I have worked, but in the UK they make you sound like a <deleted> :o

  9. EmCross - Don't worry about Manchester. As another member pointed out to me "SHE is a Northern monkey that is very aggressive and bitter."

    After saying that, I am still waiting to hear from the OP regarding what action he is taking, if any. If he is not going to take any action then I have to wonder how serious the incident regarding his son was. I know for certain if it had been my son I would be doing something about it and not just posting on thaivisa!


    she/he may be very aggressive and bitter but why does that relate to northern monkey's :D

    Back on thread. My 7 year old son attends BEST. Its his first term and he is loving it. Although that may be due to the fact that we have just moved from Khon Kaen where he was the only half farang in his year and had to put up with a bit of stick because of this.

    To put things into perspective my twelve year son who attends a grammar school on the isle of man, UK was head butted in the face and had his nose broken while stood waiting in line for his lunch last month. This is'nt an inner city comp I'm talking about. Its a well-to-do school full of kids from well-to-do-families living on one of the UK's island tax havens, but thats the state of UK schools today

    I'm not disagreeing with those of you who say that BEST has its problems. It most certainly has. I can only describe my sons classroom in the old building as a dump and the OP's sons experience must have been terrible but if some of the kids at BEST are anything like the generation of prats thats teacher's have to put up with in the UK today I could quite happily give their necks a little squeeze myself.....maybe thats a bit harsh but I am one of the old school and six of the best (three strokes of the cane on each hand) used to keep me in line :D

    Hi Hullmonkey1

    I like your attitude. :bah: Every school has its problems and as you say kids today are no angels, so very difficult for teachers when they have approx. 25 in a class. I don't think any parent will be fully satisfied with any school these days, and especially here in Thailand where I have heard horror stories about many other schools besides BEST.

    Regarding Northern monkey - I was only quoting what another member told me. :o



    The other member might have a point. Some of the northern lasses can get a bit stroppy and bitter (my ex-wife is a fine example) :D but most northern blokes are a pretty friendly bunch

  10. EmCross - Don't worry about Manchester. As another member pointed out to me "SHE is a Northern monkey that is very aggressive and bitter."

    After saying that, I am still waiting to hear from the OP regarding what action he is taking, if any. If he is not going to take any action then I have to wonder how serious the incident regarding his son was. I know for certain if it had been my son I would be doing something about it and not just posting on thaivisa!


    she/he may be very aggressive and bitter but why does that relate to northern monkey's :o

    Back on thread. My 7 year old son attends BEST. Its his first term and he is loving it. Although that may be due to the fact that we have just moved from Khon Kaen where he was the only half farang in his year and had to put up with a bit of stick because of this.

    To put things into perspective my twelve year son who attends a grammar school on the isle of man, UK was head butted in the face and had his nose broken while stood waiting in line for his lunch last month. This is'nt an inner city comp I'm talking about. Its a well-to-do school full of kids from well-to-do-families living on one of the UK's island tax havens, but thats the state of UK schools today

    I'm not disagreeing with those of you who say that BEST has its problems. It most certainly has. I can only describe my sons classroom in the old building as a dump and the OP's sons experience must have been terrible but if some of the kids at BEST are anything like the generation of prats thats teacher's have to put up with in the UK today I could quite happily give their necks a little squeeze myself.....maybe thats a bit harsh but I am one of the old school and six of the best (three strokes of the cane on each hand) used to keep me in line :D

  11. I read about this in the times of india today and pmsl. I googled it for a net version... MS Santa's chat bot mentions oral sex and calls a kid a dirty bastard.


    How times change...I used to go upstairs and use our second line to call my kids and pretend to be santa and one night found my 7 year old stood behind me saying hey santa mum told me to come and kiss you good night :o loads of you must have similar fond memories. Lets hear them

    all the best for xmas and new year

  12. I doubt that the Friday pissup is gonna happen tonight. Many are out of town, we are busy, but remember this is everyone's Friday and if you want company from TV board members,

    name a place and there may be others looking for a night out.

    best to everyone


    I think all the bars will be shut tonight, judging by the thread about it in the general forum. It's a shame as I was hoping to get along to one of your gatherings before Christmas - my folks are arriving next week and I will be tied up with them for some weeks to come.

    I couldnt think of a better bunch of people to go out with and have a few drinks with your folks. My mum is coming over in april and I will have her out on a TV piss-up just to let her know that there are some normal people in pattaya....ok guys and gals, not normal as in "normal", but..well you know what I mean! see you all in Jan


    Hullmonkey, will be good to see you and yours again and welcome to your mom.

    Normal ? We can act normal but it will cost you.

    kdf + she who runs with scissors


    your kind of normal is about as normal as it gets in my family so mum will fit in just great. She is thinking of retiring in pattaya!! The first rounds on me anyway


  13. I doubt that the Friday pissup is gonna happen tonight. Many are out of town, we are busy, but remember this is everyone's Friday and if you want company from TV board members,

    name a place and there may be others looking for a night out.

    best to everyone


    I think all the bars will be shut tonight, judging by the thread about it in the general forum. It's a shame as I was hoping to get along to one of your gatherings before Christmas - my folks are arriving next week and I will be tied up with them for some weeks to come.

    I couldnt think of a better bunch of people to go out with and have a few drinks with your folks. My mum is coming over in april and I will have her out on a TV piss-up just to let her know that there are some normal people in pattaya....ok guys and gals, not normal as in "normal", but..well you know what I mean! see you all in Jan


  14. Maybe they're improved? :o You wouldn't get one for a family vehicle, but as a farm workhorse.. Can't be worse than a used Mazda Familia cannit? :D

    As I said, mine is only 2 years old. I dont use it as a workhorse. It only carries me and my driver to and from site, has never been loaded up and never used for towing but it is ready for the knacker's yard.

    Never had a mazda but they cannot be worse than Tata

  15. Just read the article below



    "Bearing the Tata logo, the trucks are to be sold in the range of $12,000 to $15,000, when compared to the current rates of $18,000 to 29,000 in the local market."

    Believe me, the old adage that you only get what you pay for is 100% correct in this case. I work in India in the construction line and my company vehicle is a 2 year old Tata pickup and it is a piece of junk. I have had it from new and it has been in and out of the workshop on a regular basis since it was about 3 months old.

    The resale value of used cars in Thailand is usually very good but once word gets around about Tata you can forget about selling it on. You will be stuck with a heap of crap :o

  16. Personally, I do not like the feeling of walking down a strange street and hearning whispers of FARANG FARANG. The intent is not rudeness but the feeling is.

    If you're Kosovan, Polish, Albanian, Hungarian etc... etc... and you're walking down any street in England in 2007 and hearing 'whispers' of '**cking immigrants', the intent is almost certainly rudeness & is absolutley designed to induce a feeling of unease among the 'aliens'..

    native mindset = "this is my country, who the *ell do they think they are..."

    Sorry, but thats the truth.

    westerners in Thailand will experience the same..

    as will brits in oz, yanks in india, ruskys in mexico, munchkins in timbuktoo etc.. etc.. JUST LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT..! (don't be so bloody sensitive. remember : sticks & stones may break my bones but...........)


    Can’t see where you get the notion that the use of the word Farang is designed to induce a feeling of unease. As another poster has explained, it has come from the meaning of Frenchman. Now that really pisses me off be called a Frenchman :D

    I work in India and every white guy here is referred to as angraise admi (spelling ?) which translates as Englishman. I suppose that would really piss off most ozzies :o

    In Hongkong all white folk are called guillo (spellin?) which translates to something like ghost-man. Not something that should piss anyone off IMO. But I worked with a guy there who lost it one night after being called a guillo once too many times, and started shouting CHINKY CHINKY CHINKY to the oblivious street vender :D

    All of of the above are just terms and without any further adjective eg: French <deleted>, English scum, cannot be classed as being designed to induce a feeling of unease.

    So I suppose that I agree with you in so far as being call a fukcing Farang would disturb me but plain old farang means nothing at all to me.

    Wow that would be more than a billion people to educate! Are than any westerners moaning the same in Indian Websites?

    Never been on an indian expat forum so I have no idea. on the other hand I am sure that there are as many moaning expats over here as there is in thailand.

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