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  1. I couldn’t be happier with my vote for President Trump. He’s doing exactly what I voted for him to do. Put American interests first.
  2. But Russia Russia Russia. US went through years of a Russian collusion investigation with zero results. You need your head checked out if you think Trump is a Russian asset. <removed> is real, laughable reading these comments. Orange man, carrot man, etc…I’ve realized when Europe, Canada, Mexico hate the US president, thats a good thing for the American people. He’s over the target.
  3. Zelensky wants his unaccounted for slush fund to continue. He can wage his war whatever way he wants going forward but without the help of America. He’s ungrateful for our help to begin with. Trump is doing exactly what i voted for him to do.
  4. The days of writing a blank check are over. Hundreds of billions of US taxpayers money with no accountability and losing on the battlefield as well. Thank you Starmer and Europe for taking this endless money pit off our hands. Trump is right, Zelensky doesn’t want peace.
  5. A lot of Thais should learn to keep their hands to their self also. Habitual violators.
  6. If the man that took the kick filed a police complaint , the guard whose nose he broke would also file a police complaint. They’d both get done in the courts. Could be the reason for not reporting it.
  7. There’s been a few murders on that soi throughout the years.
  8. Could be just what the Thai authorities needed to shut the soi down forever and demolish it.
  9. Cannabis isn’t as harmless as people think especially for teenagers and young adults when the human brain isn’t fully developed until 25yo. It can severely alter the psyche of these young people. Modern strains are highly potent and basically zonk people out of their mind. I myself was a regular cannabis and quit a few years ago when I noticed things in my life i didn’t like. Irritability and even outbursts when I didn’t have it and I also felt its better to face the world with a clear mind. Occasional users won’t have these issues but when it becomes a habit it can be harmful.
  10. I did a short walk along beach rd yesterday from Royal Garden to Walking Street and back and people kept whispering “weed coke ecstasy” at me.
  11. I just recently spent $993 for a one way ticket back to the US after being here over a year on covid extensions. I can usually get a round trip for less than that. I’ll be happy to leave to be honest. The place has changed so rapidly and developed so quickly it’s not what it used to be. I’ll be back of course but I’ve had my share for now.
  12. To me the crosswalk seems like the most dangerous place to cross. It gives a false sense of security and people drop their guard only to get run over by a speeder not paying attention. The city already has speed bumps everywhere.
  13. I saw them arriving by the busload to a hotel on soi 8 yesterday.
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