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Posts posted by ThailandNinja

  1. 25 minutes ago, dluek said:

    I'm in Thailand on a 30-day visa-exempt stamp after doing a border hop to Laos last month (before that I was here on a TR visa + extension). 

    I need to extend once more so I can remain legal here until my booked flight back to the US in mid Feb. 

    Already researched relevant posts here but still have a couple of questions so I know my ducks are in a row...


    First, I need to apply for the extension at LakSi immigration IT square, correct? (Last time I got the extension at Chaeng Wattana but reading info posted here Dec 2023 that if extending on a visa-exempt stamp rather than a visa, it needs to be done at LakSi.) 


    Second, when extending last time at Chaeng Wattana I was not asked to show TM.30, but recent posts here say it is highly likely required at LakSi. 

    Regarding TM.30, I've never gotten one of these in my life (lived here permanently 2011-22 and been visiting on TR visas last couple years). My wife and I rent a condo in Bangkok and I am listed as tenant on the lease agreement, and we do have copy of landlord's ID card and her house ownership paperwork. So this makes me a "possessor" which should enable me to obtain the TM.30 on my own at Chaeng Wattana, correct? 


    Plan is to scoot up to Chaeng Wattana, get the TM.30 in person, then over to LakSi to apply for the extension. I'll be applying only 2 days before my current stay expires so if anyone sees any holes in this plan, please let me know Any help much appreciated.

    Why don't you let the owner do the TM30?, it is her duty according to the law.
    TM30 can be done online.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Sounds like maybe a Covid era thing and as an O visa is only for 90 days that would be different and also if you later got retirement extensions in Thailand as started with O no insurance required.

    Getting a 90 day O visa outside Thailand based on retirement has always been an iffy situation 

    Embassies will generally require OA if you say retirement.

    This is why getting the initial O in Thailand has become more usual.

    When I started long ago I was able to get an O based on retirement at a Thai consulate in the US.

    I did my 90 day O online late 2022, it was easy, just a lot of documents. :)
    My home insurance was accepted as health insurance for the 90 days, post covid era.
    Extended with no problems, no health insurance required.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Extensions outside Thailand are never done.


    Whether you need insurance or not is determined by the visa you start with.


    O-A available outside Thailand only requires insurance for the initial visa and all subsequent extensions in Thailand. 


    O visa obtained inside or outside Thailand requires no insurance for the initial visa and all subsequent extensions in Thailand.


    Obviously the best choice is to start with an O visa not an OA visa.



    O obtained outside Thailand require insurance (Europe one year ago) not sure now.
    O obtained in Thailand no insurance required.

  4. 49 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

    Please do not give advice unless you know for sure what you are talking about. I’ve been going my extension every year for the past 15 years using my locked FD.

    The principle amount can be partially withdrawn before the deposit due term whereby:

    • If the deposit was made less than 3 month prior, no interest is paid
    • If the deposit was made at least 3 months prior but has not completed the due term, the bank will pay interest at the rate for a savings deposit account for private individuals, and tax will be deducted

      Kasikorn FD. So it is not locked but you lose interest.
    • Like 1
  5. Regulation from The Royal Thai police about TM30 point 2.2.

    2.2 After a householder, owner or possessor of dwelling place or

    hotel manager already made a notification according to 2.1, then the alien

    goes to occasionally stay somewhere else and return to stay at the original place

    within the notified period of stay tahat has not yet ended, such householder,

    owner or possessor of dwelling place or hotel manager is not required to make

    a notification again.

    • Like 1
  6. They ar

    1 minute ago, bbi1 said:

    I'll listen to the immigration officers from Jomtien who work at the TM30 desk as Jomtien are the ones I have to deal with when I go there for an extension. If it's wrong, then they are wrong. But I won't try and argue with them trying to say they are wrong and they should read up some regulations. I don't think that'd go down to well for me, or for anyone else trying that.

    They are wrong...and so are you. Stop post false information!

  7. 3 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

    Lol ok, you know better than the immigration officers who work at Jomtien. It's people like you that give people rubbish advice. I'd stick with advice from the horses mouth, straight from Jomtien Immigraion officers.

    Just google TM30 regulation and you see you are wrong.
    It is people like YOU giving false information on all 3 points!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, bbi1 said:

    Lucky I went to Jomtien Immigration and did a TM30 there, as if you do it online you are not allowed to do it as a tenant who's renting. I asked Jomtien Immigration after doing the TM30 if I can do it online, and she said "no because you are not the owner. Only the owner can do it".


    What I've found on this forum is there are a lot incorrect information being given by a lot of members here. The best thing to do is to only listen to the immigration officers only, otherwise you'll get in trouble and get a nice fine on top of it all. So far there's 3 things that many people have given wrong advice here:


    1. TM30 online - people saying anyone can do it and that it saves time. No you can't, not unless you are the owner.


    2. TM30 doesn't need to be done each and every time you enter Thailand and stay at the same residence and on the same visa. Another rubbish that has been posted. You MUST do a TM30 each and every time you enter Thailand, even if staying at the same address and on the same visa. This again was clearly said numerous times at the TM30 desk today to an American elderly dude (maybe in his 60's). Don't know why it needed to be said to him multiple times but he didn't seem to understand it. 


    3. Extensions of stay can be done a few weeks in advanced. Again this is nonsense, at least at Jomtien. I had to come back 3 times to finally get it done. They only allow you to extend ONE business day before your stamp in your passport expires. You hand in the paperwork on that day, then you come back on the next business day to collect your passport. So you don't actually have your passport on you after this and the day you come back your stamp has already expired so if they somehow lose your passport, you will be on overstay.

    Totally wrong on all!

    • Thanks 2
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