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Everything posted by BangkokBoyJohnny

  1. Anyway Gents (and ladies), Thanks for the feedback, Good news the Passport was processed 3pm on Monday in Phuket at Central, Sent out by EMS on Tuesday Arrived at our home in Phuket Wednesday 3pm Super service for 1,040 thb ! Cheers BBJ
  2. He entered Thailand on an expired passport, if it is "illegal", it is allowed! No Custody dispute now, I have had Full Parental Control of both my kids for many years (and their Mother lives in Aus.) Anyway no worries now, Passport Office at Central Phuket, the staff there are super nice and helpful, processed his passport yesterday, they think it should arrive this Friday which gives us 4-5 clear working days before the flight.
  3. In Phuket or Bangkok ? We're heading to Passport Office now in Phuket...
  4. Great thanks, yeh I'll ask tomorrow when applying for the Passport, Ps We're in Phuket...
  5. Where did your wife get her Emergency Travel Doc ? Was it locally or Bangkok ? Many thanks...
  6. Actually I'm sort of answering my own Question here BUT .... 10 years ago My Ex decided to keep my son's Thai passport and not renew my daughters Thai Passport. The kids were living with me so I though I'd test the waters and flew with my son to KL and back the next day on his British Passport, Phuket Airport Immigration weren't happy but allowed it. I did the same the next month with my daughter. So after that they were technically here on British Passports and I got them one year Ed Visas. (When I got Sole Parental Control a few months later I then renewed their Thai passports and they've used them to enter/leave Thailand ever since). Hence I think I'll push/pay for fast EMS post back with the passport from Phuket. Plan B Emergency travel doc but not sure if one can get in Phuket, Plan C head to Phuket Airport and ask Immigration if my son can leave on his British passport....! Plan D delay UK flights... And put a reminder for 5 year time for new Thai passport for son !
  7. Yeh thats a great idea, never though of that, we'll process the Thai passport tomorrow and also check about if/where we can get his Emergency Travel doc. Many thanks...
  8. Yeh they never asked if he had a 2nd passport and he was on his 3rd flight over 24 hours so a bit jaded ...
  9. Yes we are getting a new one... the question was can he leave on his British Passport IF the new Thai passport doesn't arrive in time... (London Flights and Hotels already booked)
  10. Yeh agreed but he's 17 and has flown much solo ! Passports get delivered 3-5 Business days according to the Thai form which is cutting it fine! Do you know for a fact 100% he has to leave on the same (ie Thai) passport...? (Or actually the new replacement one)
  11. Hi All, So my teenage son (Age 17) flew into Phuket from London a couple of days ago, he left London on his British Passport, got to Phuket showed his Thai passport which had just expired. Immigration allowed him in on his Thai passport and made a note in it ... We are in the process of getting a new Thai passport but there's been a couple of complication (Thai Id, Parental Control etc) He flies back out to England in one week, which means his EMS posted passport might not get to him in time. Will he be allowed to leave on his British passport? I would imagine YES but just wondered if any one has experiences of this... Many thanks in advance to all helpful comments ! Cheers BBJohnny
  12. I have full Parental Control, my daughter attended with me ...
  13. From Immigration Volunteers : The mentioned requirements in your email are for the initial local Non-O visa. You will go straight from a 1 year extension based on custodian to a 1 year extension based on retirement. If you have a current up to date address registration it should be sufficient, but they can always ask for the house owners papers. But as you went from a Non-B to retirement to custodian and back to retirement it is to the officer to decide if this is acceptable or not. What you are doing is visa (extension) hopping and in those cases, they can be more thorough to see if everything is legit.
  14. Noted Thanks DrJack, will advise. having been on plenty of Retirement Extensions on this Visa I didnt think/hope it would be an issue. I wonder what happens when kids reach 21, the Custodian Visa is then not valid, do Immigration make one start from scratch? Or allow a retirement in that case ...
  15. 12 Month Extension (on Non Immigrant B from 2012) with Multiple Reentry permit ...
  16. Noted Thanks except I'm on a Multiple Re-Entry so guess it would require a quick Border crossing.... PS Yes over 50 !
  17. I have Sole Custody and the Ex, lives abroad so taking their mother isn't an option. Kids wont be an option as they'll both be a school overseas.... Think I'll pop in to Phuket Immigration today and ask them nicely !
  18. Hi All, Going to renew in September but will be in Europe for August. (Phuket Immigration BTW) I fancy changing "Visas" back to Retirement. The previous year I changed from Retirement to Custodian to Thai Child but it proved to be quite long winded. I'm on a 12 year old Non-Immigrant B. (From good old Hull if I'm not mistake) Should be quite an easy process yeh subject to having the Bank Statements, Photos, Map etc etc. ? One other potentional hiccup or should it be OK : I'm the Director (and a Shareholder) in the Company that owns (my/the) Land & House. My kids are the other shareholders Age 14 & 17 currently. I Have a rental contract from (my) Company and actually pay my Company 90k THB Quarterly Rent. The Blue Book has no "HouseMaster" on it, just my two teen Thai children, who will be moving overseas for schooling. Ps Please Before anyone starts on the don't buy a house, It was for the kids 15 years ago, the EX got a SCB mortgage to buy the house, I bought it off her 6 years ago but that's ANOTHER story (Tisco Bank, car loans etc etc) Many Thanks in Advance, BBoyJ...
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