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  1. If the Mexican had not been in the US , but ifs and buts are no excuse , if you are rotten you are rotten
  2. Unless he went in with a knife but I suppose you want those banned aswell. The criminals are not going to give up their guns , only the law abiding people will or do you think the criminals will ?
  3. Here goes if you can follow , It says that the women were lying on top of the kids to protect them , if they were to aim their guns at shooter and squeeze trigger maybe shooter would be killed , do you understand?
  4. Is it not true ? Or do you need help answering that ?
  5. If the victims had of had guns maybe the shooter would of been dead instead
  6. I see plod helping tourists many times , day and night , usually lightening their wallets
  7. Yeah , sure , the Thai guy only asked him to take his shoes of , more like shouting in his face , which is more than enough provocation to use violence for a Thai if the odds are in his favour , you know who my sister is
  8. Bring them back to be killed on Thai roads
  9. Not responsible enough to safeguard his guns , should not be allowed near a gun again in his life , should do time for this , guns don’t kill ,people kill
  10. I suppose it was classed as an accident so nobody at fault
  11. My friend took a gun of his sons friend , he’s 12 years old , it belongs to his father , my friend waiting for the father come and ask for it back , they are so stupid not to take care of their guns , the kid talks bad about his dad , I would be more careful if I was him , Thais and guns and baby syndrome
  12. Not all drunk driving is reported , when a cop ran in the back of my friend he took him to a garage to have vehicle repaired he said if he reported it he would not pay and fight him for claim , knowing TIT he got vehicle fixed
  13. There’s always an excuse for Thais bad behaviour but not anyone else, Thais are so lucky that nothing is their fault
  14. So with some of the logic of the pussy farangs he had it coming because he upset them ,well now they’ve upset him so he should be able to pay back each of them when he feels offended. Thais in a pack when alcohol is present is like rabid dogs , attack attack attack
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