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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. ...Big thumbs up, especially for Rachelle Plas ...

    So that's who that was (confirmed just now on YouTube) . . . she and her band were great, yes. I stopped off for forty minutes or so on the way home from dinner and caught that much of their act, without knowing who they were . . . Back I go tonight! thumbsup.gif

  2. Can't say I like the idea of Russians showing up, but I cannot say either that I like the Anglo-Saxons, in all their various world-conquering forms, showing up either. Or any of the other Europeans. And so on and so forth.

    • Like 2
  3. Thank you once again, Dante99. I went this morning, found the place and found the kind of glass I was looking for. They have an excellent selection and are very helpful. For the benefit of anyone who finds this thread later and wants to find the shop, a cautionary note: the shop is something more like 800 metres south of the Superhighway, rather than 200.

  4. Is the Jia Tong Heng Restaurant where you ate, Lawrence, a branch of the original restaurant on Sridonchai Road? If so, I wonder how they compare. In my experience, the one on Sridonchai Road is alright, but not all that good. Again in my experience, Yangzi Jiang in Nimmanhaemin is much better.

  5. They have the best Peking duck and pork pastry thing but don't order siew long bao.

    I am very interested to try the restaurant you review here, Lawrence. Have you ever been to Yangzi Jiang, on Nimmanhaemin Soi 5. I like it very much and, in fact, it is the only Chinese restaurant that I know in Chiangmai that I like. Is it by any chance the one to which you were referring, LarryBird?

    In fact, I go there almost always at lunch time, when I have their dim sum, which is superb.

  6. I am very interested to try the restaurant you review here, Lawrence. Have you ever been to Yangzi Jiang, on Nimmanhaemin Soi 5. I like it very much and, in fact, it is the only Chinese restaurant that I know in Chiangmai that I like. Is it by any chance the one to which you were referring, LarryBird?

  7. Now, I hate America, okay? I'm famous for it. That said, I do not deny that there is fabulous music in America, and fabulous food too. I spent two years of my life living in England. Fabulous music too. The food? Not so much.

    Apologies, for responding but not answering the OP's question. :)

    • Like 1
  8. . . . . . I enjoy the adreniline every time I'm on a motorbike. I just try to minimize the risks. It's like a video game, but played for real.

    If you ever find yourself wanting more, rene123, I would encourage you to take your bike out on a race circuit. Much more fun, more thrilling, but at the same time safer.

  9. I've been riding motorcycles in Chiangmai and the region around it regularly for six years now. I have not found it particularly dangerous. Two 'buts'. One, I had decades of two-wheeled experience before arriving here. Two, I paid attention and quickly learned the different rules -- by that I do not mean 'laws', but actual practices -- of the road here. Qdinthailand, you make good points, including about riding to avoid being overtaken. An important complementary practice is to be aware at all times of anyone approaching from behind and, if a vehicle is approaching you at a speed faster than you want to travel yourself, to pull to the side of the road, slow slightly and wave them by.

    • Like 1
  10. Interesting dilemma. However much one might be pleased at the prospect of the destruction of outlying symbols of the American empire, one finds oneself concerned by the prospect of collateral damage hurting innocents.

    Seems a pretty bigotted statement to me.

    I struggle with this one, given that the -- or at any rate a typical -- definition of bigot is '

    One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.' But I imagine you were just trying to grab and apply a word that seemed to you would make your statement a proper denunciation.


  11. Interesting dilemma. However much one might be pleased at the prospect of the destruction of outlying symbols of the American empire, one finds oneself concerned by the prospect of collateral damage hurting innocents.

    Would you care to give us the countries that make up the American Empire.

    Or are you just a disgruntled citizen who like many of us can not get a visa for are partners?

    So you just make up absurd statements.wai2.gif

    Simple answer to all your questions: No. thumbsup.gif

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