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Posts posted by Rasseru

  1. The season of poor quality air is approaching, if I am not mistaken, and I always enjoy reading all the fresh and insightful observations that are made here on the subject, so am posting this as an early reminder, so that everyone out there can start sharpening their pencils and composing their thoughts . . .

  2. I think it is wrong for any state or government to outlaw the use of drugs by adults or the sale to them of any. Pencil me in as a libertarian, on that issue anyway. In that sense, I don't think Bob 'deserves' any punishment at all. But, if he was doing what it being reported, he was knowingly taking the risk of getting caught for doing it. Now that he has, it does not behoove him or anyone else to complain too much about it.

  3. Sawasdee Khrup TV CM Friends,

    Interesting to think about ... one step beyond the demographics ... for any one person, the extent to which they are in fact "here" in Chiang Mai, other than the fact their physical body is here, eats, sleeps, pays rent, etc.

    While it may be only a jejeune frippery of superflous metaphysicality to even consider the idea that there are, simultaneously present, multiple Chiang Mais, we do think that the lifestyles, and modes of experience, of expats vary so widely that this, operationally, can be quite true.

    . . . . .

    So, with humble uncertainty, we dare to ask you if it's possible that there are "multiple Chiang Mai's" inhabited by farangs whose lifestyles are so different, whose degree of adaptation to the Thai aspects of their environment varies so widely, whose goals and experiences and characteristic behaviors vary so widely: that knowing the demographics ... while of interest ... may tell us less rather than more ?

    We can truthfully say, of ourselves, that the Chiang Mai we live in today is not the same as the Chiang Mai we lived in fourteen years ago in our first four-year installment of living in-country, partly because we are not the same (and the radical change in us involves much more than just the cosmic singularity that resulted in our transformation from onesome to twosome via syzygy with the soul-mind of a dying Orangutan escaped from the hell of a Bangkok private zoo, in the depths of an under-construction Bangkok subway).

    best, ~o:37;

    Now that, Khun orang37, which I have edited only so as to keep it as a quotation a tad bit smaller in my post here, when all I wanted really to do was identify it for the purpose of the rest of this sentence, was one mighty fine post !!! Chapeau!

  4. ... snip ... I don't know why anyone from America would want to leave so much culture behind?

    . . . . .

    To purge ourselves of our British heritage of being violent genocidal colonialists and experience our inner Neanderthal in raw form, properly engaged in the worship of the Great Mother ?


    best, ~o:37;

    . . . . . .

    Excellent! A man's reach should always exceed his grasp. ;)

  5. I would encourage you to select and wear a helmet that corresponds in quality to the value you place on your brains. This practice is followed even by the many people you will see riding with no helmet or a helmet whose efficacy is close to nil. The decision they make, however, is not necessarily the same as the one you should.

  6. I am thinking of buying a quality digital camera of some kind, not professional, probably, but well beyond entry level amateur. A friend living in Europe, in making various recommendations, has advised me to consider buying a camera whose manufacturer has a local office or presence of some kind, and a good reputation for doing repair work.

    If you have any knowledge or experience concerning having a digital camera made by any of the leading Japanese or other manufacturers repaired locally by the manufacturer or an official repair centre, I would be grateful to hear about it from you.

  7. If anyone has a CD of this album, I'd be terribly . . . yes, terribly! . . . grateful if I could borrow it from you to give a listen . . . I've been overcome by a desire to listen to it and with my turntable not working, the vinyl must continue to sit forlorn and and unplayed in front of me. A private message, please! : )

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