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  1. It has happened at least once, not to mention all other disasters and revolutions during the last century.
  2. I just need to watch some Russian propaganda.
  3. Western economies are doing just fine at least compared to Russia which is crying for sanctions that it claims are not hurting it, what an irony, ehh? I get you are being paid by trolling nonsense so I just leave it here answering, as it is a waste of time.
  4. Political satire is soon dead because it will feel so underwhelming compared to reality. I can't imagine the cognitive dissonance of some of the Trump voters outside of the MAGA cult right now...
  5. They are pouring money into the war economy, which is shot in the sky and exploded at the ground in Ukraine. This model is called by pro-Russians as a booming economy.
  6. Why would any sane person wish for a war? It does not mean Russia wouldn't be eventually beaten but only after a lot of destruction and misery. The problem is Russia has a leader who sees war essential for his own survival.
  7. "Having more nukes than the opposition makes them a superpower." Ehh, no, that alone does not. Another mouthful of Kremlin propaganda from you. If you are referring to the USA there is a whole lot they have than just military, even if it is far from perfect (and going the same direction now as Russia). Classic whataboutist direction you took again there as well.
  8. No, you're wrong about both. Russian soft power is a joke and they don't produce anything significant apart from raw materials.
  9. Trump is almost 80 years old and senile. Even when he was younger he wasn't the brightest lamp shining and has the attention span of a toddler. No, he doesn't have any plan.
  10. Russia is simply too corrupt, too backward, too statist and too authoritarian, even too small with its population placing it somewhere between Japan, Mexico and Bangladesh, to be a true superpower. If the country is an economically and culturally insignificant place but dreaming of being one of the world's great powers, then the only way of making their presence known is by violence.
  11. Maybe, so what? How about people working for American companies and voting for Trump?
  12. Russians don't see any win-win scenarios.
  13. Ma Maybe that is why Trump seems so fond of him.
  14. One should keep in mind that Putin as a former KGB spy is a professional liar.
  15. US stocks and funds in a deep drop after January meanwhile Europeans are going through the roof. I will avoid investing in America for the next four years.
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