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Everything posted by rabang

  1. Aggression almost never works but it is safe to assume most of them support the war. Of course not knowing the individual's opinions one should refrain from making too many assumptions. The Russians I saw in Pattaya a few years ago seemed to represent the (lower) middle classes who had some resources. Not the lowest classes of course, who have to stay home and whose life is a continous struggle.
  2. It depends on Russians' own political whining. If they insist that the war is justified and "Ukraine belongs to us" I would stay as far away from the as possible. There are lost and lots of those people even among the emigres who just want to avoid the draft even if they are supportive of other people shooting the 'khokhols' as they call them.
  3. There are enough third world immigrants in the West already. An average Thai does not travel far anyway so this concerns mostly the hi-so classes. As has been said they could start fixing Thailand's problems and see if it helps to achieve visa freedom.
  4. Four countries makes about 2% out of 200, so 98%, not that far off. By a total population the number might be bigger due to China.
  5. What is so special about Thailand that they need to keep on using masks when 99% of the rest of the world have ditched them long ago? How many tourists want to go back in time and start using them again?
  6. I could not do it full time. Or maybe I could but would not want to.
  7. Give at least 60 or even 90 days like most normal countries do. 15 additional days to a meagre amount of 30 days is a joke for a country as obsessed about tourism as TH.
  8. It is not only Americans, some (Southern) Europeans do it as well. I once followed a small group of Spanish tourists in Rome and listened to them. They were practically thinking out loud saying just about anything, down to the most trivial things.
  9. It is always puzzling to me how difficult it is for native English speakers to write this correctly. As a side note I think retirement is overrated and I hope to be able to work until my 70s at least (if I stay alive that long) like my mum. I have no interest in playing golf every day. Or at all, for that matter.
  10. Their bowing to China and disregard of other nationalities is repulsive. If I did not have any connection with Thailand I would not even think about Thailand as a destination at least for the next couple of years.
  11. If you stop following the news the problem practically goes away. Isn't it wonderful?
  12. Horrible side effects in my case. I am also not convinced continous vaccinations are all that necessary and even good for me in the long run. I am not antivax but I have my doubts about many things pharma companies say and do. Like always YMMV.
  13. Restrictions do not attract people, even if they can comply with them. I will stay away for now. Thank you Thailand for making my decision easier as I won't play with your silly rules.
  14. Could be many vaccinated as well, for the sake of principle. I would choose a destination without that requirement.
  15. The panic and fear mongering here is, as usual, just comical. Just to remind again that the EU experts for example do not see any reason for screening Chinese passengers even though some politicians are looking to score some extra points with their demands. When did politicians become experts on public health issues? https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20221229-eu-says-mandatory-covid-screening-unjustified-for-travellers-from-china So what if you 'test' someone? It only shows if the person is positive at that moment. Testing is not 100% reliable, the person could still be carrying the virus, or get sick a few days later. It is a huge burden on healthcare resources if done on arrival. Do not lose sleep over some missing testing that YOU FEEL should be implemented.
  16. Vaccine certificates for all incoming travellers about to be required soon, then tests for everyone and so on.
  17. But we were originally sold the idea that they would stop the spread completely. How about a laughing face icon for that?
  18. Remember how vaccines were supposed to stop the infections? Now they just "prevent severe cases", which omicron won't cause in the first place anyway.
  19. You should read another response below mine.
  20. Mortality for everyone of us is eventually 100% so your non-acceptance of the fact is a bit futile.
  21. SARS and covid are quite different.
  22. You have to understand that many people are horrified that natural events like pandemics can not be totally managed and some things are simply not controllable. They can not accept that people might actually even die and will scream 'murderer' at you if you don't play by their rules.
  23. Still to this day if you point out the ineffectiveness of the covid measures and restrictions you will get accusations of being selfish, ignorant, heartless and so on from the crowd that fails to see the bigger picture and downplays all the negative effects.
  24. Here we go again. When the can of worms has been opened soon this nonsense spreads around the world and travelling grinds to a halt or at least becomes much more demanding. Testing must have become such a lucrative business, how could they let that one go away.
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