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Everything posted by rabang

  1. I often wondered when living in Bangkok about what is Thailand really like as a place to retire due to being seemingly such a difficult place for anyone with limited mobility.
  2. Not my thought process and this interpretation tells more about your way of thinking. I think masks are mostly just security theater and usseless in any circumstances but I can in principle understand the need to avoid saliva getting into for example food or blocking the humidity from a person's mouth in a close contact work. I have sometimes seen clockmakers using a mask while working on an expensive watch, though it is probably quite rare.
  3. Apples and oranges (no pun intended).
  4. It is not common sense to keep wearing a mask ad infinitum. It is like clinging to a teddy bear when you are past your childhood. You won't see almost any masks anymore outside of a small number of countries in Asia, ever wonder why?
  5. But it is you who is defining what basic measures should be. The world has moved on from wearing masks everywhere, if Thailand remains the only refuge for people like you, just stay there please.
  6. Personally I couldn't care less. I have had it at least twice (tested) and refuse to let fear dictate my life.
  7. You can wear masks until the end of time, just don't expect others to do the same.
  8. A small minority wore them, mostly due to pollution. Yet these people have been banging for years now that 'Asians' were wearing them prior to 2020. No they were not, anyone who has travelled in the region before covid knows that.
  9. Another disinformation post but for some reason these claims are always accepted here.
  10. I watch street walk videos in Bangkok and other cities and it really looks absurd and very rare from my point of view, especially outdoors. If the majority still wear masks a year after the mandate was dropped I really don't know when it could actually stop. Longer term it must have some sort of a psychological effect on people. Maybe not yet, even after over 3 years but if it just becomes a norm where some people don't have the courage to step outside without a face cloth.
  11. Very few people are... but Thailand is one of the few places or maybe the only one where it still seems to be an issue, which is reflected in the attitutes of a few members at this site, such as asking others to still mask up. From the outside it is mind boggling.
  12. Some developed countries have seen a slight downward trend in life expectancy (at least the US). I don't expect people to live longer eternally if they are less healthy and more unfit. Modern medicine can only go so far. Also quality of life is IMO better for those who are at least somewhat fit.
  13. Madness. I can still see school children being told to mask up far into the future in Thailand while the rest of the world has moved on a long time ago.
  14. I fail to see any hope for Thailand, it will be the land of masks for the foreseeable future.
  15. I am surprised SAS hasn't been operating this route for almost 10 years as Thailand is a very popular destination for Scandinavians especially in winter season. Maybe there is some competition with Norwegian and Thai at least? Finnair had I believe even up to three daily flights from Helsinki in winter season before covid and started some time ago flying direct from Stockholm as well. Norwegian flies at least from Oslo and Stockholm.
  16. I would think no one can say for sure. DMK used to have a reputation as a harder place because of catering to the low-cost carriers flying from nearby countries but the only time I have been pulled aside was at Suvarnabhumi.
  17. Firm conclusions need to be made and clear evidence presented before mandates are given.
  18. From your link: I would highlight the word inclonclusive. If we are to mandate mass masking we would have to be absolutely sure that they work and there is clear evidence for their effectiveness, that they make a statistical difference, especially as they clearly have a large negative impact from different points of view.
  19. Latest study on mask wearing shows that there is no evidence of their effectiveness. Let's see if this one passes the censorship. https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub6/full#CD006207-sec-0008 https://maryannedemasi.substack.com/p/exclusive-lead-author-of-new-cochrane
  20. Is there any other country where covid is still such a big issue and masks so prevalent?
  21. It is partly true but also a lazy excuse not to care about anything inconvenient.
  22. Many of the ME and North African refugees have been single men in search of better opportunities in Europe and not in an urgent need of escape from their home countries. I am not saying all are but this has been well documented and reported even in mainstream media.
  23. I find it confusing that the so called refugees from the Middle East seem to spend all their days in cafes in big all male groups. How come I don't see for example East Asians or Eastern Europeans doing it?
  24. Well I can't comment on everything on that list but some examples: Train rides - Thai trains are not for fun. Bike riding - in 35 C / 100 F temperatures? With the pollution included? I think I'll pass. Motorbiking - On Thailand's death roads? Temples - Seen one, seen them all. Golf - Yeah, maybe when I'm 70. I could list a bunch of things not available or pleasant to do in Thailand. Of course Thailand offers things to do to fill one's time but are there better alternatives out there?
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