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Posts posted by Ventenio

  1. small village.  opaque pricing.......


    "very good deal, you buy, lucky"  means 1,000,000 overpriced

    "you falang?"                                    means 3,000,000 overpriced

    "very cheap, buy now, you ok?"    means                         run


    pure comedy.  I've seen old, broken, bad stuff offered at 90% MSRP.  


    Here's what you do..........


    Business card.  phone number, number.   don't even ask for a price.  tell them you are looking at hundreds of places, and need a decision this week.


    this is about the greatest buyer's market in Thai history.  I would try another country first, somewhere where the falang can legally own land and a house.  Laos, vietnam, etc.....and a condo is another name for garbage.  bad concrete.  


    buy in a safe country, rent it out, live in LOS....  sleep better.  

    • Confused 1
  2. 50 minutes ago, pookondee said:

    " Its deigned to be a punishment, not a 4star hotel"


    it's all relative, and has different meanings to different people.


    punishment.  no food?  no water?  or no steak and no pepsi?  or force steak to a vegan, or lace the food with poison.  


    sleep a little or no sleep.  shocked, or not shocked.  beaten or only a little beaten.  labor, or 15 hours of labor, or 20 hours a day.


    there are TRILLIONS of different ways of this word "punishment" you use....


    it's a nice quote, but whatever....


    to me, punishment is beat them until they have 0.01% before death!!!!!  lol    keep him there for 19-years!!!!   make them learn not to do overstay!!!  


    or forced to listen to fat expats talk about how they will change the world, get young girls, drink all day, and slobber some gravy down their face tattoos.  now that's real punishment!!!  

    • Haha 1
  3. Reminds me of a 100 baht fine many years ago.....


    1.  stop, check documents

    2.  100 cops come to the "scene"

    3.  check my license.  

    4.  pictures, thousands of them

    5.  off to poster shop.......color, life size.....billboard size...

    6.  re-enactment

    7.  re-enactment with translator and pointing fingers

    8.  pay fine

    9. wai times 2000

    10.  TV appearance, 3D posters, book deals......


    i've never seen such over-the-top stuff over such small things


    comical.  imagine if he was one one day overstay....OMG OMG 

    • Haha 2
  4. On 5/13/2021 at 2:31 AM, gargamon said:

    I would have to guess that you are American, and also likely a Republican...


    I'm guessing your 3 wives have left you, kids banned you, cats hate you, and you kick blind dogs at the hospital..


    ok, now back to the topic at hand........glad to see the OP came to the land of the free, home of the brave, land where people have rights and animals are protected....


    oh wait, you chose exactly the opposite.  that's problem number 1

    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, KhunMorris said:

    You really shouldn't be waiiing anyone. It's embarrassing.

    maybe your bar thai teachers didn't exactly teach you correctly.....


    perhaps all that beer you drank went to your head...


    maybe your wife beater shirt isn't helping your cultural awareness..


    BUT when governors have a dinner IN YOUR HONOR (mine, not yours) and gifts in the MILLIONS are handed out.... you wai.


    KHUN KHUN......nobody I know who speaks Thai writes like that.



  6. 2 hours ago, MikeyIdea said:

    Yes and it is correct, isn't it? I wouldn't value someone who risks other peoples lives higher than a soi dog anywhere. You mention money so do you think money matters? 




    those brits who had a party the other day..........we need an online petition to DEPORT them all!!!!  Lose everything, who cares.


    they RISKED other people's lives...


    my post was FAKE......but those brits were REAL.  We must deport them now!!!!!!!


    are you with me now?

    • Like 2
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  7. they said the number is 8 million.  maybe more.  definitely more.  can't just do billy bob.....gotta do all 8 million.


    how could this change?  if, say, ONLY Thailand ex-pats really start dying.   then it makes news.  then there's the priority.  then they get the vac.


    nobody in America is going to care about expats.   EX pats.  EX pats.   they think expats are super rich anyhow.


    little do they know most expats have been using the same mask for over a year, dipped in his 20 baht soup over 28,000 times.  hahahahhaha


    the worst pandemic of our lifetimes........over 15 months and still no solution for the expats....   amazing how slow this world works.  


    i'm amazed some idiot created the wheel, computers, anything really...


    i was told this thing would be under control in May, 2020!!!!  hahahahahhah

    • Confused 1
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  8. doesn't matter what she was doing and where.   It's HIS responsibly to be driving at a REASONABLE speed for conditions......clearly reckless manslaughter.  


    it's her country.  she has friends, family, and dogs that will miss her.


    if you know it's IMPOSSIBLE to drive at a safe speed, then you are guilty for driving at all.  


    it's 100 percent his fault.  100 percent. with that, and she's dead, there's life-changing consequences.   his problem.  




    • Confused 1
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    • Haha 1
  9. good for the goose gander stuff....


    let me check their TVF messages about others.... "deport, ban, fine, jail, kick out"   lol.  


    i would not be surprised if before the party they had posted messages on TVF.... "law breakers, respect, ban, kick out, disgrace....."

    this looks 100x WORSE than a full moon party!!!!!  hahahahhahahaa.    


    I need hourly updates on these law breakers!!!!  hahahahhaha

  10. 8 minutes ago, Bkktodd said:

    Its I LOVE YOU.  wow. Dont you have google or a gf that watches youtube?  Everyone knows this sign 


    It DEPENDS on which way the thumb is pointed, as well as where the thumb is located.


    if west, thumb outside:   TVF rocks!!!

    if east, thumb inside:  Bro, i'm buying the beers!!

    if north, thumb inside:  wife, i'll be OK, i love everyone!!!

    if south, thumb outside:  to my fellow falangs........ (bad words)


    all the other possibilities require a subscription package....


    i didn't start with how his palm is facing.... .OMG

  11. The freedom fingers!!!!  Great!!!!  He's showing the falangs he's not a sheep, and can make demands anywhere in the world.


    he needs a statue in his honor.  name a street after him.   donate a hospital in his name.   family first!!!   


    and no tattoos..... he's a true hero.


    as he was walking away, he was quoting Gen. George Washington on how the Brits were easily crushed!!! 



    • Confused 1
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    • Haha 1
  12. If I say I spend a lot, people might find me interesting.  and maybe jealous.  and maybe powerful.


    if i say i don't spend a lot, maybe i'll say i have 100 million back home.


    if i say i'm poor, then i will be ridiculed and maybe lose likes from these very important online falangs.


    What if i say nothing?  Would I then, once again, be smarter than the sheep that proudly pound their chests while slobbering over uncooked chicken and warm beer?  


    or i could say stuff like, 'i am extremely wealthy but it is soo dumb to talk about being wealthy.  maybe they won't see through that.  or i'll say, '10 million a month used to be real money, but now i can spend that on a Wednesday.  My rich friends tell me to not talk about money.'    


    the only way to win is not to play.   and my rolex says it's time for supper

  13. This dude should get the same treatment as peter, paul or harry.....oh i don't know there names.   was it harry that went to America??  


    who paid for that trip and his million dollar house?




    harry has or had like 10 bodyguads at millions per year.......taxpayers


    and everyone one else.....you think they eat McD's all day????


    cavier for the dogs, probably.   taxpayers.


    so give this guy a break....no pun.  

    • Confused 6
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  14. experience.  


    labor office.  report.    calls school.   meeting.   labor people NOT active in the meeting.  they sit there and see if you come to an agreement.  


    you agree on something, or you don't.


    if not, you have to sue them in BKK...which you won't do, so you agree on something pretty bad.


    this was over 5-years ago.......decided it's a pretty worthless route.  

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