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  1. The top 1% of earners already pay 29% of the tax income. If they only paid a meagre amount wouldn't that percentage be lower? How much more do you think these 320,000 people should pay so the government can spaff it away on foreign aid, foreign terrorist aid, net zero insanity, quangos, DEI nonsense etc? The government takes more than enough money in tax. If the state was smaller (25% instead of 45%) then there would be more than enough money to go around and you wouldn't need to be obsessed with wanting people who already pay significantly more tax than you to pay even more.
  2. They would probably say that the survey this report was based on was carried out prior to the anti-growth budget and on that basis is completely inaccurate. Not surprising that the Guardian missed out this crucial detail. https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/news-room/press-releases/2025/pwc-2025-global-ceo-survey.html#:~:text=About the 28th Annual,proportionally to country nominal GDP.
  3. Apparently so. If I was in charge he would already be executed for this atrocity. I see no purpose in keeping him alive at great expense to the taxpayer. He will be a permanent drain on resources for however long he lives, and I don't even think he should have any right to any kind of life at all after taking it away from 3 little girls. In all likelihood he will commit a similar atrocity if he is released in future as he will be revered by his fellow Islamists in jail and be further radicalized.
  4. No, he cannot. If he gives a sentence he is not allowed to give then it is grounds for appeal and would be overturned. Just like the Bulger killers he will be released at some point and given anonymity and a new identity so he can live a life that he took away from 3 little girls.
  5. Once again, Trump was president for 4 years previously. The temper tantrum babies on the left protested most days during his 4 year term. Just in case you missed it, nobody got shot for protesting. Trump got elected on a positive message and patriotism. All Harris had to offer was her DEI credentials and not being Trump. Once he has eradicated DEI, the climate scam, illegal immigration and Musk has dealt with waste the US economy will boom. Other western countries will follow suit when they see it working. Maybe Hollywood will even go back to making good movies without cramming in leftist ideology where it doesn't belong but that might be a step too far for one man to fix in a single term.
  6. And then you woke up? I don't think these childish nonsensical statements really work any more as Trump was in office for 4 years previously and exactly how many protestors did he have shot considering just how many anti-Trump protests there were? Zero. That's how many. America are going to demonstrate to the world that leftist ideology just makes people poorer and more miserable and demonstrate how much better things can be, which should put this poisonous hateful ideology to bed for at least a generation or two.
  7. Note that the Southport terrorist pleaded guilty yesterday at the last minute which prevents the truth coming out in a trial. We do know now that this terrorist was referred to Prevent on 3 occasions and the Police and Starmer had the gall to claim it was not a terrorist attack, blaming the "far right" instead for labelling it as such. Of course this story doesn't get much in the way of attention as it coincidentally coincided with the inauguration. In other conveniently buried news on inauguration day Labour councillor Ricky Jones has had his trial deferred until August. The sniveling worm is making a statement on Southport tomorrow morning so get your bingo card ready and look out for "far right", "cannot say anything that would prejudice the public enquiry", "it didn't come across my desk" as well as the classics such as "black hole" and "difficult decisions".
  8. They were protestors protesting against something they disagreed with. Non violently. It sounds like you are suggesting that certain types of non violent protests should be criminalized here. Bit tyrannical.
  9. He has pardoned non violent protesters. I presume any form of protest would be banned under your dream of a communist authoritarian hellscape?
  10. Thats because we give them nice comfy individual prison cells. If we doubled or quadrupled cell occupancy then there would be plenty of room.
  11. I see the misinformation has started early. He said "my heart goes out to you" by thumping his chest and sticking his arm out. I really do think that its about time the babies on the left stopped looking for nazi's where they don't exist and maybe try and grow up a bit and embrace the positive change and growth that the US will experience over the next 4 years.
  12. Are illegal immigrants allowed to vote in America? If they are then yes, it would have been foolish for illegal immigrants to vote for someone who so clearly stated that illegal immigrants would be deported. Legal immigrants will of course have nothing to worry about and are often the most affronted by illegal immigrants jumping the queue to get into the USA after they themselves went through the time, effort and expense to do it legally.
  13. So your problem is with capitalism? Any suggestions of which successful communist/socialist country the west should try to emulate to deal with this problem? Note: Sweden / Denmark / Norway are not and continue not be socialist countries. Or perhaps the problem is with your perception and the diet of misinformation you consume. In every conceivable metric (despite some rich people getting richer) living standards have risen, people are living longer and poverty has decreased. People living today have higher living standards than people who lived 50/100/200/500 years ago. How do you explain that?
  14. Oh well done you got me! Let me address this and make it super clear for you. Hope this helps. Right. So the fastest way to achieve wealth equality address wealth inequality is to ensure the highest earners leave the country. Lets say 50% of them do and then that removes 15% of the tax income for the country. Can you explain how that benefits the living standards for the majority as the only way that 15% is replaced is by raising taxes or making punitive cuts to services. Would be interested to hear your expert opinion on this.
  15. Right. So the fastest way to achieve wealth equality is to ensure the highest earners leave the country. Lets say 50% of them do and then that removes 15% of the tax income for the country. Can you explain how that benefits the living standards for the majority as the only way that 15% is replaced is by raising taxes or making punitive cuts to services. Would be interested to hear your expert opinion on this.

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