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  1. This is as unsurprising as it is outrageous. This is what happens when racists like Lammy get into power, they tend to do racist things. The UK's well of tolerance, and it was a very big deep well, must be all dried up by now.
  2. Not sure that is entirely accurate. Russia were allies in WW2. In fact, if not for the Russians then the Nazis would have won.
  3. My country is part of NATO so there is no possibility of that happening. So whenever a bigger country invades a smaller country its the job of the lucky west to keep funding the smaller country to ensure they last as long as possible and their "lucky" frontline soldiers who are the recipients of the weapons from this funding get to die for as long as possible? For what? Until when? They run out of soldiers? Then what? Send western soldiers to do the same? As I understood Russia want the ethnically Russian parts of Ukraine in the east. Is their stated goal Kiev and full takeover of Ukraine, regime change and onwards to the west, perhaps even the US of A? It's entirely possible I missed that part if so, but I presume this is the imagined Putin goal of the armchair warmongers who wish to see this war continue.
  4. The point I was trying to make is that this has nothing to do with the west. Ukraine are not part of NATO so do not get the protection of NATO. This continued funding of this war has cost many tens (hundreds) of thousands of lives. Ukraine would have been overrun and surrendered on about day 3 or 4 and maybe dozens or maybe even hundreds would have been killed if foolish enough to fight and not just give up. The end result is that some lines would be redrawn on a map as has happened hundreds if not thousands of times throughout history as a bigger force claims some territory. After 3 years and many tens or hundreds of thousands killed, the same end result will occur. The continued lie that has been perpetuated is that Ukraine are the only thing stopping Putin from going full Hitler and will next try to conquer western Europe to justify the continued money laundering funding. This is a lie that has no basis in reality. The sooner this pointless charade is stopped the better and if not for Trump nobody would even be talking about the possibility of it ending.
  5. Are countries that had a coup as recently as 2014 to overthrow a president considered "Democratic" now? Since 2014 -2022 there has been a civil war on the eastern part of Ukraine resulting in 14,000 deaths before Russia got involved. Did anybody care then? Nope. Before Russia got involved people were being killed. After Russia got involved people were being killed. The only involvement the west should have had is to sit down at a table with both sides, maybe bang some heads together and settle it with some kind of monitored democratic vote on this by the people who live in the contested areas.
  6. An excellent method to increase death and injury is to keep the war going by funding Ukraine with just enough to keep Russia entrenched. The war is now closer to coming to an end than it has been since it started 3 years ago. There was no end in sight until recently. What has changed to make it this way do you think? For those of us who despise this war and think it is the most pointless waste of money and lives imaginable, Trump becoming president as a "good" thing as it is the first time someone has genuinely expressed a desire to bring it to an end.
  7. Oh dear, that's another group of cast iron Labour supporters about to experience voter regret. Still, should keep the Guardian columnists busy for the next month or two opining about how if only the hard working wealthy could be taxed more on their hard earned gains then people who could but don't work can continue to enjoy their benefits lifestyles without the burden or inconvenience of work interrupting their TV schedule.
  8. Perhaps if they were able to employ better cyber security people by paying them at least as much as whatever the Head of (regional) DEI at the NHS gets, then maybe they would have a better chance at not allowing criminals to operate so freely.
  9. Yes Putin must be stopped otherwise European countries could face the following nightmare scenario... Maybe Putin isn't the problem Europe should be worried about and it's all just a big distraction so you ignore the very real dangers from an invasion that has already happened...
  10. Not easy to find anything about Ukraine corruption recently so have to go back a bit due to the overwhelming amounts of propaganda. Nothing really about their neo-nazi connections or anything else really that paints them in a bad light lately in the efforts to paint them as the good guys, as the reality of 2 corrupt nations fighting over territory doesn't do a lot to get the public onside when you want to spaff their tax money away which just ends up in the pockets of rich, corrupt politicians. So one of 2 things has happened. Ukraine is no longer corrupt and we can be confident that the billions upon billions of $$$ spent has gone directly to aiding the war effort, or as I suspect maybe half at most has reached its intended destination and there are some very, very newly rich people who want this gold rush war to continue as long as possible.
  11. Sounds like I hit a nerve so same question to you then: Can you recall the last time you watched CNN/MSNBC or whatever leftist propaganda you consume and found yourself disagreeing with anything they say on anything that has happened regarding Ukraine, covid, vaccines, trans etc? Can you provide an example of this?
  12. Seriously? Ukraine is quite famous for being corrupt. Here is some pre-proganda news for you from a leftist outlet. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/feb/04/welcome-to-the-most-corrupt-nation-in-europe-ukraine If you really think that most of the money being sent to Ukraine is being used to actually fight Russia then perhaps we can have a chat about a beautiful bridge I have for sale that you might want to purchase. The reason this un-winnable war is still going on is because people are making a lot of money out of it. Ukraine knows it cannot win, it knows NATO will not send forces due to the small technicality that Ukraine is not actually a part of NATO, but as part of the monthly "Zelensky begging for money worldwide tour", the corrupt politicians can make a ton of money by keeping their cannon fodder on the front lines dragging this on for as long as possible before eventually agreeing to re-draw the boundaries on a map. This will not happen until the cows (other countries taxpayers with weak leaders) have been thoroughly milked of course.
  13. Not much of a guess really as I can tell what you think with some certainty simply by reading the propaganda de jour. Can you recall the last time you watched CNN/MSNBC or whatever leftist propaganda you consume and found yourself disagreeing with anything they say on anything that has happened regarding Ukraine, covid, vaccines, trans etc?
  14. Yes propaganda. Let me guess, you think this is a war between good and evil and you are on the side of "good", because that is what you have been told in simple terms by the MSM who give you instructions on what and how to think, before then regurgitating it wherever you can? Or perhaps you believe "Ukraine can win" and just an extra 50 billion here and there will get them over the line? Certain people are very susceptible to propaganda. I'd estimate you are in the top 0.01% of those people.
  15. Its a loan.. yeah right. I'm sure lending money to the most corrupt country in Europe will get paid back sometime never. It's money that could have been spent on better things but instead just more money spaffed away on an un-winnable war that just ensures thousands more will die. Good for warmongering keyboard warrior idiots who believe whatever propaganda they are being fed and must enjoy people being killed on the frontlines whilst they themselves are nice and safe, bad for normal folks that don't believe in the BS that is fed to the masses and see it for what it really is. Corruption and money laundering.
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