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  1. "Earth Likely Records Its Hottest Day in Thousands of Years" Likely is doing a lot of hard work here, likely the hardest it has worked in thousands of years.
  2. The law was introduced in 2014 and this was not possible then. I expect that is also why the Tories also didn't introduce any laws around what people are allowed to do in things that are yet to be invented like a "holodeck" either, but no doubt in 100 years someone will harp back to a 2014 bill claiming the Tories were responsible for that too. Anyway, who was in charge of the Crown Prosecution Service in 2009 that decided not to prosecute the Jimmy Saville? Wasn't that the leader of the Labour party?
  3. She looked quite normal before whatever mental issues she had caused her to do this to herself. And how getting a tattoo actually on the eyeballs (that caused her to go blind for 7 weeks) is not illegal is beyond my comprehension.
  4. If the Elite visa gets the same tax breaks as LTR then it will be worth the money, even at the increased prices they are now. I should be eligible for the LTR next year but if Elite manages to get the tax benefits then it would be nice to have this option in reserve just in case the LTR doesn't work out.
  5. Have to say that is quite brave of the dems to "eat their own dog food" by potentially putting up a diversity candidate here rather than the best person for the job. Stunning and brave even.
  6. Good. Although the people that brainwashed them into believing there is a "climate emergency" should also some time in jail as they are the root cause of this disruption. If they really believed in their silly cause then they would make the effort to protest in countries that do not already have a hare-brained net zero policy.
  7. For the record, I have an Elite visa and I am not angry based on this quite complex formula I utilize: Does it affect me? No -> Don't care. Yes -> Maybe care.
  8. The police have actually made an arrest!!! Not a rioter of course but a white woman not involved in the rioting who was expressing her concern about what the immigrants have done to the neighborhood. It only took 4 of them to detain her as well...
  9. It was a company called CrowdStrike who seem to have the same recruitment policy as the secret service. I'm sure it is just a coincidence.
  10. Wonder what the dog would choose if given a choice...
  11. This is as good as it is going to get. Wait until you see Britain 2029 after 5 years of Labour.
  12. There is no legal minimum wage for illegal workers. If the amount they wish to pay does not meet the expectations for legal workers then they are not paying enough. If the business cannot afford to hire workers for the "going rate" for that kind of work then my point still stands - it is not a viable business. No business is "forced" to hire immigrants. It's always a choice, and when it comes to hiring illegal workers, it's typically an exploitative one.
  13. How is it a ridiculous statement? If a business cannot afford to pay the salaries of legal workers and can only survive by using illegal labour and paying them a pittance, then it is not a viable business model.
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